Degree Completion Program Policies

Degree completion students  (those pursuing a BBA or BLS degree) must adhere to all policies outlined in Undergraduate Polices, with some additions outlined below.

Second Degree Candidates

Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree in a program that required a minimum of 120 credits from a previous college or university may pursue a second undergraduate degree through a degree completion program. These students are required to complete a minimum of 30 credits at Saint Joseph’s University, including any general education requirements not yet satisfied and a minimum of 12 upper division credits in their major, unless specifically waived by the appropriate Department Chairperson or Program Director.

Second Major

Students may request permission to pursue a second major  for sound academic reasons. Such a request requires the approval of the Advising Office and Department Chairperson or Program Director for the major. The student must meet all the prerequisites and other requirements for both majors. The final transcript, not the diploma, will record the completion of the second major. The degree granted will be the degree appropriate to the primary major. Two separate degrees will not be awarded to students who complete a second major.

A Student whose primary major is Business Administration is not permitted to declare a secondary major in another business discipline. Likewise, a student whose primary major is in a business discipline other than Business Administration is not permitted to declare a secondary major in Business Administration.


Bachelor’s degree students may pursue a minor or multiple minors. Approval from the Department Chairperson or Program Director for the minor is required. At least one-half of the courses required for the minor(s) must be completed at Saint Joseph’s University. More information about minor options and requirements can be found under the Undergraduate Day Programs section of the catalog.

A Student whose major is Business Administration is not permitted to declare a minor in another business discipline. Likewise, a student whose major is in a business discipline other than Business Administration is not permitted to declare a minor in Business Administration.

Student Deactivation

After two years of non-attendance, degree completion students are deactivated and are required to apply for readmission if and when they decide to return to their studies at Saint Joseph’s University. Students are subject to all curricular requirements at the time of readmission.

Leave of Absence (LOA)

Students may request a leave of absence for up to two years. After two years, a student will be deactivated and will be required to re-apply to be considered for readmission to a degree completion program. Students are required to submit a completed Leave of Absence form to their Advising Office.

Withdrawal from the University

A student may withdraw from Saint Joseph's University provided any indebtedness to Saint Joseph's University is settled, and they are not liable for dismissal because of an academic violation or disciplinary action. Students are required to submit a completed Withdrawal from University form to their Advising Office.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Degree completion students who are receiving federal, state, or University aid are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) and also meet the Minimum Requirements for Retention in order to keep their financial aid eligibility.  

Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is reviewed after the spring semester each academic year. Both cumulative GPA and the ratio of credits earned to credits attempted are used to determine academic progress.   Students who do not meet the criteria for satisfactory academic progress will be informed at the end of each spring semester that their current academic record disqualifies them for financial assistance. These students will be given the opportunity to file an academic plan with the Dean’s Office to be considered for financial aid for the coming academic year.

Students must maintain the following minimum cumulative GPA for satisfactory academic progress (SAP). These standards are in accordance with the the Academic Probation Policy. 

  • 1.8 cumulative GPA up to 60 credits earned
  • 1.9 cumulative GPA for 61-90 credits earned
  • 2.0 cumulative GPA above 90 credits earned

In addition to maintaining the required GPA, degree completion students must earn a passing grade in a minimum of 67% of overall credits attempted in order to be considered as making satisfactory academic progress. For example, if a student registers for 12 credits/four courses, the student must earn a passing grade in at least three of these courses to meet this requirement. Withdrawals are considered when calculating the ratio of credits earned to credits attempted. Although withdrawals do not impact grade point average (GPA), they do negatively impact the measure of satisfactory academic progress. 

Students not achieving satisfactory academic progress (SAP) based on the above criteria must submit an academic plan explaining the circumstances that led to the failure to meet the standards and the changes that will allow the student to be successful. The student should identify and provide documentation of any extenuating circumstances (e.g., loss of job, a major financial life event, personal illness, illness or death of family member, or other special circumstances) that may have hindered their ability to achieve satisfactory academic progress (SAP). The appropriate Associate Dean will review plan to determine if the student will be allowed to continue to receive federal financial assistance. For a student’s academic plan to be considered, it must be submitted by the first day of classes of the traditional full-term semester for which the student is requesting federal aid.