Music Minor

The minor in Music will deepen your understanding of and appreciation for music. Saint Joseph’s music faculty members are accomplished, award-winning professionals whose goal is to provide you with an excellent, personalized education.

The curriculum offers students majoring in another discipline the opportunity to explore their interest in music in a number of dynamic courses that cover music theory, composition, history and culture, and performance in a department-sponsored performance ensemble or private studio.

In addition to MTF 251  Music Theory I, students take five music courses to complete the minor, plus one semester of performance. 


Goal 1: Perform, create, and compose music. 

Objective 1.1: Students will perform and compose music that expresses their creativity and unique voices, showing an understanding of musical notation, technical skills, and musicianship.

Goal 2: Analyze music in support of interpretation and creative work.

Objective 2.1: Students will analyze important aspects of musical style, formal design, and melodic and harmonic structure, both in score and aurally.

Goal 3: Examine the intersections of music with history and social practice.

Objective 3.1: Students will study, analyze, and interrogate the relationships between music, history, and culture in speech and writing.

Goal 4: Prepare students for entry into professional careers or graduate studies.

Objective 4.1: Students will demonstrate career preparation through experiential learning opportunities and individual projects that develop creative, technical, analytical, and/or problem-solving skills.

The minor requires six courses plus one semester of performance.

MTF 251Music Theory I3
Select five additional Music courses from the offerings in Music Theory, Composition, History and Culture, and Advanced Performance.15
Required: one semester participation in a department-sponsored performance ensemble or private studio.