Health Administration (HAD)

HAD 120 Fin Mgt Hlth Care Organization (3 credits)

An advanced application of the current issues and techniques affecting financial management in the health care system. Topics include cost accounting, cost benefit analysis, accountability in not-for-profit/non-profit institutions, prospective and third party payments, management information systems for operational and fiscal control, and cost containment.

Prerequisites: HAD 100 or HAD 101

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to PLS/HDC level students.

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 200 Healthcare Law and Ethics (3 credits)

An overview of the legal and ethical issues central to the health care delivery system and their impact on individual institutions and professionals. The relationships among biomedical and research technology, societal changes, court rulings, and governmental legislation within the context of the health care system will be examined.

Prerequisites: HAD 100 or HAD 101

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to PLS/HDC level students.

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 201 Intro to Healthcare Admin (3 credits)

An introduction to the exciting field of healthcare services leadership, focusing on current components, practices, issues and trends in healthcare delivery. Emphasis will be placed on leadership in this extraordinarily complex, social, political, economic, legal and technological system that impacts our communities and nation’s health.

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 300 Plan & Market Health Care Orgs (3 credits)

An introduction to general strategic planning and marketing for health care systems with particular emphasis on the evolution from a provider-controlled environment to a consumer market. Review of key factors such as rising costs, increasing competition, legislation/regulation, technological advancements, and increased consumer sophistication.

Prerequisites: HAD 201

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to PLS/HDC level students.

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 301 Health Info Mgmt Systems (3 credits)

A critical skill for health administrators is to be able to gather, organize, analyze and safely store important health information. This course provides an overview of healthcare information management and applications within healthcare organizations.

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 302 Financial Mgmt of Health Orgs (3 credits)

An advanced exploration of current issues and techniques affecting financial management and healthcare systems. Topics will include cost accounting, cost benefit, analysis, accountability, and not-for-profit/nonprofit institutions. Also covered will be prospective and third-party payments, management information, system for operational and physical control, and cost containment.

Prerequisites: HAD 201

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 303 Healthcare Quality Improvement (3 credits)

This course seeks to provide students with exposure to current approaches to improving quality and outcomes in a healthcare environment. Topics addressed include basic quality improvement methodologies, regulatory requirements, and the role of critical non-profit partners in addressing quality and monitoring patient outcomes. Students will gain exposure to the role of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) HEDIS measurement, Magnet status for nursing, the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, and the Joint Commission.

Prerequisites: HAD 201

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 310 Seminar in Hlth Administration (3 credits)

Taken with the Practicum, this course is the capstone for integration between theory and practice of health administration. Each student will be responsible for the preparation of a research paper on a topic in health administration. Topics of emphasis will include health services research, administration in health settings, organizational development, human resource development, and current issues relevant to student field practicums. Students must have permission before enrolling.

Prerequisites: (HAD 101 and (HAD 110 and (HAD 200 and (HAD 120 or HAD 210 or HAD 220

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to PLS/HDC level students.

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 320 Healthcare Law and Ethics (3 credits)

An overview of the legal and ethical issues central to healthcare delivery and their impact on individual institutions and professionals. A review of the important cases impacting healthcare, and the relationships between biomedical research, technology, societal changes, and government legislation within the context of healthcare delivery.

Prerequisites: HAD 201

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 330 Public Health Epidemiology (3 credits)

The introduction of basic principles and methods in the field of epidemiology. Topics include historical perspectives of epidemiology, measures of disease occur in disease occurrence and association, clinical epidemiology, disease screening, causal, inference, and study designs. Students will apply epidemiological principles to public health practice using critical thinking, and analytical skills.

Prerequisites: HAD 201

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 340 Research Methods in HAD (3 credits)

Health Services Research explores the history of health research, basic principles and types of research in order that health administrators will be able to critically evaluate research in healthcare. This course is a combination of lecture, discussion and experiential learning designed to instill a critical understanding of the research process for application to professional practice.

Prerequisites: HAD 201

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 370 Special Topics (3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Prerequisites: HAD 201 and HAD 320 and HAD 340

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to PLS/HDC level students.

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 400 Healthcare Policy (3 credits)

A history of healthcare policy in the United States, and how it has evolved over decades. A comparative analysis with other countries, the positives and negatives of the American healthcare delivery system as shaped by policy and discussion about how to enter the debate.

Prerequisites: HAD 201 and HAD 320

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 450 Seminar in Health Admin (3 credits)

Taken with the Practicum, this course is the capstone for integration between theory and practice of health administration. Each student will be responsible for the preparation of a research paper on a topic in health administration. Topics of emphasis will include health services research, administration in health settings, organizational development, human resource development, and current issues relevant to student field practicums. Students must have permission before enrolling.

Prerequisites: HAD 201 and HAD 320 and HAD 340

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 470 Special Topics (3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Prerequisites: HAD 201 and HAD 320 and HAD 340

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to PLS/HDC level students.

Attributes: Undergraduate

HAD 552 Health Administration (3 credits)

An introduction to the principles of administration within health and human services organizations and the basic concepts of leadership and organizational theories relevant to effective administration of healthcare institutions. Organizations are viewed as open systems requiring constant interactions with the environment. Considerable emphasis is placed on quality improvement and organizational change.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 553 Health Care Organization (3 credits)

An overview of the organization, structure, and financing of the healthcare delivery system in the United States. The various elements comprising the system will be presented, along with an exploration of the basic concepts and measures of health, disease, needs, quality, and utilization. Issues in healthcare resourcing, institutions, and system organization will be examined.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 554 Health Care Law (3 credits)

An examination of the major legal issues encountered in the health care field by administrators and practitioners. Among the topics to be included are principles of liability, legal aspects of medical ethics, and legislative and regulatory factors in health care delivery.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 555 Acc for Health Care Organiztns (3 credits)

An introduction to basic accounting techniques used in the healthcare industry.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 556 Fin Manag of Health Care Org. (3 credits)

An introduction to the basic theories and practices of financial management as they relate to healthcare organizations. Course includes budgeting principles.

Prerequisites: HAD 555

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 557 Health Care Strat Plan & Mktg (3 credits)

An introductory course that examines the foundations, principles, and basic applications of this field. Internal and external forces that shape marketing policies and planning are explored. Topics include the development of marketing strategies and programs, as well as marketing mix variables and general healthcare planning.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 558 Mgt of Healthcare Org (3 credits)

In depth study of hospital operations with emphasis on not-for profit/nonprofit settings; focus on departmental operations, role of administration, the board, and medical staff. Includes legal and reform trends affecting hospitals, financial mechanisms, budgeting, labor relations and corporate restructuring.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 559 Health Policy (3 credits)

The formulation and analysis of health policy at federal, state, local, and corporate levels. This course presents an overview of the legislative, regulatory, and political processes and their effect on the health care system. This course will provide a conceptual and analytic framework for bioethical policy analysis regarding policy formulation, adoption, implementation, operation, evaluation, and termination. Pragmatic application of policy analysis tools is included.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 600 Ethics of Health Care (3 credits)

A critical examination of the central ethical issues in the healthcare field. Issues to be treated include euthanasia, life-prolonging medical technologies, abortion, screening for genetic defects, experimentation and informed consent, distribution of scarce medical resources, the right to healthcare, and its implications for the healthcare delivery system. Necessary background in moral philosophy will be provided.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 601 Fieldwork in Health Admin (3 credits)

Students who have a GPA of 3.5 or higher may pursue experiential learning through fieldwork or internship in an approved healthcare facility or nonprofit organization.

Prerequisites: HAD 552 and HAD 553 and HAD 554 and HAD 555 and HAD 556 and (HAD 560 or MHI 560) and HAD 600 and HSV 550 and HSV 551

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 602 Directed Resrch in Health Serv (3 credits)

The Health Services Department provides opportunities for selected students to conduct independent research under the supervision of department faculty. Students desiring to participate in Directed Research must identify and meet with a faculty mentor, submit a formal research proposal with proposed timeline for completion, and obtain approval for the project from the faculty mentor, program director, department chair and associate dean.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

HAD 700 Health Administration Capstone (3 credits)

An integrative capstone course in which the student is expected to integrate and synthesize prior course work and to demonstrate competence in health administration through the analysis of complex cases in health services delivery and management and the development of a case of his/her own based on experience and observation. Integrative Capstone should be taken as the final course in the curriculum.

Prerequisites: HAD 552 and HAD 553 and HAD 555 and HAD 556 and HAD 560 and HAD 600 and HSV 550 and HSV 551

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.