Marketing Pharmaceutical Ex (MPE)

MPE 530 Marketing Foundation (2 credits)

The course sets the stage for future study by taking students through the marketing fundamentals beginning with strategy, target marketing and opportunity analysis, then developing product, price, distribution and promotion, and an introduction to customer driven marketing strategy, all in a managed care context.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Food Marketing or Pharm. Healthcare Business. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students. Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Bus Administration degree.

MPE 610 Drug, Device Regulations (2 credits)

With the plethora of new communications vehicles, including direct-to-consumer advertising and the Internet, the goal of achieving marketing objectives and remaining in adherence with FDA regulations/guidelines has become increasingly difficult. This course will provided a working knowledge of the federal regulation of prescription drug promotion and associated marketing practices and will provide insight into drug promotion issues currently of interest to FDA and the pharmaceutical industry. The course will also consider the impact of products liability and anti-kickback concerns on developing marketing programs for prescription drugs.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Pharm. Healthcare Business. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

MPE 795 Capstone (2 credits)

This course is a simulation experience that drives home the four P's of marketing. The simulation is played from the point of view of a marketing manager in the pharmaceutical market. Over the course of the simulated years, the participant will have the opportunity to reformulate leading products, introduce line extensions, and enter new market segments.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Pharm. Healthcare Business. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.