English, Writing & Journalism

Crucial to the centuries-old Ignatian vision that guided the establishment of Jesuit colleges and universities are two concepts: caring for the student as an individual (cura personalis) and imparting to the student a skill in thoughtful, imaginative, and well-organized language (eloquentia perfecta).

The Department of English, Writing & Journalism and its curriculum encourage the growth of our students in these traditions. Our courses guide them to appreciate imaginative literature and to master rhetorical skills traditionally associated with Jesuit education—including cultivating an individual and discerning voice in both writing and speaking.

We are committed to the University’s mission by connecting faith, intellectual commitment, and social justice in our teaching. By offering service-learning and diversity courses and by developing mentoring relationships between faculty and students, we encourage a striving for the greater intellectual and social good.

The Department of English, Writing & Journalism supports the University mission by calling upon our students to embrace:

  • An openness to imaginative, moral, and spiritual growth
  • A confidence in their own intellectual reach and competence
  • A commitment to being men and women with and for others
  • A commitment to social justice
  • A willingness and an ability to lead.

The teacher-student relationship is one of the department's greatest strengths. Classes are taught by a committed and highly accomplished faculty who are enthusiastic about research and writing and publish frequently but who are particularly devoted to teaching and student development. In fact, faculty members have frequently received awards and grants in teaching, literature, creative writing and journalism. Small classes, careful advising, individualized instruction, discussion-oriented seminars and writing workshops provide a personal atmosphere for learning. Students are encouraged to consult their advisor and teachers frequently and freely.

Department of English, Writing and Journalism Faculty & Staff

For more information, also see Curricula.

Variable Core-Writing

ENG 101Craft of Language3

Signature Core-Cultural Legacy

ENG 102Texts & Contexts3

Variable Core-Art/Literature

Students who wish to satisfy the Art/Literature portion of the GEP by completing a course in English may select from the list of GEP-appropriate courses at the 200-, 300-, or 400- level.

Undergraduate Major

Undergraduate Minors

Adult Undergraduate Major


Graduate Certificate