Industrial and Organizational Psychology Minor

The Industrial and Organizational Psychology minor is an interdisciplinary program between the Psychology department in the College of Arts & Science and the Management Department of the Haub School of Business.  According to the US Department of Labor, Industrial/Organizational Psychology is the fastest-growing subfield of psychology, with a 26% growth rate projected from 2008 – 2018, and 53.4% between 2012 and 2022. Furthermore, Psychology is one of the primary sub-disciplines of Management and is a particular point of emphasis in Human Resource Management (e.g. recruitment, selection, motivation, and training) and Organizational Behavior (teams, negotiation, stress, satisfaction, and commitment). This minor is one of the few undergraduate minors in the country in this area; the interdisciplinary nature of it allows us to offer expertise in both Psychology and Management.

PSY 230Social Psychology3
MGT 110Essent'ls of Organzational Beh3
or MGT 120 Essentials of Management
or PSY 129 Industrial/Organizational Psyc
Plus two additional courses among the following: 6
Personality Psychology
Psychology of Emotion
Cognitive Psychology
Adulthood and Aging
Psychology of the Self
Internship I (Internship I/II)
Plus two additional courses among the following: 6
Perspectives on Leadership
Intro Human Resource Managemen 1
Diversity in the Workplace
Leading Teams
International Talent Mgt
Decision Making w/ Analytics 2
Managing HR: Resrch/Appl
Total Hours18

Except for Haub School of Business majors.


Among the four elective courses, students would be required to take a research oriented course (MGT 322) unless they have taken a research oriented course in their major.