Art Education MS

The art education PK12 program at Saint Joseph’s University is approved by Pennsylvania Department of Education and prepares art teachers for PK12 classrooms. This program helps candidates develop the necessary skills for effective teaching of art, while broadening the range of understanding of the art curriculum in PK12 schools. Candidates will be able to combine theory and practice through coursework and field experiences in PK12 classrooms. 

The art education PK12 program is accredited and aligned with the Pennsylvania Department of Education requirements for level I teacher certification in Art Education PK12. 

Goal 1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of PK12 learner development.

Outcome 1.1: The student will acquire knowledge of key concepts, principles, theories, and research about learner development in social and classroom contexts.

Outcome 1.2: The student will identify the diverse developmental needs and abilities of learners and use this information effectively when selecting instructional strategies and making curricular decisions.

Goal 2: The student will examine and use the central concepts, standards, research, and structures of content to plan and implement a curriculum that develops all school learners’ competence in art education.

Outcome 2.1: The student will describe and explain the philosophical and historical foundations of comprehensive school education and apply this knowledge in analyzing school culture and climate, classroom management, and instructional design.

Goal 3: The student will use developmentally appropriate instructional strategies for teaching and learning art.

Outcome 3.1:  The student will describe and analyze a range of specific teaching strategies and apply them appropriately in instructional planning, modifying their use based on the unique learning needs of PK12 school students and the particular demands of art education.

Outcome 3.2: The student will demonstrate a practiced habit of self-analysis and collaboration with students and colleagues to assess the impact of instruction on student motivation and learning and will adjust teaching accordingly.

Goal 4: The student will demonstrate understanding and appropriate use of multiple methods of assessment.

Outcome 4.1: The student will define and describe types of valid and reliable educational assessments (including screening, diagnostic, formative, summative, and authentic) and identify strengths, weaknesses, and appropriate uses associated with each.

Outcome 4.2: The student will analyze and interpret assessment data to understand patterns and gaps in learning, to guide planning and instruction, and to provide meaningful feedback to learners and their guardians.

Goal 5: The student will demonstrate knowledge of culturally responsive education and an understanding of teaching art for social justice.

Outcome 5.1: The student will demonstrate the ability to interact positively and respectfully with those of different racial, ethnic, language and socioeconomic backgrounds and sexual orientations.

Outcome 5.2: The student will identify and describe practices and policies that reinforce inequalities and undermine high school student learning, as well as steps that can be taken to challenge such practices in order to create a more just society.

EDU 550His & Contemp Persp Ed w/Field3
EDU 557Adolescent Psychology w/ Field3
EDU 646Language and Culture w/ Field3
EDU 647Literacy & Lrn Acr Cur w/Field3
EDU 622Instr Tech Art Ed w/Field3
SPE 626Assess/ProgMonitorPK12 w/Field3
SPE 600Found & Current Issues w/Field3
SPE 613Incl. Class Practices w/Field3
EDU 691Secondary Student Teaching6
Total Hours30