Erivan K. Haub School of Business

Haub School of Business Leadership

Dean: Joseph A. DiAngelo, Jr., EdD

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies: Matthew Kelly

Associate Dean: Vana M. Zervanos, MEd, MBA, EdD

Associate Dean: Natalie Wood, PhD

Faculty Listing: Haub School of Business


The Haub School of Business is a component of the University which is administered by the Dean. The School of Business offers both graduate and undergraduate degrees. At the graduate level, Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Science (MS) programs are offered. Undergraduate programs of the School lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. The Haub School of Business serves the needs of both the traditional-aged and continuing education undergraduate normally enrolled in the evening. Associate degrees and certificate programs also are offered in the evening through the Haub Degree Completion Program.