Health Sciences

The Department of Health Sciences, encompassing both Health Sciences and Exercise Physiology majors, offers a comprehensive foundation in natural sciences, public health, the healthcare system, and social sciences, preparing students for successful careers in health services and fitness industries. In addition to a broad spectrum of health issues, including sociocultural influences, health behavior, legal and ethical concerns, and environmental impacts on health, the Exercise Physiology major further immerses students in practical experience with access to state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge equipment. The combination of programs ensures that all students, regardless of their major, are well-equipped to address a wide range of health and fitness needs, enhancing health outcomes and athletic performance across diverse populations. By fostering a deep understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of health and physical activity, the department is committed to preparing students for lifelong success in a variety of health-related careers, from public health policy to sports performance.

Faculty and staff in the Department of Health Studies bring extensive experience in healthcare from previous roles as health administrators, pharmacists, nurses, community educators, researchers, and clinicians. Faculty engage in research in Alzheimer's Disease, behavioral health, health policy, public health, health systems, exercise physiology, acute injury and other topics. Faculty are dedicated to helping students learn and grow into competent health or fitness professionals.

Department of Health Sciences Faculty & Staff

Undergraduate Majors

Undergraduate Minor