Health Education (HED)

HED 550 Hist & Phil Med & Pub Health (3 credits)

History and Philosophy of Medicine and Public Health traces the evolution of health promotion efforts from early civilizations, the Greco-Roman period, Middle Ages, and the Renaissance to current times. Course content covers infectious and chronic diseases, occupational health, maternal and child health, and the development of healthcare professions and institutions throughout history. Students will explore local treasures, such as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Mütter Museum, the Penn Museum, and the African American Museum in Philadelphia, as conditions allow.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 551 Map Hlth Res, Pln, Pol Dev&Mkt (3 credits)

Based on the ARCVIEW Geographic Information Systems (GIS), this course is a practical introduction to the use of computer mapping and spatial analysis. The course uses the most current GIS technology to understand the environment and how it impacts public health. There is a large computer lab component to the course.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 552 Epidemiology and Com Health (3 credits)

An introductory course exploring the basic concepts of epidemiology as a public health science, including rates and ratios, risk and association, causation and investigation of outbreak.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 553 Program Planning for Wellness (3 credits)

A foundation course in the development of health education programs for hospitals, work sites, community, and schools. Discusses models for health behavior, assessment of health education needs, design and implementation of interventions, program marketing, and evaluation of efficacy.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 554 Curric Strat for Hlth Educatrs (3 credits)

Techniques combining the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains in individual and group learning are discussed. Leading models for curriculum development and implementation are emphasized. Mechanics for construction of goals, curriculum design, objective writing, and learning behaviors are stressed. Models for evaluation and needs analysis are examined. The role of the trainer in the organization is also explored, along with strategies for maximizing one's position in the organization. Ethical, legal, and moral questions arising in the health education arena are examined.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 555 Essentials: Population Health (3 credits)

This comprehensive course focuses on preparing health professionals with the foundational skills needed to work in teams to effectively collaborate and coordinate care in population health management. Special emphasis will be on identification and stratification of populations at risk; evidence-based care, care coordination, patient and community engagement, and data analytics and reporting of outcomes. Key themes of multidisciplinary communication, collaboration, leadership, and professionalism will be ingrained throughout content. National standards and initiatives form the foundation to the course.

HED 556 Foundations of Global Health (3 credits)

This course will introduce students to the main concepts of the public health field and the critical links between global health and social and economic development. Students will get an overview of the determinants of health and how health status is measured. Students will also review the burden of disease, risk factors, and key measures to address the burden of disease in cost-effective ways. The course will cover key concepts and frameworks but be very practical in orientation. The course will be global in coverage with a focus on low-and middle-income countries and on the health of the poor domestically and abroad.

HED 557 Determinants: Health-Behavior (3 credits)

The focus of the program is on the interaction of biological, behavioral, sociocultural, and environmental variables in the etiology and prevention of health problems and in the promotion of healthy human development. The program is designed to cultivate competence in basic and applied research, in the evaluation of bio-behavioral health intervention strategies, and in university teaching. Graduates are prepared for research, teaching, or policy roles in health care settings, private and public research laboratories, government agencies, and universities including medical schools.

HED 558 Mental Illness and Addictions (3 credits)

This course provides an overview of a range of theories/models of mental health/addiction treatment, with an emphasis placed on psychotherapeutic approaches. The theory of pathology, theory of change, practice of therapy and common therapeutic strategies arising from each approach will be highlighted. The benefits, limitations, efficacy outcomes and contraindications of each approach will also be explored. The course also includes a brief overview of critical assessments of common approaches to addictions/mental health treatment and an introduction to Recovery-oriented practice in mental health treatment.

HED 559 Human Aging and Dying (3 credits)

This course focuses on the field of human aging. The course of study will include a multidisciplinary examination of the way in which human aging is viewed - how we perceive the process of growing older and how society responds to the issues of aging. The course will look at aging from multiple perspectives that include the social, political and biological sciences, arts and humanities, care giving and social services. Particular emphasis will be placed on how these issues will become prominent with the advent of the Baby Boomers.

HED 561 Human Sexuality (3 credits)

Content provides sexual awareness and personal growth in the area of interpersonal sexuality. Through participation in a variety of class activities, students increase comfort level in communicating about sexual attitudes, feelings, and behaviors. Sexually transmitted infections, reproductive inefficiencies, and cultural issues are discussed.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 564 Health Communications (3 credits)

This course focuses on the development of effective health communications. Topics include identifying the health needs and communication channels of the target audience, creating SMART communication objectives, creating messages using communication theories or models, use of current and emerging technologies, message delivery and impact or outcome evaluation. Students will apply their knowledge to a health communication message and pilot the message to one or more small groups.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 571 Employee Asst & Occup Health (3 credits)

An overview course designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to help organize, develop, manage, and evaluate employee assistance programs. Emphasis is placed on the positive role of health promotion as a preventive tool. Course explores the role of addictions, family, financial, and legal issues in the life of the impaired employee or student and codependent.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 573 Women and Health Care (3 credits)

Inquiry into the health needs of women and their treatment by the health care system. Study includes history, role of women as healers, epidemiology, access to and utilization of health care services, health research, and legislation affecting women's health issues.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 574 Concepts of Nutrition & Health (3 credits)

A comprehensive examination of the principles of good nutrition during the life cycle. Emphasis is placed on practical applications, including the use of food composition theory to evaluate food intakes, regional, cultural, and religious influences on food habits, fads, preventive health promotion, and health restoration through health education.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 575 Stress and Crisis Management (3 credits)

Study of health problems related to stress and exploration of methods to reduce the impact of stressors to improve bio-psychosocial health. Demonstrates how to identify, isolate, and manage a crisis and how to foresee future crises, as well as how to develop contingency plans. Physiology of stress, relaxation, biofeedback, fear control, and cognitive reacting are skills studied in relation to stress management.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 577 Health Education in HIV/AIDS (3 credits)

The retrovirus of AIDS, the people, and the society it infects are the center upon which this course is based. Current public health policy, ethics, and politics of AIDS are examined. Emphasis is placed on skill-building in health education, counseling, and referrals for persons with AIDS, their families, and those individuals who test positive. The school and corporate sectors are explored, as well as high risk groups and global AIDS.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 600 Dir Research in Hlth Ed (3 credits)

An opportunity to conduct a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Note: students may register for a directed research study only after (a) submitting a research proposal to the program director; (b) arranging for a faculty member to serve as mentor; and (c) receiving explicit approval from the department chair.

HED 601 Fieldwork in Health Education (3 credits)

Individually arranged fieldwork in approved health education environment. Students need permission of the program director before registering. The program is designed to meet individual professional goals and may only be taken once during a student's completions of this degree program. All five core courses must be taken prior to enrolling in this course.

HED 700 Health Education Capstone (3 credits)

Health Education Capstone is the final course in Health Education program. Course content covers professional standards of practice, Certified Health Education Specialist Examination preparation, connection with Saint Joseph's University Career Development Center services, and completion of a health education program in the community.

Prerequisites: HED 551 and HED 552 and HED 553 and HED 557

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HED 770 Special Topics in Hlth Educatn (3 credits)

The learning objectives of this course will be geared toward a specific topic of current interest in the field of health education. The specific topics and perquisites will be announced in the course schedule.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.