Cybersecurity Graduate Certificate

The main objective of the certificate program is to expose students to state-of-the-art concepts and techniques in the area cybersecurity.

Goal 1: Succeed as practicing cybersecurity specialists.

Outcome 1.1:  Identify, formulate, and solve problems encountered when constructing solutions involving cybersecurity and related fields.

Outcome 1.2: Articulate the security and legal aspects of a computing environment.

Goal 2:  Adapt and evolve in complex technological environments such as those found in the workplace.

Outcome 2.1:  Analyze contemporary issues related to the evolving discipline of cybersecurity.

Outcome 2.2:  Apply modern skills, techniques, and tools in their professional practice.

Core Courses
CSC 645Intro to Ethical Hacking3
CSC 665Intro to Cybercrime3
Elective Courses
Select any three CSC courses from below:9
Info Security Mgmt Systems
Info Govern, Risk & Compliance
Cybersecurity Core Domains
Applied Digital Forensics
Network Forensics
Advanced Security
Incident Response Management
Total Hours15