Web and Database Technologies Graduate Certificate

Goal 1: Adapt and evolve in complex technological environments such as those found in the workplace.  

Outcome 1.1: Solve problems and implement their solutions in an appropriate computational environment.  

Outcome 1.2: Apply their knowledge of computer science to solve technical problems. 

Goal 2: Be careful, precise, mature thinkers; and who will take with them, the intellectual preparation they need to apply what they have learned, to communicate it to others, and to continue their education for the rest of their lives.  

Outcome 2.1: Identify, formulate, and solve problems encountered when constructing solutions involving computer science and related fields. 

Outcome 2.2: Analyze contemporary issues related to the evolving discipline of computer science.  

CSC 620Internet App. Development3
CSC 621Database Systems3
CSC 622Advanced Database Concepts3
CSC 647Internet of Things3
CSC 629Mobile App Design3
Total Hours15

Students without adequate programming background are required to take CSC 503: Java Programming, which will count toward one of the required five courses.