School Counseling MS

The MS in School Counseling  prepares students to apply instructional and school counseling interventions through the use of data informed strategies to promote student learning outcomes. Students will design, implement, and assess comprehensive school counseling programs in PK12 schools. The MS in School Counseling meets Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) requirements for certification as a school counselor. Students obtain 700 hours of clinical experience through supervised practicum and internship experiences in PK-12 schools. 

Goal 1: Students demonstrate knowledge and skills foundational to the school counseling profession.

Goal 2: Students demonstrate knowledge and skills specific to school settings.

Goal 3: Students make professional and ethical decisions using evidence based judgement. 

Goal 4: Students demonstrate the disposition that is suitable to professional school counseling by developing knowledge, practicing reflection, and seeking growth in the conceptualization of self and students.

Goal 5: Students are advocates for the academic, personal, social, and career development of their students.

Goal 6: Students develop skills and techniques relevant for practice as professional school counselors.

CNS 500Ethic Legal & Prof Iss in Coun3
CNS 505Coun Theories & Techniques3
CNS 510Counseling Across the Lifespan3
CNS 515Career Counseling3
CNS 520Group Counseling3
CNS 525Counseling Skills & Techniques3
CNS 530Assessment Practices for Coun3
CNS 535Cult Div, Iden & Soc Justice3
CNS 540Res & Prog Eval in Coun Pract3
CNS 545Crisis Coun Trauma, Violence3
CNS 605Foundations: School Counseling3
CNS 610Counseling Children in Schools3
CNS 615College and Career Readiness3
CNS 620Seminar in School Counseling3
CNS 600Practicum3
CNS 691Internship I3
CNS 692Internship II3
Electives (Choose 3):9
Diag & Treatment Plan in Couns
Sexuality Counseling
Family & Couples Couns Techniq
Addictions Counseling
Special Topics in Counseling
Family Systems and Addictions
Diag, Treat & Recov in Addict
Psychopharm & Addict Treatment
Total Hours60