Entrepreneurship Major

It is estimated that there are over 31 million entrepreneurs in the United States. These entrepreneurs have created and run businesses that span between home-based businesses to international companies. All industries are represented as fertile ground for entrepreneurs to capitalize on opportunities. Entrepreneurs have been a driving force in our economy and will continue to be an integral component as we move forward.

The best way to predict your future is to create it. That's the thinking behind Saint Joseph's University’s Entrepreneurship major. This program will help you learn the skills, theories and tools needed to launch your own business, to bring an entrepreneurial mindset to the corporate world, enhance a family business, or to develop a social venture to make a difference in the world. Several of our entrepreneurship students have developed or enhanced their own entrepreneurial ventures.

The curriculum is structured around a skills-based, multidisciplinary, hands on approach to entrepreneurship that offers students a chance to not only understand the field of entrepreneurship, but to do so in an experiential learning environment. The major allows students flexibility based on their individual career goals.

The major is designed in a way that students gain experience with the key skills needed to successfully recognize opportunities, plan the venture, leverage networking, build an effective entrepreneurial team, and to integrate the important components of Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, and Business Law. We have developed specific learning objectives for the Entrepreneurship major and coordinated them throughout the curriculum to allow students to build on their entrepreneurial skillset as they progress through the curriculum.

Goal 1. Communication in Entrepreneurship: Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate both orally and in writing.

Goal 2. Critical Thinking and Entrepreneurship: Students will demonstrate the ability to problem solve and apply critical thinking in an entrepreneurial setting.

Goal 3. Jesuit Tradition/Ethics/Social Justice in Entrepreneurship: Students will demonstrate the role of ethics and social justice in entrepreneurship.

Goal 4. Program Specific:

Outcome 4.1: Recognizing Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Students will learn skills and demonstrate the ability to recognize entrepreneurial Opportunities.

Outcome 4.2: Business Planning in Entrepreneurship: Students will learn skills and tools to understand and engage in all facets of an action-based approach to business planning.

Outcome 4.3: Role of Networking/connections in Entrepreneurship: Students will learn the value of the importance of networking/connections to a successful entrepreneurial venture.

Outcome 4.4: Roles of Teams in Entrepreneurship: Students will understand the role of teams in entrepreneurial ventures and develop skills of working in teams.

Outcome 4.5: Multi-discipline Nature of Entrepreneurship: Students will develop skills and understanding of the multi-disciplinary nature of entrepreneurship.

The traditional undergraduate programs includes a minimum of 120 credits distributed across three components: A General Education component divided into Signature Courses, Variable Courses, and an Integrative Learning requirement; a Major and Divisional component; and Free Electives. In addition to course requirements as specified in each area, students must complete one certified course in each of the following overlay areas1:

  1. Diversity, Globalization or Non-western Area Studies,
  2. Ethics Intensive
  3. Writing Intensive, and
  4. Diversity

Overlay requirements are part of the 120 credit requirements

General Education Signature Courses

See this page about Signature courses

General Education Variable Courses

See this page about Variable courses. Six to Nine courses

General Education Overlays

See this page about Overlays.

  1. Check the current Academic Catalog for any pre-requisites to the courses. You are responsible to complete any necessary pre-requisites.    
  2. Check the Course Schedule for overlays as many ILCs are approved overlay courses.  
  3. Check with the appropriate department for course scheduling as not all courses are offered every semester.

General Education Integrative Learning Component

See this page about Integrative Learning Component. Three courses:

In no case may an ILC course be double counted towards completing other requirements of the Entrepreneurship major.
Required of All HSB Students
ECN 102Introductory Economics Macro3
Select two from the following:6
International Trade
International Macroeconomics
Economics of Labor
Industrial Organization
Economic Development
Environmental Economics
The Economics of Healthcare
Economic Forecasting
Chinese Economics
Econ of Poverty & Income Dist
Race and the Economy
Public Speaking & Presentation
Writing for Organizations
Negotiations, Writing&Conflict
The Authentic Self
Topics in Moral Psychology
Philosophy of Sports
Political Science
Intro to American Politics
Intro to Comparative Politics
Intro to Global Politics
Intro to Political Thought
Advising and Advocacy
Constitutional Politics
Const Law:Rights & Civil Lib
Public Policy
Women and American Politics
Race & Ethnic Politics in U.S.
Protesting Inequality
Latin American Politics
Asian Democ at the Crossroads
Understanding Putin's Russia
Political Geography
Global Political Economy
Ethics inInternational Affairs
Sex & Power around the World
Introductory Psychology
Psychology of Men and Women
Psychology of Culture
Behavioral Economics
Industrial/Organizational Psyc
Personality Psychology
Social Psychology
Psychology of the Self
Psychology of Gender
Intro to Sociology
Social Problems
Ethnic & Minority Relations
Sociology of Gender
Classical Sociological Theory
Race and Social Justice
White Collar Crime
Fair Trade Coffee: Study Tour
Classes and Power in US
Law and Social Policy
Poverty Ethics & Social Policy
Race Relations in Philadelphia

Major Requirements

Required Courses
MGT 230Intro:Entrepreneur/New Venture3
MGT 231Family Business3
or MGT 330 Social Enterprise & Soc Change
MGT 222Influence,Negotiation&Conflict3
or MKT 304 Principles of Selling
or MKT 312 Selling and Sales Management
MGT 364Bus Law-Entrepreneurial Firms3
MGT 435Family Bus &Entrepren Capstone3
Select one of the following electives:3
Social Enterprise & Soc Change
Small Business Finance
Overview of the Globl Food Ind
Undrstndg Food Cust & Consumrs
New Product Development
Intro International Business
Business Stakeholders & Ethics
Perspectives on Leadership
Organizational Sustainability
Intro Human Resource Managemen
Diversity in the Workplace
Employment and Labor Law
Marketing Research
Corporate Risk Management
Total Hours18

Free Electives

Six courses