Real Estate Minor

The purpose of a minor in Real Estate Finance is to introduce students to a range of real estate topics including commercial real estate valuation; real estate financing (mortgages, leasing, and the importance of financial leverage in real estate investing); sustainability; and real estate development. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to improve their real estate-specific writing skills in order to succeed in this industry

Goal 1: Functional finance skills

Outcome 1.1: Students will learn the concepts and tools necessary to value commercial and residential real estate assets.

Goal 2: Critical Thinking skills

Outcome 2.1: Students will learn the skills to develop, implement, examine, and evaluate the validity of assumptions underlying the valuation techniques for real estate assets.

Goal 3: Communication Skills

Outcome 3.1: Students minoring in Real Estate Finance will learn to make recommendations that are clearly and effectively supported by written analysis. 

ACC 101Concepts of Financial Acct 13
FIN 200Intro to Finance 13
REF 301Commerc Real Estate Valuation3
REF 303Residential Loans& Investments3
REF 400Commercial Real Estate Dev3
REF Elective 23
Total Hours18

The first two courses in the Real Estate Finance minor are in the Business Core:  ACC 101 and FIN 200  These two courses can be double counted toward a Business student’s minor and do not have to be replaced with additional courses for the minor.  Students are responsible for completing all prerequisites to the courses required for the minor.


The REF elective must be a 300- or 400-level REF course. FIN or RMI courses cannot be used to satisfy the requirements of the REF minor unless approved by the Finance Department Chair.