Human Resource Management MS

The MS in HRM Program is an online program that may be completed on a part-time basis only and is designed specifically for highly motivated individuals. Students complete the program fully online and each course is offered in a 7-week module. The intent of the program is to accept only those students who have a high probability of successfully completing the graduate program. Students in the program benefit from weekly, synchronous online class sessions with classmates and their instructor. Students can begin the program in the fall, spring or summer semester.

Goal 1. Knowledge of Functional Business

Outcome 1.1: Students will have an understanding of functional knowledge.

Goal 2. Leadership

Outcome 2.1: Students will gain an understanding of leadership.

Goal 3. Comprehension of global multicultural environments

Outcome 3.1: Students will demonstrate comprehension of global and multicultural environments.

Goal 4. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

Outcome 4.1: Students will demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Goal 5. Communication Skills

Outcome 5.1: Students will demonstrate competency in interpersonal and communication skills both verbal and written.

Goal 6. Knowledge of the Jesuit tradition of social justice and lifelong learning

Outcome 6.1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of Jesuit tradition of social justice and lifelong learning.

The MS in HRM online curriculum consists of 30 credits (10 courses) that are designed to cover the common body of knowledge required in the field of human resources and human capital management. The depth and breadth of courses allow students to develop expertise that allows the leveraging of people assets within an organization.  

The final core course in the program (MGT 775 Strategic HR and Talent Management) is the capstone of the MS in HRM curriculum, in which students integrate the theories and practices studied throughout the degree and apply their knowledge in the field.

Program Course Schedule

Each of the 10 program courses is offered in a seven-week online format.

MGT 556Human Resource Fundamentals3
MGT 550Leadership and Ethics3
MGT 561HR & People Research, Meas&Met3
MGT 562Employment & Labor Law3
MGT 563Human Resource Technology3
MGT 555Equity in Organizations3
Strategic HR & Talent Mgt
Total Hours30


Students may take any three graduate MGT electives, although it is recommended students use their electives to apply toward a graduate certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Leadership; or Organization Development and Change (see Certificate pages for elective options).

Course Sequence

Core courses in the MS in HRM Program are designed to ensure that courses are integrated and build students’ cumulative knowledge to achieve the overarching objective of the program - to create strategic HR leaders.

MGT 556 should be among the first courses taken in the program. MGT 775 is taken in the student's last, or second to last, semester. The remaining courses can be taken in any sequence throughout the program.

Synchronous Online Courses

The MS in HRM Program offers an online curriculum that requires students to participate in live, online course sessions once a week, per module. These online sessions are typically held in the evening, after 6pm.