Creative Writing Minor

Goal 1: Develop creative abilities.

Outcome 1.1:  Students will exercise their imaginations in crafting their own creative works.

Goal 2:  Develop revision strategies and editing skills.

Outcome 2.1:  Students will improve their creative work through revision and editing.

Goal 3: Practice a range of creative writing genres, including but not limited to: fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, screenwriting, and playwriting.

Outcome 3.1:  Students will write in various creative writing genres with an understanding of the conventions of each.

Goal 4: Learn to critique and revise creative work by way of workshops.

Outcome 4.1:  Students will critique the creative work of others in a constructive and insightful manner.

The minor in Creative Writing requires four creative writing courses beyond the common courses of the GEP (ENG 101 and ENG 102).   

English majors minoring in Creative Writing must take four courses beyond the ten courses required for the major.

Three required courses:
ENG 101Craft of Language3
ENG 102Texts & Contexts3
ENG 241Creative Writing:Intro Wrkshop3
Three additional Creative Writing courses from the list below:9
Read,Write,Adapt Thtre Drama
Poetry Workshop
Fiction Workshop
Creative Nonfiction
The Essay
Contemporary American Poetry
Nature & Environmental Writing
Special Topics in Writing
Race, Class, and Gender
Travel Writing Abroad
Health, Advocacy, Storytelling
N. Ireland Conflict & Story
Writing and Reading Animals
Independent studies may be approved by the Chair to count towards the Creative Writing minor depending on the topic.
Total Hours18