International Business (IBU)

IBU 150 Cultrl Divers & Interntnl Bus (3 credits)

The course develops the understanding that cultural diversity is a crucial component of sustained and productive cross-border interactions in general and international business in particular. It discusses the power of diversity whereby the whole can be made greater than the sum of the parts. Through in-class exercises and out-of-class assignments, the course leads students to accept that their framework for looking at the world around them, i.e., their worldview, may be very different from that of other cultures. The course encourages students to explore their comfort level with different views of the world through experiential exercises and through investigation of some causes for differences across cultures. It introduces and develops critical thinking regarding the role of business and its obligations to all stakeholders while developing the notion of corporate social responsibility.

Attributes: Diversity Course, First-Year Seminar, Globalization Course, Undergraduate

IBU 170 Special Topics (3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Attributes: Undergraduate

IBU 210 Intro International Business (3 credits)

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of international business by examining the following: 1) Country differences in political economy and culture; 2) Theories and politics of international trade, foreign direct investment and regional economic integration; 3) International operations from a functional perspective (i.e. Marketing, Operations, and Human Resources).

Attributes: Globalization Course, Undergraduate

IBU 270 International Bus Spec Topics (3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered. CAS Students may take with permission of the Chair.

IBU 310 Essentials of Global Business (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of global business by examining the following: 1) Types and characteristics of multinational corporations (MNCs); 2) Theories of international trade and foreign direct investment; 3) Global strategies at entry-, operational-. and exit levels. This course is primarily geared towards juniors who are interested in majoring or minoring in International Business.

Prerequisites: MGT 110 or MGT 120 or MGT 121

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Junior, Sophomore or Senior.

Attributes: Globalization Course, Irish Studies Course, Undergraduate

IBU 370 Intern'l Topics & Study Tour (3 credits)

The objective of this course is to participate in a study tour or similar experience offering numerous corporate and institutional visits to allow first hand exploration of business issues. Emphasis will be placed on accounting, economic, finance, management, and marketing issues for various firms. A secondary objective is to expose students to different national cultures and cultural issues related to business. A third objective is to focus on one or more current business topics affecting at least two functional areas. Students will be expected to analyze the impact of the topic (s) on the various areas of business, particularly on the operation of multinational corporations.

Attributes: Undergraduate

IBU 470 Spec Topics in Internat Busine (3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Attributes: Undergraduate

IBU 471 Intl Business Practicum (1 credit)

This course is meant for students with opportunities working over the course of the semester/summer whose employers require a credit as condition of employment. To apply, the student submits a letter to the chair explaining why the practical training is required and includes a letter from the employer. The student submits to the department chair an 8-10 page paper at the end of the practical training describing their work responsibilities and what skills s/he acquired by participating. Does not satisfy any major, minor, general education or elective requirement. Grade is Pass/Fail. May be repeated once. Permission of Chair required.

Attributes: Undergraduate

IBU 472 International Busine Practicum (1 credit)

This course is meant for students with opportunities working over the course of the semester/summer whose employers require a credit as condition of employment. To apply, the student submits a letter to the chair explaining why the practical training is required and includes a letter from the employer. The student submits to the department chair an 8-10 page paper at the end of the practical training describing their work responsibilities and what skills s/he acquired by participating. Does not satisfy any major, minor, general education or elective requirement. Grade is Pass/Fail. May be repeated once. Permission of Chair required.

IBU 490 International Bus Internship (3 credits)

Permission of Chair required.

Attributes: Undergraduate

IBU 493 Internatnl Business Research I (3 credits)

Working under the guidance of a faculty member, students engage in a semester-long research project in the domain of International Business. Permission of Chair required.

IBU 494 Interntnl Business Research II (3 credits)

Working under the guidance of a faculty member, students engage in a semester-long research project in the domain of International Business. This is the second independent research course; it may be a continuation of a previous research project or the initiation of a new project. Permission of Chair required.

IBU 495 Global Strategic Planning (3 credits)

This course is the capstone class of the International Business program and focuses on the management of corporations operating internationally. The international environment implies greater opportunities as companies have access to a wider variety of markets and resources. However, this environment also implies greater managerial challenges. The aim of this course is to investigate how this greater complexity affects the management of companies that are international.

Prerequisites: IBU 210 and PHL 154 and (MGT 110 or MGT 120 or MGT 121)

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students with a class of Senior.

Attributes: Ethics Intensive, Undergraduate

IBU 600 Global Revolutions & Business (3 credits)

Global Revolutions and Business examines the global trends and forces that are shaping our world and the impact of those trends and forces on business organizations. In particular, we will focus on the global forces driving revolutionary changes such as Population, Resources, Information, Technology, Economic Integration, and Governance. Focusing on the future, this course seeks to develop and hone your strategic thinking skills, in considering the near-term and long-term impact of the global changes on organizations.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

IBU 661 International Management (3 credits)

This course examines the international business environment, management practices outside the United States, and the interpersonal, organizational and institutional, issues facing managers conducting business in more than one cultural context.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

IBU 662 International Business Law (3 credits)

The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the international legal environment in which businesses operate. It will introduce the students to international business law as it has evolved over the centuries. It will also introduce students to national, regional and international organizations that regulate foreign commerce, including how international disputes are resolved. International sales, credits, and commercial transactions will be examined, as well as international and U.S. trade law.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

IBU 663 Manage Intl Strategic Alliance (3 credits)

This course examines formation, management, and evolution of international strategic alliances (including international joint ventures) as the most frequently used and uniquely characterized mode of entry into foreign markets.

IBU 770 International Bus Study Tour (3 credits)

A specially designed international tour to varying countries which offers students a unique opportunity to study international management-its dimensions, participants, trends, and opportunities. Students will also experience the heritage, ambience and excitement of the world's great countries and cities.

IBU 771 Topics: International Business (3 credits)

This course covers topics of current interest in the field of leadership. The specific subjects and prerequisites will be announced in the course schedule.