Pharmaceutics PhD

Saint Joseph’s University’s PhD in pharmaceutics program explores how to best administer a drug to the human body and turn chemicals into effective medications. By learning how to improve the way drugs interact with the human body, you will advance to the forefront of medical progress and enable modern medical breakthroughs. With a doctoral degree, your knowledge and network will help you continue a rewarding career in the healthcare industry as a researcher and innovator with advanced skills in formulation and delivery of medicine (drug development).

Goal 1: Solid knowledge foundation and critical evaluation of scientific literature

Goal 2: Effective and accurate oral communication of scientific research

Goal 3: Ability to identify scientific questions or formulate hypotheses

Goal 4: Design and perform experiments to answer scientific questions or test hypotheses

Goal 5: Critical data analysis with appropriate statistical methods

Goal 6:  Ability to draw evidence-based conclusions

Goal 7:  Clear and accurate presentation of research results in writing

Goal 8:  Personal development/leadership/teamwork

Goal 9: Solid knowledge foundation and critical evaluation of scientific literature

PHS 751Advanced Pharmaceutics3
PHT 750Research Ethics and Conduct2
PHT 752Intro Scientific Data Analysis1
PHS 760Reg Issues in Pharma3
PHT 811Research Techniques Laboratory2
PHS 890Pharmaceutics Seminar1
PHS 895Analysis of Current Literature2
Choose 6 credits of PHS, PHT, or others 700:8006
Pharma & Biopharmaceutics I
Pharm-Biopharmaceutics II
Drug Discovery & Development
PHS 899Doctoral Research10
PHS 899Doctoral Research10
Total Hours40