Nursing ASN

An Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) is an undergraduate degree program that encompasses general education courses, nursing theory and clinical practice. Classes cover subjects such as anatomy, physiology and pharmacology. This concept-based associate program gives you flexible options for class and clinical scheduling over five semesters and sets you on a course for a rewarding career as a competent and compassionate professional nurse. The curriculum is presented conceptually and allows students to develop their nursing knowledge, critical thinking skills and clinical judgment through a combination of classroom and clinical experiences. Additionally, concept-based learning leads to higher levels of critical thinking and reasoning skills necessary for competent clinical judgment in the care of clients throughout the lifespan and in a variety of settings in today’s dynamic and complex health care system.

The ASN program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). Graduates of the program receive an Associate of Science in Nursing degree and are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX – RN).

Goal 1: Integrate theoretical and experiential knowledge from the general education curriculum into nursing practice.

Goal 2: Utilize clinical judgment and clinical reasoning as a basis for safe and competent nursing practice.

Goal 3: Provide holistic care which promotes health with respect for dignity, diversity, and the inherent rights of clients.

Goal 4: Practice within the legal and ethical framework of nursing.

Goal 5: Demonstrate inter and intra professional communication and collaboration to improve client outcomes.

Goal 6: Integrate principles of quality and safety in nursing practice.

Goal 7: Assume accountability for intellectual growth, professional development, and competent practice.

Clinical attendance is mandatory. Students must be punctual and prepared for all clinical experiences regardless of type (client care, simulation, observational experience, seminar, virtual, etc.). Time missed for dismissal from any clinical experience is considered clinical absence. 

Clinical experiences are a vital component of the learning experience, and students are expected to attend all clinical hours as scheduled. Faculty recognize that extenuating circumstances occur; thus, students who miss up to the equivalent of one week of clinical hours per course will make-up the missed times as directed by faculty and may continue clinical participation in the course. All students are required to make-up missed clinical hours, incomplete clinical hours will result in course failure, with a grade of (F) submitted for the course.

Any student who exceeds the equivalent of one week of clinical hours may not continue clinical participation resulting in course failure.  

All clinical absence time and unplanned SNAH closure on clinical days will be made up as allocated by the course faculty. For NUR 115, NUR 170, and NUR 265, students will be required to complete clinical make-up as allocated and scheduled per syllabus.  No changes will be made to scheduled clinical make-up days

Students are responsible for reporting a clinical absence at least 30 minutes before each day of their assigned clinical time or as otherwise directed by the course faculty.

Students are responsible for reporting clinical tardiness as soon as possible or as otherwise directed by the course faculty. 

Students not properly reporting a clinical absence or tardiness will receive a warning from the course faculty. A second offense may result in failure of the course. 

Students are granted one excused late arrival for up to 30 minutes. This late arrival will not count toward the course hour limit and the student will be permitted to complete the clinical day. Subsequent tardiness shall result in the student being dismissed from the clinical setting and clinical absence time will be accrued for that clinical day. 

Academic Progression Policy

The Nursing curriculum is designed to move the student from a fundamental understanding of basic concepts to complex critical thinking and application in clinical settings. Academic progression is designed to support educational success, licensure and transition to practice. 

This policy delineates the academic standards required of students admitted to the pre-licensure undergraduate nursing program.


  •           A course attempt in one pre-licensure nursing program applies to all pre-licensure programs.
  •           A leave of absence does not negate previously attempted nursing courses. 
  •           An attempt is defined as earning a grade in a course or late-dropping the course.

Progression Requirements:

1. Successful completion of the following prerequisite or corequisite courses is defined as a grade of 74% or better according to the University or School of Nursing and Allied Health grading scale. Required prerequisite or corequisite courses are: 

  • BIO 175 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 
  • BIO 176 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 
  • BIO 185 Microbiology 
  • CSS 101 College Studies Seminar 
  • ENG 101 Craft of Language
  • MAT 115 Clinical Mathematics 
  • PHL 490 Ethical and Legal Dimensions in the Health Sciences 
  • PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology 
  • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology

2. A student who attempts (see definition above) or earns less than a 74%, per the Pre Licensure Grading Policy, in the same prerequisite or corequisite course for a second time will be dismissed from the Nursing major. Academic advising relative to other majors/options will be provided.

3. A student may attempt a maximum of two prerequisite or corequisite requirements in the nursing program. Students exceeding this requirement will be dismissed from the Nursing major. Academic advising relative to other majors/options will be provided.

4. A student must have a minimum earned cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher to enter into the Required Nursing courses beginning with NUR 115. Students are expected to maintain a 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA while in the nursing program. Students with less than a GPA of 2.50 will be placed on Academic Probation. Students who are on Academic Probation for 2 consecutive semesters will be dismissed from the program.

5. Successful completion of required Nursing courses  is defined as a 77% or better according to the School of Nursing and Allied Health Grading Scale. Refer to the Prelicensure Nursing Grading Policy. Required Nursing (NUR) Courses are

  • NUR 115 Introductory Concepts of Health & Illness
  • NUR 265 Health Assessment 
  • NUR 135 Foundational Concepts of Health & Illness
  • NUR 280 Concepts of Pathophysiology
  • NUR 210 Concepts of Health & Illness V
  • NUR 220 Concepts of Health & Illness VI
  • NUR 230 Concepts of Health & Illness VII
  • NUR 240 Concepts of Health & Illness VIII
  • NUR 250 Concepts of Health & Illness IX
  • NUR 290 Transitions to Practice

6. A student who attempts (see definition above) any required Nursing courses (NUR) in the nursing program or earns less than a 77% per the Pre Licensure Grading Policy in the same required Nursing course for a second time will be dismissed from the Nursing major. Academic advising relative to other majors/options will be provided.

7. A student may attempt a maximum of two required nursing courses (NUR) in the program. Students exceeding this requirement will be dismissed from the Nursing major. Academic advising relative to other majors/options will be provided.

8. Students who successfully complete NUR 010 LPN Assessment Module:

  • Are exempt from taking NUR 115 and NUR 265. 
  • Must have worked a minimum of 1,000 hours as an LPN in the two years prior to beginning the 010 LPN Assessment Module. 
  • May not have more than one semester of non-clinical time prior to enrolling in NUR 135.  Failure to begin coursework within this time frame will require the student to begin the program with NUR 115. 
  • May not repeat the NUR 010 Assessment Module.
  • May repeat a maximum of two courses if starting with NUR 135 after successfully completing the NUR 010 LPN Assessment Module. Students exceeding this criterion will be dismissed from the program.

​9. Students who wish to return to the University after a leave of absence or re-enroll after withdrawing from the University will follow the re-enrollment policies of the University. Prior to a student re-entering the program of study, faculty reserve the right to assign placement in the curriculum and to require remedial activities.

10. Any exceptions to the two-attempt limit must be approved by the Dean of the School of Nursing and Allied Health.

11. Once a student begins to take an NUR clinical course, the maximum time students may be out of NUR clinical courses is one (1) academic year.  Prior to a student re-entering the program of study, faculty reserve the right to assign placement in the curriculum and to require remedial activities.

12. Any transfer requests between programs must be approved by the Dean of the School of Nursing and Allied Health.  All students requesting a transfer must be in good academic standing including a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.

13.Students dismissed from the ASN program may not transfer into the 3 year BSN or 4 year BSN program.

14.Successful completion of Assessment Technologies Incorporated (ATI) assessments and learning modules is required for academic progression. Refer to the School of Nursing and Allied Health Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook for detailed information.

15. Students in the ASN program may take a maximum of six (6) credits of coursework from the RN to BSN curriculum. RN to BSN courses may only be taken during the final semester of the ASN program. Course options are limited to the following courses: NUR 301, NUR 312, INT 322, NUR 340. The ASN Program Director must approve these courses prior to scheduling. 



Grading Standards Policy

1. Grades on quizzes, exams (tests) and other forms of evaluation are carried out to two decimal places and not rounded.

2. Rounding occurs at the end of the semester only with final course grades. Final course grades ending with 0.5 or greater are rounded upward unless the final course grade is less than required, in which case no rounding occurs. Examples:

  •     79.47 = 79%. It does not round up
  •     79.74 = 80%
  •     76.99%. It does not round up

3. In any course, all course outcomes and/or additional course requirements must be met, or a course grade of “F” will be assigned regardless of points earned.  

Example: If a student earns a passing course grade but does not meet course or clinical outcomes, a grade of “F” will be awarded

Students Enrolled in the ASN Program 

1. A course grade of “C+” (77%) or higher is required in all NUR courses.

Students Enrolled in the Pre-licensure BSN Track

1. A course grade of “C+” (77%) or higher is required in all NUR courses.

2. INT 450: A student must achieve a grade of  “C+” (77%) or higher on the Capstone Paper to pass the course.  If not achieved, the grade on the paper will be the grade of record.

Minimum Examination Grade Policy for Students Enrolled in the ASN and Pre-licensure BSN Tracks:

1. Students must achieve a weighted examination average grade of 77% in all nursing (NUR)  courses to successfully complete the course. If a weighted examination average of 77% is achieved, the other course points such as extra credit, quizzes, assignments, and ATI will be added into the final grade calculation and this grade will be entered as the student’s overall average. If a student does not earn the weighted examination average of 77%, the weighted examination average will be entered as the student’s overall course grade. A minimum grade of 77% is required to pass this course.

Students Enrolled in the RN to BSN Track

1. A grade of “C+” (77%) or higher is required for all RN to BSN NUR/INT Core Courses and required Sciences & Humanities Courses for students matriculating Fall 2021 and after.

2. All course outcomes and/or additional course requirements must be met to successfully complete the course as outlined in the course syllabus.

3. INT 450: A student must achieve a grade of “C+” (77%) or higher on the Capstone Paper to pass the course. If not achieved, the grade on the paper will be the grade of record.

General Education
BIO 175A&P for Nursing &Allied Health4
BIO 175LA&P Nursing& Allied Health Lab0
ENG 101Craft of Language3
CSS 101College Studies Seminar3
BIO 176A&P Nursing & Allied Health II4
BIO 176LA&P Nursing&Allied Hlth II Lab0
PSY 100Introductory Psychology3
BIO 185Microbio Nursing&Allied Health3
BIO 185LMicrobio Nursing & Allied Lab0
MAT 115Clinical Mathematics3
PHL 490Ethical & Legal Dimen Hlth Sci1
SOC 101Intro to Sociology3
NUR 115Intro Concepts Health &Illness4
NUR 265Health Assessment3
NUR 280Concepts of Pathophysiology3
NUR 135Found Concepts Health& Illness6
NUR 210Concepts of Health & Illness V4
NUR 220Concepts of Hlth & Illness VI4
NUR 230Concepts of Hlth & Illness VII5
NUR 240Concept of Hlth & Illness VIII5
NUR 250Concepts of Hlth & Illness IX3
NUR 290Transitions to Practice3
Total Hours67
Plan of Study Grid
First Year
BIO 175
A&P for Nursing &Allied Health
and A&P Nursing& Allied Health Lab
ENG 101 Craft of Language 3
CSS 101 College Studies Seminar 3
BIO 176
A&P Nursing & Allied Health II
and A&P Nursing&Allied Hlth II Lab
PSY 100 Introductory Psychology 3
NUR 115
Intro Concepts Health &Illness
and Intro Cncpts Hlth &Illnss Clnc
NUR 265 Health Assessment 3
BIO 185
Microbio Nursing&Allied Health
and Microbio Nursing & Allied Lab
MAT 115 Clinical Mathematics 3
NUR 280 Concepts of Pathophysiology 3
NUR 135
Found Concepts Health& Illness
and Fnd Cncpts Hlth& Illnss Clncl
Second Year
PHL 490 Ethical & Legal Dimen Hlth Sci 1
NUR 210
Concepts of Health & Illness V
and Cncpts Health & Illness V Clnc
NUR 220
Concepts of Hlth & Illness VI
and Cncpts Hlth & Illness VI Clncl
NUR 230
Concepts of Hlth & Illness VII
and Cncpts Hlth & Illnss VII Clncl
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology 3
NUR 240
Concept of Hlth & Illness VIII
and Cncpt Hlth & Illnss VIII Clncl
NUR 250
Concepts of Hlth & Illness IX
and Cncpts Hlth & Illnss IX Clncl
NUR 290 Transitions to Practice 3
 Total Hours67