Nursing MSN

The Nurse Practitioner program prepares nurses to act as advanced practice leaders within the health care system capable of providing high quality, comprehensive care to individuals and families within their population of focus. Graduates use evidence-based practice recommendations to provide patient-centered care for health promotion, improved patient health outcomes, reduction of health disparities among diverse populations and improvement of patient safety.

At the successful completion of the MSN-NP program, students are eligible to take the American Nursing Credentialing Center (ANCC) [for Acute Care and FNP] or the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) [for FNP] board exams.

At the completion of the program, the graduate will:

  • Integrate knowledge from nursing and other disciplines to plan patient-centered care that promotes health and improves health care outcomes.
  • Apply leadership skills that foster ethical decision making, fiscal responsibility, and advocacy, interprofessional collaborative relationships and a systems perspective.
  • Use technology to enhance communication and support quality of care and strategic decision-making processes in practice.
  • Apply patient-centered and culturally appropriate concepts to improve quality and safety, reduce health disparities, and improve health outcomes for diverse populations.
  • Model behaviors that demonstrate professionalism and community engagement of self and others, through clinical scholarship and application of evidence-based recommendations in practice.
  • Use evidence-based knowledge and appropriate professional standards to analyze, evaluate and influence outcomes and health care policy for individuals, populations or systems.

Clinical is a rewarding part of your educational journey that requires advanced planning.  Clinical contracts must be in place prior to being approved for clinical and can take anywhere from 6 weeks to one year to secure.  In general, you will need to apply for your clinical site by the midterm of the  semester prior to the clinical. 

There are currently a total of  720 hours of clinical in the AGACNP and FNP Tracks.  Each clinical course comprises 240 clinical hours. 

Clinical Policy

Students entering the first clinical course in their program will need to have their initial requirements and returning students will need to have their annual or expiring requirements completed and confirmed in EXXAT by the following deadlines:

  1. Fall semester deadline is July 1

  2. Spring semester deadline is December 1

  3. Summer semester deadline is April 1

Initial Requirements Clearances

All clearances, drug screen, entry physical exam with immunization documentation, must be obtained within one year of starting clinical courses. If obtained prior to that time or for any absence from the clinical setting exceeding 12 months, these requirements must be repeated. Applicants who have been convicted of offenses or listed as a perpetrator of a founded or indicated report of child abuse may not be eligible for clinical.

  1. Students must submit:

    • Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History (PATCH)

    • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance

    • FBI Background Check (Fingerprinting required)

    • Out-of-state FBI Background Check (only required for students who have resided outside of Pennsylvania in the previous two (2) years)

    • A drug screen must be performed as outlined by the instructions from EXXAT.

  2. Applicants who have been convicted of offenses or listed as a perpetrator of a founded or indicated report of child abuse may not be eligible for clinical, internship, service-learning placement, or credentialing exams. Additionally, if the student has had a status change in any of the above clearances, they must report the updates to SJU.

  3. All reports shall be retained confidentially and for a minimum of two (2) years after graduation or withdrawal from SJU. Access to documents is limited to appropriate school officials and clinical site administration on a need-to-know basis.

  4. Life Support Certification

    1. Students must provide evidence of successful completion of the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers. This certification must remain current throughout subsequent clinical learning experiences. 

    2.  Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Students must have an active American Heart Association (AHA) Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) certification to begin clinical courses. The certification must remain current throughout the duration of the NP program. Clinical agencies may require ACLS for Family Nurse Practitioner or Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner students. It is the student’s responsibility to meet the clinical agency’s mandate.

  5. Drug Screen

    1. A drug screen must be performed as outlined by the instructions from EXXAT. The drug screen sample must be submitted through the appropriate facility and resulted in EXXAT. All test results will remain confidential with access only by EXXAT, SJU's Health & Wellness Services staff, and the Dean of Student Affairs, if the result is positive. Students who refuse to receive a drug screen, or who falsify the test, will be treated in the same manner as those with positive drug screening results. Retesting must occur after any absence from the clinical setting which exceeds 12 months.

    2. All pre-licensure nursing students, including the two (2)-year/three (3)-year ASN and the three (3)-year/four (4)-year BSN programs, participating in any clinical experience must complete a drug screening renewal every six (6) months. Compliance with this requirement is mandatory for attendance at clinical experiences.

    3. In the event of a positive result, the student will be contacted by EXXAT staff for additional information. Students with positive drug screen results will not be enrolled by SJU; these students may reapply.

​Physical Exams and Immunizations

  1. Students must have an Entry Physical Exam and Immunization Record performed by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician's assistant. In conjunction with the Entry Physical Exam and Immunization Record, the following are required:

    1. Varicella -Documentation of two (2) varicella vaccination or a varicella antibody screening by lab test.

    2. MMR - Documentation of two (2) MMR vaccinations or measles (rubeola), mumps and rubella antibody screening by lab test.

    3. Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis - Date of last Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (TDaP) must be within the last ten (10) years.

    4. Hepatitis B Vaccine-Students must complete a series of three (3) vaccines and provide dates of vaccination or have an acceptable Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HbsAB) lab test, to document immunity. If undergoing vaccination, a minimum of the first of the three (3) injections Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences must be completed prior to the start of school; the student must complete the series as scheduled and immediately upon series completion provide documentation of such to Health & Wellness Services.

    5. Initial Tuberculosis Skin Test - Unless contraindicated, all students must have initial two (2)-step tuberculosis skin testing. Testing must be completed by the student's health care provider. QuantiFERON Gold and T-Spot blood tests will be accepted. Space is provided on the Entry Physical Exam and Immunization Record for this to be documented. In the event of a positive result, the student will be contacted by EXXAT staff for additional information. Any student who has had tuberculosis or a positive TB Skin Test in the past must submit a chest X-ray completed within the past year.

    6. COVID 19 vaccines are required.  Refer to EXXAT, SJU policies,  and clinical site for details. 

Ongoing Requirements for NP and PMC Students

NP and PMC students must also submit the following:

  1. An unencumbered PA RN license and a CRNP for PMC NP Students

  2. A current RN license for state of clinical site, if different from state of residence.

  3. Active Basic Life Support (AHA) for Healthcare Providers.

  4. For Adult Gerontology Acute Care NP students: Active ACLS 

  5. A yearly Tuberculosis Skin Test or chest X-Ray, all students must undergo annual tuberculosis skin testing by their health care provider. A one (1)-step test will be required after initial testing. QuantiFERON Gold and T-Spot blood tests will be accepted.

  6. Influenza Vaccine Any additional immunization requirements determined by the SJU or the clinical agency. 

  7. All compliances must be maintained for the duration of the clinical courses. 

III.    Changes in Health Status

A satisfactory level of mental and physical health is important to support learning and assure student and patient safety. It is the student's responsibility to notify Health & Wellness Services, Track Coordinator,  and the Program Director of any significant changes in health status that might impact his or her ability to fully participate in class, laboratory or clinical, etc.

The student should seek a consultation with their Track Coordinator,  Program Director, Academic Advisor and/or Health & Wellness Services to determine the best pathway. The student may initiate a change in registration up to and including a Leave of Absence. Any student leaving for medical reasons will need to submit a letter clearing the student to return to clinical  from their  healthcare provider  documenting the student's fitness to return to class and/or clinical.

Dress Code

The NP Program does not have a dress code policy. Students are expected to dress according to the clinical agency dress code standards. While in clinical, students must wear their student or agency ID badge at eye level. 

Process and Timelines Clinicals

This is a sample of the timeline and deliverables associated with the clinical process: 

Process for Clinical Approvals

We provide you with the clinical support you need to complete the required clinical hours; however, the student must ensure that all deadlines are met as well as any compliance requirements. 

The following is the overall process for securing clinical placements: 

  1. Complete Clinical Application from SJU

  2. Faculty reviews Clinical Application and gives feedback to student on anticipated clinical placement

  3. Students must also apply to agency where intended clinical is to be completed by the agency due date

  4. Agency notifies either the student or faculty of approved placement

  5. Faculty complete the Clinical Site and Preceptor Approval form and send to the student

  6. Ensure you are compliant with the clinical site and compliances in EXXAT

  7. See the NP Handbook for more details 

Academic Warning

SJU utilizes an early alert system  that allows faculty to proactively raise awareness when a student is in jeopardy of being unsuccessful in a course. When this happens, students, as well as support staff, receive an electronic notification outlining success resources available to the student. 

Academic Probation

Failure to maintain a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0-point scale or greater in any graduate program will result in academic probation. Students on academic probation may continue with their course progression. Probationary status for two consecutive semesters will result in dismissal from the program. 

Progression Requirements

Prior to beginning a course, progression requirements (or minimum grade requirements) in prerequisite courses must be met. Additionally, students must meet program-specific minimum course requirements to progress within the program, as specified below

Failure to Meet Minimum Course Requirements: Students who have taken a course at SJU and earned a grade less than that which is required must repeat the course at SJU and achieve the required grade in order to earn course credit toward graduation. No course with a grade less than that which is required may be repeated more than once. The newly earned grade will become the grade of record for the purposes of transcripts, GPA computations and determination of academic progression. CLEP or course challenges are not acceptable replacements for repeating courses completed without a required passing grade.

MSN Specific Academic Standards

Any student not earning the required grade in a program-specific course will be dismissed from the program. To resume enrollment in the program, students must reapply and be accepted. Refer below for program-specific academic standards requirements.

  1. If a student earns a grade less than a grade of "B" (84%) in a course, the student may progress in the program if the attempted course is not a prerequisite for another course. The course in which the student was unsuccessful must be taken during its next available offering. Failure to complete the course successfully on the second attempt will result in dismissal from the program.

  2. Throughout the entire program of study, a total of two (2) different courses may be repeated.

  3.  Clinical courses are assigned a letter grade, with the expectation that the minimum 84% (B) is achieved. A student who fails a clinical/practicum course may not progress to the next didactic course in their plan of study. The student will need to repeat the clinical course, when next offered.

  4. Students may only remain out of clinical for one (1) year. If a student is out of the clinical/practicum courses for more than a year, it is under the discretion of the Nurse

  5. Practitioner Program Director and Track Coordinator(s) as to whether re-entry into the program will be permitted. Students who have been out of clinical/practicum courses for greater than one (1) year must take both the didactic/theory course that correlates with the clinical/practicum portions of the course.

  6. Students who fail clinical courses due to safety, behavior or ethical issues may be dismissed from the Nurse Practitioner Program.

  7. Time Limit to Complete Degree: Students will have five (5) years to complete their MSN degree.

Please note: In addition to the above policy, students are responsible for all policies in the SJU Handbook. 

Students entering the Nurse Practitioner program choose one of the population-focused tracks and complete all courses to meet eligibility requirements to become nationally certified and licensed as a Nurse Practitioner. The curriculum consists of MSN core courses, nurse practitioner core courses and courses specific to the chosen track. The curriculum is organized to continue the development of values, understanding, knowledge and skills needed in all aspects of practice as an NP and emphasizes specialty areas. It is also consistent with State Board content requirements, and all courses reflect each of those content elements.

The following indicates the number of credits and the number of clinical hours for each track:

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care: 52 total credits, 720 total clinical hours

Family-Individual Across the Lifespan: 53 total credits, 720 total clinical hours

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

NUR 500NP Role Development1
MGT 550Leadership and Ethics3
HAD 559Health Policy3
NUR 640Advanced Pathophysiology3
NUR 641Advanced Pharmacology3
NUR 511Graduate Research3
NUR 642Adv Hlth Assess & Clin Reason3
NUR 643Hlth Promo in Integrated Care3
NUR 652Adv Ph'cology Critical Care3
NUR 700Epidemiology & Population Hlth3
NUR 740Adult-Geron Acute Care NP I4
NUR 741Adult-Geron Acute Care NP Pra3-4
NUR 742Adult-Geron Acute Care NP II4
NUR 743Adult-Geron Acute Care Prac II3-4
NUR 744Adult-Geron Acute Care NP III4
NUR 745Adult Geron AC Prac III3-4
Total Hours49-52

Family Nurse Practitioner Across the Lifespan

NUR 500NP Role Development1
MGT 550Leadership and Ethics3
HAD 559Health Policy3
NUR 640Advanced Pathophysiology3
NUR 511Graduate Research3
NUR 641Advanced Pharmacology3
NUR 642Adv Hlth Assess & Clin Reason3
NUR 643Hlth Promo in Integrated Care3
NUR 644App of Integrated Care Concept2
NUR 651Advanced Psychopharmacology2
NUR 700Epidemiology & Population Hlth3
NUR 720Family NP Across Lifespan4
NUR 721Family NP Practicum I3-4
NUR 722Family NP Across Lifespan II4
NUR 723Family NP Practicum II3-4
NUR 724Family NP Across Lifespan III4
NUR 725Family NP Practicum III3-4
Total Hours50-53

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
MGT 550 Leadership and Ethics 3
NUR 643 Hlth Promo in Integrated Care 3
NUR 700 Epidemiology & Population Hlth 3
HAD 559 Health Policy 3
NUR 511 Graduate Research 3
Second Year
NUR 640 Advanced Pathophysiology 3
NUR 500 NP Role Development 1
NUR 641 Advanced Pharmacology 3
NUR 642 Adv Hlth Assess & Clin Reason 3
NUR 652 Adv Ph'cology Critical Care 3
Third Year
NUR 740 Adult-Geron Acute Care NP I 4
NUR 741 Adult-Geron Acute Care NP Pra 3-4
NUR 743 Adult-Geron Acute Care Prac II 4
NUR 744 Adult-Geron Acute Care NP III 4
NUR 742 Adult-Geron Acute Care NP II 4
NUR 745 Adult Geron AC Prac III 3-4
 Total Hours50-52

Family Nurse Practitioner  

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
MGT 550 Leadership and Ethics 3
NUR 643 Hlth Promo in Integrated Care 3
NUR 644 App of Integrated Care Concept 2
NUR 700 Epidemiology & Population Hlth 3
HAD 559 Health Policy 3
NUR 511 Graduate Research 3
Second Year
NUR 640 Advanced Pathophysiology 3
NUR 500 NP Role Development 1
NUR 641 Advanced Pharmacology 3
NUR 642 Adv Hlth Assess & Clin Reason 3
NUR 651 Advanced Psychopharmacology 2
Third Year
NUR 720 Family NP Across Lifespan 4
NUR 721 Family NP Practicum I 3-4
NUR 722 Family NP Across Lifespan II 4
NUR 723 Family NP Practicum II 3-4
NUR 724 Family NP Across Lifespan III 4
NUR 725 Family NP Practicum III 3-4
 Total Hours50-53