Graphic Design (GDS)

GDS 116 History of Graphic Design (3 credits)

An exploration of the relationship between graphic design and its audience, analysis of the evolution of form or visual attributes, and the study of the social and economic impact of design. The course will provide a conceptual and pictorial view of significant stages in the development of graphic design through in-depth study of stylistic periods, design movements and pioneers of graphic design. We will explore design theory, styles, and means of production from the late 1800’s through the present day. This course will deliver a design history experience through readings, discussion, lectures, activities, and creative projects.

Attributes: GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate

GDS 190 Fundamentals of Graphic Design (3 credits)

This course introduces students to the main tenants, principles and vocabulary of Graphic Design. Students develop foundational design skills such as layout, composition and organizing design principles, implemented across a variety of visual communication outcomes. Attention to technical proficiency and craftsmanship will be emphasized. This course is taught through Illustrator and Indesign. Critical analysis of personal work as well as others will be introduced through class critiques.

Attributes: GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate

GDS 290 Typography I (3 credits)

This course provides an introduction to the study of the letterform as a cornerstone of graphic design. It focuses on how typography can be used as a communicative device as well as a graphic, compositional and expressive element. Areas explored include letterform anatomy, letterform analysis, typographic systems, typographic identification, and practical issues of typesetting and using type effectively. We will examine hierarchy, scale and font choices. Students will continue to focus on craftsmanship as well as innovation in typographic layouts. Critical analysis of personal work as well as others will be expected as we continue to develop our professional vocabulary.

Prerequisites: GDS 190 or ART 190

Attributes: GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate

GDS 292 Typography II (3 credits)

This is an advanced study of typography as a tool and a design element. This course will consist of special projects, which will build upon and expand the knowledge the student has acquired in previous classes. The emphasis of the course will be upon layout design as it applies to print and electronic media. Students learn through concept development, typographical refinements, and polished execution of projects focusing on type relationships. Projects will explore the ability of type to communicate a message while using the typography as the primary visual. This will be accomplished through a combination of lectures, out of class reading or research, assignments/design projects, production of digital comprehensives, discussions in and out of class, and class critiques.

Prerequisites: GDS 290 or ART 290

Attributes: GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate

GDS 390 Commercial Design (3 credits)

A study of the essential elements of commercial design and advertising including the conceptual and graphic design issues involved in the production of a cohesive campaign--including print, environmental/guerilla, social media and web-based applications. Principles of design, layout, copy writing and designing cross platform promotional campaigns will be practiced and executed using computer graphic software. Course topics will include anticipating how to visually engage target audiences, creative concept formulation, logo and advertisement design and layout, typography, working with art, as well as an introduction to project management, production timelines and methods. This course transitions students from taking individual approaches to team-based approaches, gearing up for real world agency experience.

Prerequisites: GDS 290

Attributes: GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate

GDS 392 Editorial Design (3 credits)

This course focuses on the application of text and image to design magazine, book and digital publications. Students will develop a design concept and learn about grids, layout, choosing fonts, and typesetting. Students will explore various fields of publication design including: book design, zines/magazines, catalogs, and digital publications. Design concepts and application of design tools and technical production for printed as well as digital publishing will be explored. Instruction includes lectures, studio-based projects, field trips and in-class guests.

Prerequisites: GDS 292

Attributes: GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate

GDS 394 User Experience Design (3 credits)

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the user experience design process for web and mobile experiences. Students learn the fundamental methods, concepts and techniques necessary to design useful, functional and visually engaging digital products. The class will cover all phases of the design thinking process as it relates to creating meaningful experiences for users and interactions between users and products.

Prerequisites: GDS 290

Attributes: GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate

GDS 490 Visual Identity and Branding (3 credits)

This course focuses on creating individual visual identities and branding for clients, implementing systems through the use of typography, color, photography and graphics. Students will examine and develop impactful and cohesive brands through the use of image, type, color theory and best practices. We will address sustainability, social responsibility and brand value. Emphasis will be placed on developing design strategies to inform brand identity design to effectively solve design and communication problems visually. The course will guide students through the design process and creation of professional presentations. Students will create various components including logos, identity systems and identity manuals; as well as the application to various outputs and platforms. (such as stationery, signage, social media and web-based platforms) Students will learn how to apply these concepts through a semester-long, team-based project with an external client.

Prerequisites: GDS 292

Attributes: GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate

GDS 492 Portfolio & Professional Pract (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide an understanding of what constitutes a thorough, comprehensive, portfolio appropriate to contemporary graphic design practice. It will emphasize, through assigned projects, the kind of work incorporated in a graphic designer’s portfolio, as well as portfolio assembly, presentation skills, and an awareness of client expectations. During the course, students will refine a body of design work and publish their portfolio in both print and web formats. Students will design and develop a consistent visual language for their own professional materials including resume, cover letter and portfolio presentation.

Prerequisites: GDS 490 and GDS 392

Attributes: GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate