Health Sciences Minor

Goal 1: Students will demonstrate literacy in the language of health professions.

Outcome 1.1: Students will effectively use the terminology and language of the health professions.

Outcome 1.2: Students will be able to analyze regional, national and global health data and to draw logical conclusions based on health data.

Goal 2: Students will follow ethical codes of conduct of the health professions.

Outcome 2.1: Graduates will follow and promote ethical conduct reflecting Jesuit values, specifically the values of honesty, respect for persons, and justice.

Outcome 2.2: Graduates will act as global citizens, holding personal and career objectives that honor and serve the beneficence of people in need.

HSC 110Intro Health Prof Practice3
HSC 211Health Care Systems3
HSC 323Health and Society3
HSC 331Health Sciences Research (Pharmaceutical marketing majors who have completed PMK 221, or Linguistics majors who have completed LIN 420 may substitute an additional HSC course) )3
Select two Health Sciences elective courses6
Total Hours18