Special Programs and Resources

Academic Advising

Undergraduate Advising

At SJU, academic advising responsibilities for traditional undergraduate students are shared between faculty advisors and the Undergraduate Advising Support staff.  In this shared model, advisors and the advising staff have distinct roles in the advising process but work collaboratively to help students succeed academically, develop educational plans that are consistent with their life goals, and benefit fully from their college experience. Faculty advisors focus primarily on mentoring and academic/career planning related to the student’s major. They also serve as mentors to guide the intellectual development of students. The Advising Support provides generalized support for students including help with the transition to college, course registration, course selection for the general education program requirements, interpreting/understanding University policies and navigating university procedures.  

Incoming first-year and transfer students who have declared a major are assigned an advisor in their major. Incoming students who are undeclared are usually assigned an advisor in their division (e.g., Social Science, Humanities, Natural Science) or College/School (e.g., Haub School of Business, School of Health Professions, School of Education and Human Development). Once they have declared a major, these students will be assigned to a faculty advisor in that major. 

All students are encouraged to develop a relationship with their advisor and to meet with them throughout the school year.  With exceptions for select majors in the junior and senior years, all students are required to meet with their advisors at least once each semester for guidance related to registration for the following semester and to obtain their PIN for registration.  Students also are encouraged to meet with their advisors at other times to review their academic progress and discuss  plans for experiential education opportunities, graduate school, and/or careers.

In the second semester of junior year, students are expected to meet with their faculty advisor to review course requirements completed and course requirements not yet fulfilled for their bachelor’s degree. This review is necessary to ensure that the proper set of courses will be taken in the senior year and that graduation can occur at the expected time. Although faculty advisors and Undergraduate Advising Support provide information and counsel, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have completed all of the requirements for their degree.

SJU Undergraduate Advising Support maintains three offices on the University’s two Philadelphia campuses. The Hawk Hill campus offices are the William F. Leahy Advising Office in Mandeville Hall 150 and the Barbelin Advising Office in Barbelin Hall 117. The University City Campus Office is located in Griffith Hall. Advising Support is an especially important resource for students during their transition to Saint Joseph’s University and for help understanding the registration process. First-year students, in particular, are expected to participate in advising workshops offered by Advising Support in the fall semester each year. In addition to covering important topics like academic planning for the GEP and registration procedures, the workshops also provide an introduction to special programs, academic support services (the Learning Resource Center, the Writing Center, etc.), other resources (the Career Development Center), and other academic opportunities available at Saint Joseph’s University. Students may direct questions to Undergraduate Advising Support at sjuadvising@sju.edu.

Advising for Undergraduates at the Lancaster Campus

Undergraduate students at the Lancaster campus are advised by professional advisors in the Undergraduate Advising Support Offices through a holistic developmental philosophy. Undergraduate students are assigned their advisor, based on their program of study, at the outset of their time at the University.

Through the advising process, advisors help students:

  • Manage their transition to Saint Joseph’s University
  • Develop an academic plan to complete program requirements for graduation
  • Assist students with interpreting and understanding academic policies, processes, and procedures
  • Equip students with the tools and resources that are available to help them succeed
  • Identify opportunities and services that will enrich their education

Note that graduate students are assigned a faculty advisor within their program of study. A student can find their advisor’s name and contact information by viewing their Student Profile in the Nest. 

Advising for Undergraduate Degree Completion Students

For those pursuing a BBA or BLS degree, advising is provided by professional advisors in the Undergraduate Advising Support Offices.  Exceptions to this include those majoring in English & Professional Writing and Early Childhood/Elementary Education who are assigned a faculty advisor within their academic department.

The role of an advisor:

  • Assist with orienting the student during their transition to Saint Joseph’s University;
  • Review how transfer credits will apply to degree requirements and assist with developing an academic plan for completing requirements for graduation;
  • Inform students of scholarship opportunities and various campus resources that promote student success;
  • Support students in long-range educational and career planning; and,
  • Direct students to opportunities and resources that will enrich their education, including honor societies, internships, etc.

Advising appointments are available for all undergraduate adult learners, in-person or via email, zoom session or phone.  The student is responsible for planning a program of courses that satisfies all degree requirements. Students are encouraged to review DegreeWorks and their curriculum worksheets carefully before selecting courses to make sure they have the prerequisites or proper background for each course.  All students are encouraged to talk with an advisor to review course selections prior to registration each semester. Students who are on academic probation and/or have a GPA below 2.25 are required to obtain advisor approval for course selections prior to registration.

Graduate Advising for the College of Arts & Sciences and School of Education and Human Development

The Graduate Program Director of each academic program is responsible for the academic administration of the unit graduate program(s) and academic advising and mentoring of students.

Graduate Advising for the Haub School of Business

Students enrolled in graduate-level programs such as MBA, MS or a Graduate Business Certificate may contact our advising team at sjumba@sju.edu. Please visit our website for more information: https://www.sju.edu/offices/advising/centers/graduate-business-advising.

Professional Practice Center

The Professional Practice Center in the Haub School of Business provides a centralized administrative location to consolidate and streamline the co-op and internship process which supports the efforts of HSB academic departments and students. The center assists in the placement of students in co-op positions and internships each year at businesses and organization through-out the Northeast. By participating in the center’s programs, students explore the connections between theory and practice and between their academic program and their career choice. They acquire a better understanding of their own skills and interests.

Through the Professional Practice Center programs, undergraduate students integrate classroom study with professional experience in a related career field. In addition to acquiring new knowledge and skills, students may earn college credit. Students are able to clarify career choices by experiencing the challenges of working in a chosen discipline. The Professional Practice Center serves as a resource for employers in the region and is an excellent training ground for students. For additional information, please call (610) 660-1934.

Center for International Programs

The Center for International Programs (CIP) at Saint Joseph's University is strongly committed to internationalization and globalization, both on our campuses and elsewhere. We provide information and services to students who wish to study abroad on a short-term or long-term academic program. We are also responsible for the implementation of new international education initiatives and the support of the University's International Travel Policy.

The Center for International Programs is located in the La Farge Student Residence, Suite 10 and the office hours are Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. Please visit the following website for more information: https://www.sju.edu/offices/student-life/cip.

Student Disability Services

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the Office of Student Disability Services coordinates support services and recommends reasonable academic adjustments based on appropriate documentation and the needs of the student. The Office is responsible for promoting access to facilities and programs, ensuring equal educational opportunities, acting as an information and referral source, and serving as a liaison between faculty and student.

The office of Student Disability Services is located in:

Bellarmine G10
TTY 610-660-1620
Visit the website: sju.edu/sds 

Student Life

Committed to our Catholic Jesuit tradition and guided by our Ignatian values, we empower our students to create a supportive and transformative educational experience. We provide challenging opportunities for the holistic development of students so that they may become servant leaders who discern goals, focus on social justice, appreciate diversity and lead lives of faith and purpose. http://www.sju.edu/studentlife

The Office of Student Success

By supporting students as they face obstacles associated with college life, the Office of Student Success & First Year Experience assists students in making connections with campus resources and provides coaching on strategies for having a positive transition to college and an enjoyable experience at SJU.

Every SJU student is fully capable of earning a degree from Saint Joseph's University. At times, students experience difficulties: academic, emotional, social, health-related, family emergencies, and disciplinary actions. There are many resources on campus available to support our students, and the Office of Student Success is here to help.

The Office of Student Success is located in:

G10 Bellarmine Hall
or visit the website sju.edu/studentsuccess

Office of International Students and Scholars

ISS is responsible for meeting the needs of international students from the time they apply until they graduate. ISS serves as the primary advising office for non-academic issues for international students. Areas of assistance for international students include:

  • Initial issuance of the I-20 form to apply for a student (F-l) visa
  • Issuing the DS-2019 form to apply for an exchange visitor (J-1) visa
  • Organizing orientation for international students and other cross-cultural activities
  • Signing immigration documents for travel in and out of the United States
  • Assisting with change of status applications to F-1 status
  • Processing the immigration paperwork for off campus work permission requests
  • Helping with social security and driver’s license applications
  • Assisting international students in acclimating to SJU and Philadelphia

The Office of International Students and Scholars is located in the Campion Student Center, room 217, and is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. Please visit the website for more information:  sju.edu/iss.

Veterans Services

The SJU Office of Veterans Services is dedicated to serving the unique needs of our veterans, spouses and dependents. We are a nationally recognized “veteran friendly” university, as well as a full participant in the Post-9/11 GI Bill® and Yellow Ribbon programs. Our mission is to create a welcoming environment for veterans and their families, and to ensure veterans gain access to all eligible federal, state and local programs and services. We are located in Mandeville Hall, Suite 206. Additional information is available on our website at www.sju.edu/veterans.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Writing Center

The Department of English, Writing & Journalism also supports The Writing Center, where students, faculty, staff, and alumni receive free assistance with their writing. The main office is located in Merion Hall 162. A satellite office is located in Post Learning Commons 128. The Center is staffed by trained undergraduate and graduate peer tutors who assist writers at any level of expertise, in any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming and prewriting, to topic selection and focus, to drafting, revising, and editing. In addition to any type of writing, including creative writing, group projects, slideshare presentations, lab reports and blogs, the Writing Center offers guidance on resumes, cover letters, application letters for scholarships or graduate school, as well as personal statements. The Center also offers online tutoring to students who are studying abroad, to those enrolled in the Co-op program, to those in the Professional & Liberal Studies (PLS) program, to those in online courses, and to graduate students.  

Undergraduate students who are interested in becoming peer tutors apply to take ENG 345 Tutor Practicum, Writing Center Theory and Practice. The Tutor Practicum course is open to students in any major. Applications for the course are available on the Writing Center’s website (www.sju.edu/writingcenter).

SJU Faculty-Led Study Tours

Each year, in conjunction with SJU faculty, the Center for International Programs offers a series of campus-based classes that have a travel component as one of their requirements. While class takes place on campus during the fall or spring semester, the actual travel portion occurs during the January intercession, spring break, or in the summer months. Each year, course offerings and destinations vary. (Recent study tour destinations included: Germany, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Cuba, Nicaragua, Belize and Panama. Students earn three credits for participating in these courses. Please note that the running of these programs is contingent on meeting sufficient enrollment requirements. Additional information about SJU study tours can be found on the CIP website: http://internationalprograms.sju.edu/

SJU Summer Study Abroad

A SJU Summer Program is a month-long academic course offered by SJU faculty during the summer. The course is held in one of four locations:

  • China,
  • Greece,
  • Rome or
  • Chile (description of each to follow).

Academic learning takes place on-site, with required pre-departure meetings and assignments to help prepare students for the immersion experience. Summer Programs are designed to give students a longer immersion experience to other countries and cultures than Study Tours. Any student who is not on academic or disciplinary probation and is in good financial standing with SJU may apply for a SJU summer study abroad program, provided that s/he has received academic advisor approval and has met course pre-requisites. There is no GPA requirement; however, students must be in good academic standing. CIP also recommends that students meet with their academic advisor to make sure that they have met course pre-requisites (if applicable) and to talk about GEP or academic program requirements. Please note that the running of these programs is contingent on meeting sufficient enrollment requirements. For application information, please visit the CIP website: http://internationalprograms.sju.edu/. 

SJU Summer Program in Greece: The SJU Summer Program in Greece takes place on the Greek island of Syros. Excursions are also typically offered in Athens, Santorini, and Crete. Students may enroll in one or two courses offered by SJU faculty and earn 3-6 credits. Students live in a neoclassical villa on Syros, in a hotel in Athens, and in a monastery in Santorini. Courses offered change from year to year. Previous courses have included Theology, Politics, History, and Psychology. (Summer only, four weeks, typically late May to late June.)

SJU Summer Program in Rome: The SJU Summer Program in Rome program takes place in the heart of Rome with several cultural visits planned in addition to two weekend excursions that typically include Florence/Pompeii and Sorrento/Capri. Students may enroll in one or two of the courses offered and there may be up to four courses offered each summer in a variety of disciplines. In the past, courses have included Italian, Classics, Psychology, Business, and Economics. Students, faculty, and coordinators reside at fully furnished apartments through The American University of Rome (AUR) and classroom space is provided on campus along with access to the AUR computer lab and library. (Summer only, four weeks, typically in the month of July.)

SJU Summer Program in China: The SJU Summer Program in China is tentatively scheduled to take place at the Beijing Center.  Site visits to Luoyang, Xi’an and Hangzhou as well as a weekend trip to Shanghai are planned as part of the itinerary. Students may enroll in one or two classes. Previous courses have included History, Business, Theology, and Decision Sciences. (Summer only, four weeks, typically late May to late June)

Non-SJU Summer or Winter Study Abroad

Saint Joseph's University students who wish to earn academic credit through participation in an external (i.e., not facilitated by SJU) winter (J-term) study abroad program must apply through the CIP's online application system by the appropriate deadlines (March 15th for summer study abroad and October 15th for winter study abroad). As part of the application process, students will be required to obtain course approvals and seek the support of their Academic Associate Dean. Before beginning an application, however, we strongly advise students to carefully research program options. Students can browse through the brochures available in the CIP office, meet with the Study Abroad Advisor, or they can research programs independently. It's important to also note the following policies related to non-SJU winter study abroad:

  • Students of all levels (freshmen through seniors) are eligible to apply for approval to participate on a non-SJU winter/summer program.

  • Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in order to be eligible for this type of study abroad.  However, students may find that many programs have a higher GPA requirement that they will also need to meet.

  • The student is responsible for submitting appropriate application materials and payments directly to the program that he/she decides to apply into, and SJU financial aid will not transfer.

  • Credits earned through the non-SJU summer/winter abroad program will be considered transfer credits and the grades earned will not be posted on the SJU transcript.

  • Credit will only be granted if the student has earned a grade of C or above.

Semester or Year Abroad

Saint Joseph’s University has carefully selected 29 semester abroad program options in countries all around the world, including some programs with a Jesuit connection, programs with an experiential learning component such as an internship or service-learning, and options where SJU students can take classes alongside local students. Students should review all program options on the CIP website and schedule an advising meeting with a CIP staff member before beginning an application. Students are also encouraged to consider a full year of study abroad.

Petitioning for a Non-approved Program: Saint Joseph's University students who wish to attend a university or study abroad program that is not currently affiliated with or approved by SJU and therefore not recognized for academic credit must petition the Center for International Programs through the on-line application system. Please note that this is only an option for students who have specific academic needs that cannot be met on any of the current Saint Joseph’s approved programs; petitions for programs that are largely duplicate to, or are in enrollment competition with, existing Saint Joseph’s programs, reciprocal university exchanges, or recognized affiliated programs in the same city or country are not normally approved.

As part of the application process, students will be asked to request a recommendation from their Academic Advisor. Therefore, before preparing a petition, the student should consult with their Advisor to discuss their specific interest in study abroad and how the experience will fit into their academic program. This is also a good time to discuss possible course selection and planning.  It is also suggested that the student discuss a "backup plan" with their Academic Advisor (and the Study Abroad Advisor) in the event the petition is not approved. A committee reviews completed petitions and makes a recommendation to the CIP to either approve or reject the petition on a first come, first serve basis. Petitions are judged on the merit of the student’s academic objectives in relation to specific study abroad opportunities for which they are seeking approval, and petition students are expected to have superior grades and sound academic preparation.

If the student’s petition is approved, Saint Joseph’s University will administer their study abroad program in the same way as an approved program.

Eligibility: SJU students are eligible for a semester abroad during the second semester of their sophomore year, all or part of their junior year or their senior year (with permission of the Associate Dean). Students must be in good academic and financial standing with Saint Joseph’s University at the time of application and maintain that good standing throughout the process. There is a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5., though many of our affiliated programs have a higher GPA requirement, some up to a 3.0. 

Although CIP can advise students on making an appropriate program selection and assist them through the application process, our approval does not guarantee admission into a particular study abroad program or foreign institution. Students are responsible for understanding and meeting the regulations, requirements and deadlines specific to the program of their choice.

Applying: Students must apply through the on-line application system and receive approval from the Center for International Programs (CIP) in order to study abroad. Application deadlines are typically March 1st for the fall semester and October 1st for the spring semester; however, the CIP may adjust these deadlines (in advance and with notice) if necessary. In the event of a larger than anticipated applicant pool, the Center for International Programs may not be able to approve all study abroad applications. Complete applications from eligible students will be approved on a first come, first serve basis. For this reason, early applications are strongly advised. Students who apply by the deadline but are not approved due to space will be placed on a waitlist. In the case of withdraws, priority will then be given to Saint Joseph's University students, students with no prior study abroad experience and students with exceptional, academic circumstances that may prevent them from studying abroad in a future semester. Some examples include (but are not limited to) class standing and major.

All other students not approved for the semester of their choice will be given priority for the following semester. Deferred applications will be approved pending an academic and disciplinary check during the following semester.

Senior Approval: Students who wish to study abroad during the fall or spring semester of their senior year must discuss their plans with their Academic Advisor, and obtain approval from the Associate Dean of their college via the Request to Study Abroad as a Senior form. 

Length of Stay: Students can apply for an academic semester (fall or spring) or a full year abroad. Only in special circumstances (and with prior approval from the CIP, the Vice President/Associate Provost and the student’s Academic Associate Dean) will a student be permitted to spend a third semester abroad. Students interested in studying abroad for more than one year should make an appointment with the Study Abroad Advisor prior to any planning and before beginning an application.

Fees and Financial Aid: Saint Joseph’s University students who wish to study abroad for a semester and receive credit toward their Saint Joseph’s degree will remain registered at SJU and pay SJU full-time, day tuition plus a $100 Continuing Registration Fee. Students will also be asked to submit a $300 confirmation deposit, which will be credited towards the student’s total SJU tuition/Continuing Registration Fee expenses. Saint Joseph’s University will then pay the overseas program for the tuition portion of the program. Students will be responsible for all non-tuition fees associated with the program they will be attending. Please visit the Center for International Programs website to review estimated costs for each of our approved, semester abroad programs.    

All forms of financial aid can be applied to Saint Joseph’s approved semester abroad programs. This includes Saint Joseph’s grants, loans, scholarships, and state and federal awards, such as Pell Grants and Guaranteed Student Loans. A financial aid package for a student participating on a Saint Joseph’s approved program will be based on the specific costs of the program in which the student will be studying. The following expenses will be included when calculating a student’s financial need: tuition and fees, room and board, books, airfare for round-trip ticket and miscellaneous expenses such as local transportation, police registration fees, immunizations and any health insurance required by the host country. Students may not use any of their financial aid towards a petition program that is not approved by the committee. 

Family Tuition Benefits, FACHEX and Tuition Exchange: Students who are receiving SJU family tuition benefits will be able to use these tuition scholarships toward their study abroad experiences. Family Tuition Benefit is available only for courses taken as part of a bachelors or master’s degree program. Travel and expenses (other than tuition) for overseas programs, study abroad or other credit work at locations away from the main campus are not covered by the Family Tuition Benefits program.

Students who are the children of employees at other colleges/universities who are receiving scholarships through FACHEX and the Tuition Exchange Program may use these awards toward any approved study abroad program through Saint Joseph’s University. For more information about FACHEX and the Tuition Exchange Program, please contact the Financial Assistance Office at 610-660-2000.

Credit Toward Graduation: Credit will be given towards graduation for all appropriate courses taken on SJU programs or approved programs abroad. Students must, however, get all courses approved following the instructions provided by the CIP. All courses (including credit-bearing internships) must be taken on A-F basis; pass/fail is not an option. Grades are reported on the Saint Joseph’s University transcript and count toward the student’s overall GPA.

Program Requirements: Students are required to maintain full time enrollment, attend class regularly and comply with all program regulations and individual course requirements in any program they choose. Students who leave the program before it is officially over will not receive credit for their work.

University Refund Policy: Students who choose to withdraw from the study abroad program must immediately notify the Center for International Programs through the on-line application portal. Only that portion of the student’s tuition and fees, which have not been committed on their behalf to the University and/or any third party at the time of cancellation, will be refunded to the student. If the student withdraws from the program before paying tuition and fees, the University will bill the student for commitments made on their behalf to the University and/or any third party. The student will be financially responsible for any such costs incurred, per the terms of the Semester Abroad Academic and Disciplinary Waiver in the on-line application.

Cooperative Education (Co-op)

Cooperative Education (Co-op) unites the classroom and the workplace, allowing students to engage in real-world applications of their academic pursuits. Co-op is available to business students majoring in Accounting; Business Intelligence; Finance; Financial Planning; a series of Management majors (Business Administration; Family Business and Entrepreneurship; International Business; Managing Human Capital; Leadership, Ethics and Organizational Sustainability); Marketing; Risk Management and Insurance; Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing; and Sports Marketing. The Food Marketing Department administers a separate Co-op Program for its students.

Through two full-time, paid experiences (creating one year of work experience within the four-year degree), Co-op has proven to be an instrumental way for students to discover and live their professional passions. The Co-op work terms take place:

  1. from September to December of the sophomore year and
  2. from January to August of the junior year.

The hourly pay rate for the first Co-op ranges between $10 and $15 an hour, the hourly pay rate for the second Co-op work term ranges between $15 and $20 an hour. This translates to approximately $25,000 in earnings across the two work terms.

The first work term is a more general experience, introducing students to the fundamental demands of work and providing them with workplace tasks that meet their introductory-level skills and knowledge. The second work term is comparatively more in-depth, allowing students to participate in higher-level responsibilities. Students may work for the same employer for both work experiences or opt to work for different employers.

Co-op students enroll in two summer semesters (the summers following the freshman and sophomore years). The summer semesters, which run from mid-May to mid-July, replace the semesters that students work. Co-op students commonly report enjoying the summer semesters, particularly the cohesiveness and collaboration that exists among the students in the Program and the academic success that often results.

A Co-op student’s schedule proceeds like this:

Class Fall Spring Sumer
Freshman Study Study Study
Sophomore Work Study Study
Junior Study Work Work
Senior Study Study/Graduate

A student who wants to participate in Co-op must:

  • Be a full-time day student in the Haub School of Business.
  • Have completed the first semester of the sophomore year before starting the first Co-op work term.
  • Have completed the junior year before starting the second Co-op work term.
  • Maintain a minimum overall grade point average of 2.5 throughout his/her college career and be in good disciplinary standing to enter and remain in the Co-op Program.

Additional Important Details

Students can join Co-op by completing a short application that is available at the Co-op Office or at classroom/campus information sessions.

Students should register for Co-op during the first semester of the freshman year (usually by or near November 1). Students may enroll later; however, the advantage to enrolling early is wiser course selection: the Co-op Program guides students into specific courses for the spring semester to prevent scheduling conflicts with the courses that need to be taken during the summer semester. Additionally, Co-op students enjoy a host of special programming (resume writing and interviewing workshops; social gatherings; networking nights; site visits to companies, etc.). Only students who have enrolled in Co-op will know about and be eligible to participate in these events.

Because of changing job market conditions and variations in students’ skills and abilities as they relate to employers’ needs, the Co-op Program cannot guarantee jobs. However, the Director works diligently with students to help them engage in the most successful job search possible with the companies that post Co-op positions with the Co-op Program.

While on work assignments, Co-op students are classified as full-time. Full tuition must be paid for the two summer semesters (which replace the fall semester of the sophomore year and the spring semester of the junior year). A monthly payment plan option is available to divide the summer semester tuition across several months. There are no tuition charges for the two work terms.

Students who are contemplating Co-op must meet with a Hawk Central counselor to investigate how, if at all, Co-op will affect their financial aid package.

On-campus housing is available to Co-op students during the summer semesters and during the work experiences for students who are eligible for it.

For additional information, please call the Co-op office at 610-660-1103 or visit the Co-op office in Mandeville 150.

Preparing for Health Professions School

Students preparing to enter a doctoral level program in the health professions such as medicine or dentistry typically major in one of the natural sciences. It is also possible to major in humanities and social science areas and still fulfill the minimum requirements for all health professional schools, however students need to show proficiency in the natural sciences to be a strong candidate for admission. The minimum course requirements for most medical, dental, optometry, veterinary, and podiatry schools include one year each of biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and general physics, all with labs. Additionally, a semester of coursework in biochemistry, statistics, and calculus is strongly recommended or required by most health professional programs. Although schools establish these minimum science requirements for admission, it is strongly recommended that students take additional advanced level science courses to enhance their background and to show that they can manage advanced science work. Courses that explore the sociological, psychological, philosophical, and ethical aspects of healthcare delivery—the human dimension—are also strongly encouraged.

The Health Professions Advisory Committee reviews the credentials of students applying to health professional schools and provides the composite letter of evaluation from the University; further information can be found here.  Additionally, Brianna Metzger, Associate Director of Pre Health Advising, is available to counsel students on course selection, preparation for the standardized admission exams, and procedures to follow when applying to health professional schools. 

Pre-Physician Assistant (Pre-PA)

Get a complete, real-world understanding of what it means to be a physician assistant  at Saint Joseph’s University. Students admitted to the "Pre-PA" pathway within the health sciences major will have the required prerequisites for the SJU PA program embedded in the curriculum.  Students will be prepared for graduate education while also receiving a well rounded undergraduate learning experience.  Students can earn two degrees in 5 years; a Bachelor of Science in Health Science (BSHS) and a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS).  

Choose from an accelerated, three-year track or a traditional, four-year undergraduate track to earn a health science degree. If you meet all progression requirements inclusive of direct patient care hours and a completed application,  you’ll be granted an interview for admission to our graduate physician assistant program.  

Refer to the Health Sciences program for curricular details and the Physician Assistant program for information about the MSPAS. 

4 + 1 Programs 

For program options and admission information click here.

SJU undergraduate students are eligible to apply for select masters degrees as part of our 4+1 Program.

In this competitive work environment, having a master’s degree can lead to higher-level positions, more responsibility and greater earning potential.

The 4+1 Program allows students to complete both a bachelor's and a master's degree in five years. Students share up to nine credit hours between their undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Here’s how the 4+1 program works:

  • Apply to the graduate program in your Senior Year – Here is the link to Apply.
  • The Graduate & Extended Studies Office will request your official transcript and your application fee will be waived. 
  • Work with your current undergraduate advisor and Graduate Program Director to determine which graduate courses to register for during your senior year.
  • Earn your undergraduate degree and your master's degree in just 4+1 years.
  • Graduate classes may be done on campus or online (varies by program).
  • Enjoy the 10% Alumni tuition discount upon receiving your Bachelor’s Degree.
  • 4+1 offerings vary by program. Contact the Graduate Program Director of your interested program during the first semester of your Junior year to determine eligibility.

4 + 1 Program at the Haub School of Business

For Admission Procedures click here

SJU undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the MBA and Specialized Masters Programs as part of our 4+1 Program.

In this competitive business environment, having a master’s degree can lead to higher-level positions, more responsibility and greater earning potential.

The 4+1 Program allows students to complete both a bachelor's and a master's degree in five years. Students share nine specific credit hours between their undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Here’s how the 4+1 program works:

  •          Apply in your Junior or Senior Year – Here is the link to Apply
  •          The Graduate Business Office will request your official transcript and your application fee will be waived. 
  •          Business undergraduate course can be used to waive foundation courses.
  •          Earn your undergraduate degree and your MBA in just 4+1 years
  •          Take up to nine credits in your senior year that can count toward your MBA
  •          Increase your value in a competitive marketplace and earn a higher starting salary
  •          Classes can be done completely online or on campus (All evening classes)
  •          Enjoy the 10% Alumni tuition discount upon receiving your Bachelor’s Degree
  •          GMAT waived based on academic excellence and letters of recommendation from faculty
  •          Merit Scholarships are available


The Fellowships Office offers guidance and advice to fellowship and scholarship applicants already enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Erivan K. Haub School of Business, Professional and Liberal Studies and the Haub Degree Completion Program. In the majority of cases, these fellowships and scholarships are given by off-campus granting institutions or foundations, such as the Fulbright Program, the Barry M. Goldwater Excellence in Education Foundation, the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation, or the Rhodes Scholarship Fund. The Fellowships Office works closely with fellowship/scholarship applicants in every step of the application process, from discerning which fellowships/scholarships best suit their needs to discussing and implementing the steps that need to be taken along the way. 

Service-Learning Program

Integral to the mission of Saint Joseph’s University, Service-Learning challenges students to combine traditional academic coursework with community-based experiences. The student engaged in Service-Learning works in two classrooms, one here at the University and the other in the city of Philadelphia. Classroom lectures, texts, assignments, and critical reflection on social justice issues are enhanced by a community-based learning commitment through weekly volunteering or a mutually designed project with community partner schools and agencies that relate to course material.

Service-Learning courses are offered in all schools and colleges at the university. A unique First Year Service-Learning Program engages first-year students through a two-course sequence embedded in General Education courses for an entire academic year. Upper-class students can enroll in semester-long course offerings in their major, minor, or general education requirements. A team of staff and student leaders assist the faculty in the recruitment, placement, and orientation of students enrolled in Service-Learning courses. To learn more about the Service-Learning Program and a current list of open courses, please visit www.sju.edu/servicelearning or contact the Faith-Justice Institute.

The Washington Center Internship Program

Through The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Programs (TWC), Saint Joseph’s University offers a unique experiential learning program for students interested in semester-long and summer internships in Washington D.C. TWC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization that provides integrated academic and work experience aimed at preparing students for careers in private, public, and related professions. 

As participants in the program, students spend a semester or a summer in our nation’s capital where they gain valuable career experience working as an intern, taking a class specific to their major and professional field of interest, and engaging in a Leadership and Service Forum, all while retaining full-time SJU status. The program is open to all majors and disciplines, runs year-round, provides guaranteed housing in a state-of-the-art facility, and includes training in leadership and professional skill-building.

TWC offers a variety of internships through hundreds of private, public, and non-profit organizations, and students are able to choose from seven different professional tracks that cater to their interest and career aspirations:

  • Advocacy, Service & Arts
  • Business & Global Trade
  • International Affairs
  • Law & Criminal Justice
  • Media & Communications
  • Politics & Public Policy
  • Science, Technology & Society

Recent SJU student internship placements include:

  • The State Department,
  • TeachAmerica,
  • Pan American Health Organization Foundation,
  • Center for Security Policy,
  • Department of the Interior,
  • Federal Trade Commission, 
  • Peace Corp,
  • Metropolitan Police Department,
  • Amnesty International,
  • and many private law firms, think tanks, lobbying firms, and congressional offices.

To learn more about The Washington Center Internship Program at SJU, contact Dr. Becki Scola, the campus liaison/coordinator, at bscola@sju.edu, or visit http:/www.sju.edu/centers/washington-center.

Undergraduate Internship

Undergraduate Internships can be paid or unpaid work experiences in corporate settings that relate to students’ major fields of study. Students may receive academic credit for an internship experience. If a student wants to secure academic credit for an internship, the student should, prior to seeking the internship, meet with his/her academic advisor to determine whether he/she meets the department’s requirements to secure an internship (minimum GPA, enrollment status, and internship pre-requisites).  Once eligibility has been confirmed, a student can seek internship opportunities through the Career Development Center, through faculty corporate contacts, or through individual internship postings on corporate websites (students who are not seeking academic credit can and should utilize these same resources). Once the internship has been secured, a student needs to provide a job description and a hire letter to his/her faculty mentor (usually an advisor or a faculty member the student has had for at least one class) for the internship. The student and the faculty mentor will complete all necessary internship paperwork to be forwarded to the Director of Cooperative Education. Under the direction of an Associate Dean of the Haub School of Business, the Director of Cooperative Education will approve the internship, if all factors related to the internship meet the University’s and the sponsoring academic department’s requirements.

Laptop Program

All full time undergraduate day students in the Haub School of Business are required to have a Windows Laptop documented on the Business School link at www.sju.edu/laptop .

Saint Joseph’s University collaborates with partnered vendors to offer our students specially priced laptops, which meet all the SJU computing requirements. These models are available for purchase at www.sju.edu/laptop . Students are not required to purchase a computer through the SJU Laptop Program.  

Microsoft Office for Windows is also required. SJU students can download this software for free by visiting the laptop website. Students receive technical support provided by the Technology Service Center located in the Science Center, Room 129.