Italian Major

Goal 1: Communicate effective in the target language.

Outcome 1: Communicate effectively in the target language in oral and/or written form.

Goal 2: Think critically and interpretively about content in the target language.

Outcome 2: Interpret and analyze main ideas, relevant facts, and details  in the target language.

Goal 3: Demonstrate knowledge of the target language culture(s).

Outcome 3: Describe accurately in the target language some aspect of the target language cultures (perspectives, products, and/or practices).

Goal 4: Engage with concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion relevant to the target language and culture.

Outcome 4: Describe, in a local and/or global context, diverse human beliefs, abilities, experiences, identities, or cultures.

The traditional undergraduate programs includes a minimum of 120 credits distributed across three components: A General Education component divided into Signature Courses, Variable Courses, and an Integrative Learning requirement; a Major and Divisional component; and Free Electives. In addition to course requirements as specified in each area, students must complete one certified course in each of the following overlay areas1:

  1. Diversity, Globalization or Non-western Area Studies,
  2. Ethics Intensive
  3. Writing Intensive, and
  4. Diversity

Overlay requirements are part of the 120 credit requirements

General Education Signature Courses

See this page about Signature courses

General Education Variable Courses

See this page about Variable courses. Six to Nine courses

General Education Overlays

See this page about Overlays.

General Education Integrative Learning Component

See this page about Integrative Learning Component. Three courses:

Major Requirements

Ten courses conducted in Italian (30 credits) at the 100 level or higher.

Beginning Italian I
Beginning Italian II
Intermediate Italian I
Intermediate Italian II
Italian Conversation
Italian Composition
Advanced Italian Conversation
The Roman Experience
Italian Stylistics
Italy Through Art
Italian Through Film
The Ita Bus Wrld & its Lang
Italian Culture & Civilization
Topics & Meth for Teaching Ita
The remaining ITA credits must include ITA courses at the 300 or 400 levels.
Medieval/Early Modern
Select one of the following:3
Ita Journeys from Marco Polo
Italian Art and Artists
Profane and Sacred Love
The Medici Court
Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio
Select two of the following:6
The Roman Experience
I giovani e l’Italia di oggi
Art Fashion: la moda italiana
Modern Italian Culture
Topics in Italian
Early Ita Cinema-Stage to Scrn
L'Italiano al Cinema
From Novel to Film
Imges of Rome:Papl Rome - Pres
Rebels and Revolutionaries
Italy in Age of Grand Tour
Women's Voices
Birth of a Nation:Risorgimento

Free Electives

A varying number of courses, typically nine to twelve.

Italian Honor Society

The department has an active chapter of the National Italian Honor Society, Gamma Kappa Alpha. A yearly initiation ceremony is held during the spring semester. For more information, including requirements and an application, please visit the Italian Program homepage:

Students majoring Italian who complete the double major in Secondary Education may apply to obtain an Instructional I, Secondary Education (12) Teaching Certificate from the State of Pennsylvania. In addition to their Italian advisor, Italian/Secondary Education double majors will also be assigned an advisor from the Education Department who will guide them through their required Education courses. The Education advisor will also assist students seeking teacher certification in formally applying for the teacher certification program, usually in the spring semester of their sophomore year.

Students must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher to enroll in Student Teaching in their senior year. Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher to obtain teacher certification upon graduation.

The traditional undergraduate programs includes a minimum of 120 credits distributed across three components: A General Education component divided into Signature Courses, Variable Courses, and an Integrative Learning requirement; a Major and Divisional component; and Free Electives. In addition to course requirements as specified in each area, students must complete one certified course in each of the following overlay areas1:

  1. Diversity, Globalization or Non-western Area Studies,
  2. Ethics Intensive
  3. Writing Intensive, and
  4. Diversity

Overlay requirements are part of the 120 credit requirements

General Education Signature Courses

See this page about Signature courses

EDU 150Schools in Society w/ Field3

General Education Variable Courses

See this page about Variable courses. Six to Nine courses

EDU 157Adolescent Development w/Field3

General Education Overlays

See this page about Overlays.

SPE 160Intro to Special Edu w/Field3
EDU 150Schools in Society w/ Field3
EDU 246Language and Culture w/ Field3

General Education Integrative Learning Component

See this page about Integrative Learning Component. Three courses:

SPE 160Intro to Special Edu w/Field3
LIN 101Language and Communication3
MAT 111The Mathematics of Patterns3
or MAT 118 Introduction to Statistics
or MAT 128 Applied Statistics

 Major Requirements

Italian Major Requirements
Ten courses conducted in Italian at 100 level or higher.30
Education Major Requirements
EDU 150Schools in Society w/ Field3
EDU 157Adolescent Development w/Field3
EDU 246Language and Culture w/ Field3
EDU 247Literacy in Cont Areas w/Field3
SPE 160Intro to Special Edu w/Field3
SPE 205Inclusive Classrooms w/ Field3
EDU 230Eval: Secondary Grades 7-123
EDU 414Instr Techniq Flang w/Field3
EDU 491Secondary Student Teaching12
Total Hours66

Free Electives

The number of electives will vary. 120 credits required for graduation. Complete enough electives to meet this requirement after completing GEP and major requirements.