Education (EDU)

EDU 121 Child Development (3 credits)

This course examines the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of the child from birth through the childhood years (0-12), including the study of how children learn and acquire knowledge. Special attention will be given to leading theories of development and their implications in the early childhood and elementary classrooms as well as critiques of these theories.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Child Family Studies, Educational Studies or Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 140 Publ Schls & Soc Eq in Urb Env (3 credits)

This course explores the controversies that the current education reform has created in urban school districts such as the School District of Philadelphia. Particular attention is given to the debate over school funding and the role that charter schools play in this debate. To understand the complexity of this issue, the course will introduce students to some of the main changes experienced by the School District of Philadelphia in recent times and will address how charter schools came to be regarded as "the" solution for public education in this City. Because this course also aims at providing students with an introduction to the process of research and to familiarize them with the conventions of different ways of writing, students will be required to conduct library- based research and to present their conclusions in different academic formats.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to PLS/HDC level students.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 150 Schools in Society w/ Field (3 credits)

This course critically examines the system of American education and its function in American society in both historical and contemporary contexts. Drawing on multiple perspectives, including historical, sociological, economic and multicultural, this course provides conceptual frameworks by which to address fundamental questions regarding education for what purpose and in whose interest. It is in addressing these questions that we come to examine our own positions and the ways in which they influence our role as educators.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Art Education, Biology - Secondary Education, Chemistry -Secondary Education, Child Family Studies, Educational Studies, Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr, Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr, English - Secondary Education, French - Secondary Education, History - Secondary Education, Italian - Secondary Education, Latin - Secondary Education, Mathematics - Secondary Educat, Special Education or Undecided Education.

Attributes: Diversity Course, First-Year Seminar, Undergraduate

EDU 151 Cognition & Learning w/ Field (3 credits)

This course provides students with the opportunity to apply theories of human development to teaching practices. Special attention is directed towards intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, social dynamics in the classroom, tests and measurements, and various instruction models. Enrollment in Field Experience is required with this course.

Prerequisites: ENG 101

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr or Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Undergraduate, Writing Intensive Course- GEP

EDU 155 Found of Early Child w/ Field (3 credits)

This course provides students with a general overview of Early Childhood Education. This overview includes an introduction to the field of early childhood education, an examination of its core competencies, and analysis of developmentally appropriate practices for young children. Students will spend time observing in early childhood programs and will become familiar with key organizations, as well as relevant laws and regulations.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Child Family Studies, Educational Studies or Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 157 Adolescent Development w/Field (3 credits)

The course addresses the dynamic complexities of adolescent development, through discussion of classic and emerging theories. The text readings and class assignments make use of research-based, real-world, and cross- cultural examples. The primary aim of the course is to foster the students ability to recognize and apply the connections among developmental domains and of theory and research with application as applied to the ever changing field of human development. The course takes a longer age range approach to adolescence by expanding coverage into the early twenties and giving attention to changes and continuities in development that take place during this period of "emerging adulthood."

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Art Education, Biology - Secondary Education, Chemistry -Secondary Education, Child Family Studies, Educational Studies, Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr, English - Secondary Education, French - Secondary Education, History - Secondary Education, Italian - Secondary Education, Latin - Secondary Education, Mathematics - Secondary Educat or Spanish - Secondary Education.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 160 Schools in Society w/ Field (3 credits)

See description for EDU 150. Appropriate for students who did not take EDU 150 in their freshman year.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Art Education, Biology - Secondary Education, Chemistry -Secondary Education, Child Family Studies, Educational Studies, Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr, Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr, English - Secondary Education, French - Secondary Education, History - Secondary Education, Italian - Secondary Education, Latin - Secondary Education, Mathematics - Secondary Educat, Spanish - Secondary Education or Undecided Education.

Attributes: Diversity Course, Undergraduate

EDU 170 Special Topics in Education (3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 230 Eval: Secondary Grades 7-12 (3 credits)

This course focuses on integrating instruction and assessment into the curriculum at the secondary level. The course is based on the premise that teaching is an ethical undertaking and assessment and instruction are grounded in ethical issues. Teacher candidates will learn basic concepts of instructional design and assessment in the curriculum; examine instruments that reflect constructs of interest (cognitive, affective, and behavioral objectives); develop skill in aligning assessment and instruction to state standards; construct various types of assessments; and analyze and refine teacher-made instruments. Teacher candidates will use multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their growth, monitor learner progress, and guide the teacher and learner’s decision making. They will learn how to analyze and interpret assessment data and how to communicate and use test results in educational decision-making. Throughout the course, teacher candidates will engage with critical issues in the field, including historical and theoretical perspectives on assessment; explore differentiation in instruction and assessment in the curriculum; and reflect upon the ethical implications of assessment practices and policies.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Art Education, Biology - Secondary Education, Chemistry -Secondary Education, Child Family Studies, French - Secondary Education, History - Secondary Education, Italian - Secondary Education, Latin - Secondary Education, Mathematics - Secondary Educat or Spanish - Secondary Education.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 231 Assessment and Evaluation (3 credits)

This course is designed so that pre-service teachers will understand and use multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher's and learner's decision making (from INTASC). It assumes that teaching is necessarily an ethical undertaking and that assessment, as an essential element in teaching, is not merely technical but enlaced with ethical issues at its core. Teacher candidates will learn basic assessment and evaluation concepts; examine instruments that reflect constructs of interest (cognitive, affective, and behavioral objectives); develop skill in aligning assessment and instruction to state standards; construct various types of assessments; and analyze and refine teacher-made instruments. Teacher candidates will also learn how to interpret test results and how to communicate and use them in educational decision-making. Throughout the course, they will learn the importance of critical issues in the field, including historical and theoretical perspectives on assessment issues; explore differentiation issues in assessment; and analyze and reflect upon the moral implications of assessment practices and policies.

Prerequisites: PHL 154

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Child Family Studies, Educational Studies or Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 232 Literacy/Literature I w/ Field (3 credits)

This course prepares teacher candidates to develop engaged, strategic, and independent readers and writers. Candidates will develop understandings about: 1. Literacy-rich, engaging, and culturally affirming environments for nurturing students’ literacy learning, 2. How emergent/beginning readers and writers develop oral language, concepts of print, phonemic awareness, alphabetic and orthographic knowledge, vocabulary and conceptual knowledge, concept of word in text, concepts of stories and story language, and writing, 3. Appropriate assessments for identifying students’ literacy abilities and targeting instruction, 4. Instructional strategies for advancing students’ literacy abilities, and 5. The use of children’s literature in the early primary grades (big books, pattern books, leveled decodable and natural language readers, informational texts, poetry, fiction, personal narrative and persuasive texts). The course emphasizes meaning-based approaches consistent with constructivism and transactional models of literacy, in addition to systematic, targeted phonics instruction. Course objectives align with the Common Core and PA State Standards for English Language Arts for grades PK-1. *This course builds candidate’s competencies outlined in Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (see Appendix A). Candidates are asked to reflect on key assignments in relation to Danielson’ Framework to include in their Professional Educator ePortfolio.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 240 Literacy/Literature II w/Field (3 credits)

This course develops teacher candidates’ ability to develop engaged, strategic, and independent readers and writers. Candidates will use literature appropriate for children in the transitional and intermediate stages of literacy development (approximately late first grade to grade 4). Students will use their understanding of the interactive/constructivist models of reading/writing processes to develop instructional strategies using the various forms of texts (fables, folktales, myths, poetry, biography, science informational texts, realistic and historical fiction). Special attention will be directed to the use of literature to foster reading fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, word recognition, and writing. In addition, candidates will investigate the use of literature to design culturally sustaining literacy instruction. Candidates will plan, revise, deliver, and assess ELA lessons in accordance with Common Core/PA State Standards for Reading/Language Arts and PA Structured Literacy Standards while participating in a 1st-4th grade literacy classroom field placement one day per week for the Stage 3: Pre-student teaching field experience.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 241 Soc/Emo Dev/Lrn: Erly Chld (3 credits)

This course focuses on the domain of social and emotional development in early childhood, and it explores the complex ways in which this domain of development changes over time from birth to allow the growing child to react and interact with others around them. An interactional model will serve as the primary theoretical framework that underlies all discussions and assignments in order to allow students to understand the concept that each major area of development in early childhood are interdependent on one another and directly contribute to the adaptability and resilience of the whole child. Students will become familiar with current theories on how the young child develops socially and emotionally from birth and how mastery of development in these areas provides lays the foundation for cognitive, linguistic, and motoric growth in the early years. Special topics include early childhood mental health, parent-child attachment, floor time and early exploration (play), family systems dynamics, resiliency, adversity/risk, policy reform, and promotion/prevention/intervention.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Child Family Studies.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 242 Tech Enhan Curr & Inst w/Field (3 credits)

This is an introductory course designed to develop candidates' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and offer an overview of the role of technology, especially web-based tools, in instruction and learning. The course will focus on the application of computers and technology in the learning process and connecting these applications with relevant ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) and PDE standards. The impact of new technology on individuals, society, and educational agencies also will be investigated.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr or Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 246 Language and Culture w/ Field (3 credits)

This course introduces candidates to key theories, critical issues, and research-based practices related to promoting the language and literacy development of culturally and linguistically diverse students (PK-12), with a special focus on English language learners (ELLs). Candidates will learn how to use the Standards for English Language Development and PA academic standards to plan instruction in a culturally and linguistically diverse setting. Assigned readings, class discussions, video recordings, library and online research, and a field experience in a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom and school will engage candidates in the course topic.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Art Education, Biology - Secondary Education, Chemistry -Secondary Education, Child Family Studies, Educational Studies, Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr, Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr, English - Secondary Education, French - Secondary Education, History - Secondary Education, Italian - Secondary Education, Latin - Secondary Education, Mathematics - Secondary Educat, Spanish - Secondary Education or Undecided Education.

Attributes: Diversity Course, Field Experience, Faith Justice Course, Undergraduate

EDU 247 Literacy in Cont Areas w/Field (3 credits)

The focus of this course is the teaching of content area reading and literacy across the curriculum for secondary schools. Topics to be examined include: theory, policy, practice and research in reading in the content area, reading across content areas, disciplinary reading, levels of reading and comprehension, place of reading in school programs, selecting diverse and appropriate curricular materials for enhancing reading that is culturally and linguistically responsive, differentiated reading instruction for diverse learners, general and specific strategies and study skills for content area reading comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and spelling, critical reading of texts including critical media literacy, adjustment of reading instruction to meet individual learning levels and styles in inclusive classrooms, diagnostic, screening, formative, summative and benchmark reading assessment, and interventions for improving reading comprehension in the content areas for challenged and culturally and linguistically diverse readers. This course includes field experience in 7-12 classrooms.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Art Education, Biology - Secondary Education, Chemistry -Secondary Education, Child Family Studies, Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr, English - Secondary Education, French - Secondary Education, History - Secondary Education, Italian - Secondary Education, Latin - Secondary Education, Mathematics - Secondary Educat or Spanish - Secondary Education.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 265 Teaching Math in PK2 w/ Field (3 credits)

The goal of this course is to prepare teachers or teaching candidates who have the knowledge, skills, and orientation to help young children develop their mathematical foundation. The concept of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Mathematics provides the theoretical framework for the course’s structure and orientation. This means that students who successfully complete the course will have a thorough knowledge of the mathematics central to pre-K – grade 2; an understanding of how children at these stages learn mathematics; and the ability to coordinate content and “best” practices for mathematics instruction, including the integration of technology. The specific mathematical content and instructional practices reflect the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the PA Department of Education standards, and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M). Throughout the course, candidates will plan, implement, and reflect on lessons; use standards and assessments (formative and summative) in evaluating student progress and teacher effectiveness; apply standards-based assessment data to selection of appropriate instructional materials, technology, and/or recommendation for intervention; and apply standards based, data-driven, decision-making procedures to lesson planning or re-teaching.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 270 Special Topics in Education (3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 345 Trauma in Infan & Early Child (3 credits)

The following course provides students with an in-depth study of trauma in infancy and early childhood, including analyses of historical origins, theoretical perspectives, influences on development and learning, and impacts on establishing sustained relationships throughout the lifespan. Throughout course readings and assignments, students will analyze specific levels and intensities of traumatic events and identify how these relate to the continuum of effects that early (chronic) trauma has on young children's internal working models of self-esteem, self-worth, self-competence, and overall self-identity. Various models of intervention and therapeutic approaches will be explored to provide students with pathways to: support children's development and learning, integrate educational and emotional wellness strategies to strengthen resilience, and help children cope with their exposure to trauma. The following course is especially appropriate for pre-professional students in the fields of educator preparation, child studies, psychology, or sociology.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 362 Soc Stud Thru Arts PK4 w/Field (3 credits)

The purpose of this course is to connect theory and practice in the teaching of elementary school social studies through the visual and performing arts. Strategies for planning, implementing, and evaluating social studies instruction are designed with a focus on preparing children to be critical thinkers and young citizens in a global, technological and culturally diverse world.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 363 Science Methods PK-4 w/ Field (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to investigate content and pedagogy relevant to science instruction in PreK-4 classrooms. Emphasis is placed upon the philosophy, curriculum planning and organization, skill development, instructional methods, and classroom resources for the natural sciences.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 365 Math & Technology PK4 w/Field (3 credits)

Ultimately, the goal of this course is to prepare teachers or teaching candidates who have the knowledge, skills, and orientation to help young children develop their mathematical foundation. The concept of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Mathematics provides the theoretical framework for the course structure and orientation. This means that students who successfully complete the course will have a thorough knowledge of the mathematics central to PK4; an understanding of how children at these stages learn mathematics; and the ability to coordinate content and "best" practices for mathematics instruction, including the integration of technology. As a course in elementary level math teaching methods, it is designed to engage candidates in thinking beyond the facts and tools of mathematics to the level of understanding ideas and concepts. Thinking conceptually about mathematics means thinking in terms of mathematical constructs that have the potential to produce understanding. In addition, the course will address the role that technology tools are playing in children's mathematics education. The specific mathematical content and instructional practices reflect the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the PA Department of Education standards, and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M). Throughout the course, candidates will plan, implement, and reflect on lessons; use standards and assessments (formative and summative) in evaluating student progress and teacher effectiveness; apply standards-based assessment data to selection of appropriate instructional materials, technology, and/or recommendation for intervention; and apply standards based, data-driven, decision making procedures to lesson planning or re-teaching.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr. Enrollment limited to students with the Education Basic Skills attribute.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 366 Teaching Math Gr. 3-6 w/Field (3 credits)

Ultimately, the goal of this course is to prepare teachers or teaching candidates who have the knowledge, skills, and orientation to help children in the elementary grades develop their mathematical understanding. The concept of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Mathematics provides the theoretical framework for the course’s structure and orientation. This means that students who successfully complete the course will have a thorough knowledge of the mathematics central to grades 3-6; an understanding of how children at these stages learn mathematics; and the ability to coordinate content and “best” practices for mathematics instruction, including the integration of technology. The specific mathematical content and instructional practices reflect the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the PA Department of Education standards, and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M). Throughout the course, candidates will plan, implement, and reflect on lessons; use standards and assessments (formative and summative) in evaluating student progress and teacher effectiveness; apply standards-based assessment data to selection of appropriate instructional materials, technology, and/or recommendation for intervention; and apply standards based, data-driven, decision-making procedures to lesson planning or re-teaching.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 370 Special Topics in Education (3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 375 Seminar in Childhood Studies (3 credits)

This course is designed as a capstone course to provide students with the opportunity to explore and discuss current issues in child and family studies. Special attention will be paid to current trends in child/family research, family law and relevant court cases involving young children and families, and inclusive educational and therapeutic practices appropriate for young children and families. Further, students will engage in ongoing dialog about the implications current trends in the child and family studies field have with best professional practices in early care and education and related settings.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 400 Literacy Theories and Models (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide teacher candidates with knowledge of the theories and models for understanding literacy acquisition and development. Emphasis will be placed upon various interactive models of the reading process, the psychology of literacy, and their implications for classroom instruction. The role of language, cognition, information processing, affective factors and measurement in reading will be examined to provide a broad understanding literacy acquisition and development.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 401 Literacy Assessment/Instruct (3 credits)

This course provides teacher candidates an in-depth study of students' literacy instruction and assessment in grades K-3. A range of formal and informal assessments will be used to measure children's early language and literacy development, including phonemic awareness, concepts of print, word recognition strategies, and comprehension abilities. This information will be used to make informed decisions about literacy instruction.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 410 Instr Techniq English w/Field (3 credits)

This course introduces teacher candidates to key theories, philosophies, core concepts, issues, skills, methods of inquiry, application of technology and research-based practices related to teaching ELA at the secondary level. The course has a special focus on pedagogical knowledge and skills for teaching ELA and promoting social justice in the ELA classroom. Candidates will learn how to align the PA ELA Content and Proficiency Standards and Assessment for instruction in a culturally and linguistically diverse setting. Students will draw upon a variety of tools to design, implement, reflect upon and evaluate ELA curriculum for secondary classrooms that is culturally and linguistically responsive to classroom diversity. Candidates will design and implement innovative techniques including new media literacies that address the academic needs of diverse learners. Assigned readings, class lectures and discussions, video and print resources, library and online research, written assignments and presentations, guest speakers, and field trips aim at developing candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching ELA. This course has a mandatory field experience in a 7-12 grade classroom.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Art Education, Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr, English - Secondary Education, Foreign Lang Educ PK-12, French - Secondary Education, Italian - Secondary Education, Latin - Secondary Education or Spanish - Secondary Education.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 412 Instr Techniq Soc St w/Field (3 credits)

This course introduces teacher candidates to key theories, philosophies, core concepts, issues, skills, methods of inquiry, application of technology and research-based practices related to promoting social studies literacy development of secondary students. The course has a special focus on pedagogical knowledge and skills for teaching social studies and promoting social justice in the social studies classroom. Candidates will learn how to align the PA Social Studies Proficiency Standards with the PA academic standards to plan instruction in a culturally and linguistically diverse setting. Students will draw upon a variety of tools to design, implement, reflect upon and evaluate social studies curriculum for secondary classrooms. Teacher candidates will engage in designing and implementing innovative techniques, new literacies, and effective teaching techniques that address the academic needs of culturally diverse learners. Assigned readings, class lectures and discussions, video and print resources, library and online research, written assignments and presentations, guest speakers, and field trips aim at developing teacher candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching social studies.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr or History - Secondary Education.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 414 Instr Techniq Flang w/Field (3 credits)

This course introduces the teacher candidate to key theories, philosophies, core concepts, issues, skills, methods of inquiry, application of technology and research-based practices related to the substance and strategies of proficiency oriented second language instruction (K-12). The course has a special focus on pedagogical knowledge and skills for teaching foreign languages and promoting social justice in the FL classroom. Candidates will learn how to align the PA FL Content and Proficiency Standards and Assessment (ACTFL) in a culturally and linguistically diverse setting. Students will draw upon a variety of tools of design, implement, reflect upon, and evaluate FL curriculum for secondary classrooms. In order to develop each candidate's knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching FLs, candidates will design and implement innovative techniques including new media literacies that address the academic needs of diverse learners. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: Identify current instructional practices, theories, and paradigms in a Foreign Language Classroom; Demonstrate current instructional practices and theories in a Foreign Language Classroom; Construct Lesson Plans to be implemented in a Foreign Language Classroom.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr, Foreign Lang Educ PK-12, French - Secondary Education, Italian - Secondary Education, Latin - Secondary Education or Spanish - Secondary Education.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 416 Instr Techniq Math w/Field (3 credits)

This course is intended to assist students in the development of their individual approaches to instructional styles and strategies. Students will be placed in a secondary classroom where they will study issues related to teaching pedagogy. Emphasis will be placed upon the current research and the development of techniques useful in the presentation of mathematical concepts at the secondary level. Included in this course is a thorough investigation of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Standards and examination of Gender Bias in the mathematics classroom.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr or Mathematics - Secondary Educat.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 418 Instr Techniq Science w/Field (3 credits)

This course is intended to assist students in the development of their individual instructional styles and strategies. Well-conceived and effective curriculum and instruction are based upon both an understanding of the adolescent and the nature of science. Instructional techniques ranging from lecture and demonstrations to laboratory and computer simulations will be modeled and analyzed. Issues in classroom management and safety, among other topics, will be explored. Students will be placed in a secondary classroom where they will study issues related to teaching pedagogy. All of these courses in instructional methodology include discussion of and practice in instructional management, student motivation, the implications of learning theory for classrooms, the identification of instructional resources, and procedures for the measurement of student achievement. Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in these skills for successful completion of the course.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Biology - Secondary Education, Chemistry -Secondary Education or Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 422 Instruct Tech. for Art Edu (3 credits)

This course is designed to introduce pre-service teachers of Art to instructional processes, teaching strategies, materials, lesson planning, assessment practices, and classroom management theory that will be of practical value in the classroom. Students will be placed in a K-12 art classroom where they will study issues related to teaching pedagogy.

Prerequisites: EDU 150 and EDU 151 and SPE 160

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Art Education.

Attributes: Field Experience, Undergraduate

EDU 430 Linguistics and ESL (3 credits)

This course is will introduce teacher candidates interested in ESL instruction to the study of language and principles of linguistics. Emphasis is placed on understanding the role of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, second language acquisition, pedagogy, and applied linguistics in the learning English as a second language. This course is open to all undergraduate students interested in working with students for whom English is a second language.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 432 Theories & Models in Language (3 credits)

The course introduces teacher candidates interested in ESL to theories and models in language acquisition, processes of language acquisition, especially the process of learning a second or additional language. Emphasis will be given to learning environments, the characteristics of interaction and participation, and contexts that facilitate second language acquisition. The course will also explore linguistic factors and processes in second language acquisition (SLA) and examine how they are influenced by the learner's home language. This course requires a 15-hour field experience.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 457 Sem ClinApp of Traum in Infanc (3 credits)

The following course provides students with an applied course, which focuses on specific trauma cases in infancy and early childhood. This course is designed as the capstone course for those students who have successfully completed two prior related courses. (i.e., EDU 241/644 & EDU 345/651). A roundtable format will be the primary format for all lectures, discussions, and assignments. Students will investigate specific trauma cases, and they will use prior knowledge and current empirical/best practice evidence to analyze and pose appropriate educational/interventional suggestions. This course is appropriate for students majoring in the following programs such as early care and educator preparation, Childhood Studies, Child Life, and other related allied health professions.

Prerequisites: EDU 241 and EDU 345

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 470 Special Topics in Education (1-3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 471 Writing in the Classroom (3 credits)

A practical course in the teaching of writing across the curriculum. Practice in personal, creative, and expository writing. Methods of teaching writing and steps in the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing) are emphasized in the course.

Attributes: Undergraduate, Writing Intensive Course- GEP

EDU 474 Special Topics in EDU (3 credits)

Rotating topics in Education.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 475 ESL Instruct Prac w/Field (4 credits)

This course introduces students to the roles and responsibilities of the ESL/Bilingual teacher through a school-based experience. Students spend 30 hours in the company of expert ESL/Bilingual educators in school settings. Students will gain expertise in working with groups of students, interfacing with teachers and caregivers, and examining programs that serve emergent bilingual students in grades PK-12. Emphasis will be on program design and implementation guided by the English language development standards (ELDS), including assessing students' language capacities, designing programs to fit a variety of language needs, working with teachers and other school professionals to serve emergent bilinguals, and organizing programs to enhance caregiver collaboration. The course requires students to fulfill a 30-hour field requirement working with ESL students.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 476 Pedagogy for ESL Learn w/Field (3 credits)

This course examines various approaches, methods, and techniques for teaching and assessing English Language Learners in bilingual and ESL classrooms, as well as for assisting ELL students' learning in regular classrooms. This course is also suitable for those interested in teaching in an EFL environment (abroad). Candidates will develop a culturally responsive curriculum and design a variety of research-supported instructional activities to meet the needs of the culturally and linguistically diverse learners. The course requires students to fulfill a 30-hour field requirement for completing course assignments.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 479 Independent Study Education (3 credits)

This course is designed to accommodate those students who have an interest in a research- or internship- worthy topic that can be examined on an independent basis. The student will work closely with a professor on an education-related topic that will require the identification of that topic, a literature review, appropriate methodology/field experience, and analysis.

EDU 491 Secondary Student Teaching (12 credits)

Student teaching is a full-semester, full-time, full-day, 14-week student teaching experience of the teacher preparation program for SJU students seeking initial teacher certification. The Pennsylvania Department of Education ( defines student teaching as a set of organized and carefully planned classroom teaching experiences required of all candidates in a preparation program. Student teachers are assigned to one or more classrooms, closely supervised and apprenticed by a certified teacher who serves as the cooperating teacher, and provides regular feedback to the student on his or her classroom teaching performance. Student teachers are also assigned a university mentor who observes student teachers in their field placement and provides feedback on the six domains of student teacher competencies as outlined by PDE. In conjunction with student teaching placement in the school, all student teachers are required to attend a weekly seminar in student teaching conducted by a university professor. All student teachers are required to abide by PDE Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators. A maximum of one additional course may be taken during the student teaching semester. Students should complete the "Application for Student Teaching" ( at least one semester in advance of student teaching.

Prerequisites: EDU 150 and EDU 157 and SPE 160 and SPE 203

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Art Education, Biology - Secondary Education, Chemistry -Secondary Education, English - Secondary Education, French - Secondary Education, History - Secondary Education, Italian - Secondary Education, Latin - Secondary Education, Mathematics - Secondary Educat or Spanish - Secondary Education.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 495 ECE Student Teaching (12 credits)

This experience is designed as the capstone professional course for the PK-4 education major; it is to be the final course taken in the major sequence. The student teaching experience approximates a full-time teaching experience for the semester (14 weeks). In addition, the teacher candidate attends a seminar once each week in which issues related to student teaching are studied. This field-based seminar is designed to provide preservice teachers with an understanding of the diverse needs of their students and their learning environments in early childhood education (as defined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education) for grades pre-k - 4th. At the conclusion of the student teaching experience, the candidate shall have demonstrated proficiencies in instructional management; student motivation; curriculum planning; learning theory, problem solving in the educational setting; the use of technology; use of appropriate pedagogies across content areas, including reading, language, and literacy skills in all classrooms; the identification of appropriate instructional resources; and the assessment of student achievement. Throughout student teaching and the student teaching seminar, candidates will be expected to apply the knowledge, skills, and competencies developed through the Saint Joseph's University Teacher Preparation Program as aligned with the program's mission to "to cultivate knowledgeable, caring, reflective, and socially conscientious educators who can think critically, inspire a passion for learning, communicate effectively, and advocate intentionally for all PK-12 candidates, including those from culturally nondominant communities and those who have distinct learning needs." A maximum of one additional course may be taken during the student teaching semester. Students should complete the "Application for Student Teaching" ( at least one semester in advance of student teaching.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 496 Student Teaching (4-8) (12 credits)

Student teaching is a full-semester, full-time, full-day, 14-week student teaching experience of the teacher preparation program for SJU students seeking initial teacher certification. The Pennsylvania Department of Education ( defines student teaching as a set of organized and carefully planned classroom teaching experiences required of all candidates in a preparation program. Student teachers are assigned to one or more classrooms, closely supervised and apprenticed by a certified teacher who serves as the cooperating teacher, and provides regular feedback to the student on his or her classroom teaching performance. Student teachers are also assigned a university mentor who observes student teachers in their field placement and provides feedback on the six domains of student teacher competencies as outlined by PDE. In conjunction with student teaching placement in the school, all student teachers are required to attend a weekly seminar in student teaching conducted by a university professor. All student teachers are required to abide by PDE Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators. A maximum of one additional course may be taken during the student teaching semester. Students should complete the "Application for Student Teaching" ( at least one semester in advance of student teaching.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Educ 4th - 8th Gr.

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 498 Dual Major Student Teaching (6 credits)

This experience is designed as the capstone professional course for the Double Major (PK-4 / Special Education); it should be taken in conjunction with SPE 495. It is to be the final course taken in the major sequence. The Student Teaching experience approximates a full-time working experience for the semester (fourteen weeks) and includes experiences in both regular and special education classrooms. It includes a seminar class each week in which issues related to student teaching are studied. At the conclusion of the Student Teaching experience, the student shall have demonstrated proficiencies in instructional management, student motivation, curriculum planning, learning theory, solving problems in the education setting, using reading, language and literacy skills in working with exceptional students, identifying instructional resources, using technology, and assessing student achievement. A maximum of one additional course may be taken during the student teaching semester. Students should apply to the Office of Student Teaching according to the application deadlines established by the Department. These deadlines are more than one semester in advance of student teaching. See Education Department home page for on-line application and guidelines.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Elementary Educ Pre K -4th Gr, Special Education (7 to 12) or Special Education (PK to 8).

Attributes: Undergraduate

EDU 550 His & Contemp Persp Ed w/Field (3 credits)

American education as a dynamic, sometimes cyclic, process. The origins, evolution, and realities of contemporary public and private schools are examined through critical reading original documents. Visits to elementary or secondary classrooms in multicultural setting provide a strong link to the teacher's world.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 551 Psych Teach Dev Persp w/Field (3 credits)

This course introduces theoretical models of instructional design, student motivation, classroom management, and assessment. Attention is directed to instructional objectives; to lesson formats; to motivational strategies; to classroom discipline; to teacher attitudes and expectations; and tests and measurements. Particular attention is given to recent developments in schema theory and to constructivist models.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 557 Adolescent Psychology w/ Field (3 credits)

This course introduces theoretical models of instructional design, student motivation, classroom management, and assessment at the secondary level. Attention is directed to instructional objectives; to lesson formats; to motivational strategies; to classroom discipline; to teacher attitudes and expectations; and tests and measurements. Particular attention is given to recent developments in schema theory and to constructivist models.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 570 Education Independent Study (1-3 credits)

Students will study a topic in education with a faculty mentor.

EDU 600 Curriculum Theory (3 credits)

In this course students will examine historical and contemporary theories underpinning curricula decisions, how educational settings decide what knowledge is worth teaching and learning, whose knowledge is valued in the curriculum, who has the power to make these decisions, and the implications of these decisions in terms of who is included, who is excluded, who benefits, who is disadvantaged, and what this means for student experience. In this course, curriculum is understood as overt and planned for guiding teaching and learning as well as hidden to shape the educational experiences of students. Students will explore critical, postmodern, poststructural, feminist, postfeminist, queer, phenomenological, autobiographical, and aesthetical theory as lenses for engaging with curriculum issues. In this course, students will also become familiar with the theoretical orientation of research on curriculum and evaluate the production of knowledge related to curriculum issues.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 610 Instr Techniq English w/Field (3 credits)

This course introduces graduate level teacher candidates to key theories, philosophies, core concepts, issues, skills, methods of inquiry, application of technology and research-based practices related to teaching ELA at the secondary level. The course has a special focus on pedagogical knowledge and skills for teaching ELA and promoting social justice in the ELA classroom. Candidates will learn how to align the PA ELA Content and Proficiency Standards and Assessment for instruction in a culturally and linguistically diverse setting. Students will draw upon a variety of tools to design, implement, reflect upon and evaluate ELA curriculum for secondary classrooms that is culturally and linguistically responsive to classroom diversity. Candidates will design and implement innovative techniques including new media literacies that address the academic needs of diverse learners. Assigned readings, class lectures and discussions, video and print resources, library and online research, written assignments and presentations, guest speakers, and field trips aim at developing candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching ELA. This course has a mandatory field experience in a 7-12 grade classroom.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 612 Instr Techniq Soc St w/Field (3 credits)

This course introduces graduate level teacher candidates to key theories, philosophies, core concepts, issues, skills, methods of inquiry, application of technology and research-based practices related to promoting social studies literacy development of secondary students. The course has a special focus on pedagogical knowledge and skills for teaching social studies and promoting social justice in the social studies classroom. Candidates will learn how to align the PA Social Studies Proficiency Standards with the PA academic standards to plan instruction in a culturally and linguistically diverse setting. Students will draw upon a variety of tools to design, implement, reflect upon and evaluate social studies curriculum for secondary classrooms. Teacher candidates will engage in designing and implementing innovative techniques, new literacies, and effective teaching techniques that address the academic needs of culturally diverse learners. Assigned readings, class lectures and discussions, video and print resources, library and online research, written assignments and presentations, guest speakers, and field trips aim at developing teacher candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching social studies. The course has a mandatory field experience in a 7-12 grade classroom.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 614 Instr Techniq Flan w/Field (3 credits)

This course introduces the teacher candidate to key theories, philosophies, core concepts, issues, skills, methods of inquiry, application of technology and research-based practices related to the substance and strategies of proficiency oriented second language instruction (K-12). The course has a special focus on pedagogical knowledge and skills for teaching foreign languages and promoting social justice in the FL classroom. Candidates will learn how to align the PA FL Content and Proficiency Standards and Assessment (ACTFL) in a culturally and linguistically diverse setting. Students will draw upon a variety of tools of design, implement, reflect upon, and evaluate FL curriculum for secondary classrooms. In order to develop each candidate's knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching FLs, candidates will design and implement innovative techniques including new media literacies that address the academic needs of diverse learners. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to identify current instructional practices, theories, and paradigms in a Foreign Language Classroom and demonstrate current instructional practices and theories in a Foreign Language Classroom. The course has a mandatory field experience in a 7-12 grade classroom.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 616 Instr Techniq Math w/Field (3 credits)

Intensive study and practice of teaching modalities and classroom management strategies appropriate for a secondary classroom. The study of curriculum resources in the student's area of certification is included. Topics in the course include instructional management, student motivation, the implications of learning theory for classrooms, and the procedures for the measurement of student achievement. Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in these skills for successful completion of the course. The course has a mandatory field experience in a 7-12 grade classroom.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 618 Instr Techniq Science w/Field (3 credits)

Intensive study and practice of teaching modalities and classroom management strategies appropriate for a secondary classroom. The study of curriculum resources in the student's area of certification is included. Topics in the course include instructional management, student motivation, the implications of learning theory for classrooms, and the procedures for the measurement of student achievement. Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in these skills for successful completion of the course. The course has a mandatory field experience in a 7-12 grade classroom.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 620 Tech& Innovation in Curriculum (3 credits)

This course focuses on exploring how technology is integrated into curriculum and instruction to meet the needs of 21st century students in diverse educational settings. Students will study the history of technology in educational contexts, changes in how technology is used in classrooms, and will evaluate how technology has been used to promote teaching and learning. Students will also explore innovation in technology used in schools today, engage in critical inquiry into uses of technology, and design curricula that integrates technology in ways that enhance teaching and learning for equity and inclusion in educational contexts.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 621 Instruct Techniq: Comp Sci Edu (3 credits)

Candidates will learn subject-specific standards for competencies based upon the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) standards. The CSTA academic standards detail a core set of learning objectives providing the foundation for a rigorous K-12 computer science curriculum. The standards introduce the foundational concepts of computer science making them accessible for all learners. Topics will include the following: Algorithms and Programming, Computing Systems, Data and Analysis, Impacts of Computing, Networks and the Internet and Pedagogy.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 622 Instr Tech Art Ed w/Field (3 credits)

This course is designed to introduce pre-service teachers of Art to instructional processes, teaching strategies, materials, lesson planning, assessment practices, and classroom management theory that will be of practical value in the classroom. The course has a mandatory field experience in a 7-12 grade classroom.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 625 Theory & Pr Sec Teach w/Field (3 credits)

This course studies the content and methods for teaching the five PA certification disciplines: English, Art, Foreign Language, Social Studies and Citizenship. National, state, and local standards are examined, which students consider in relation to curriculum design and pedagogy. Backward Design, a method for developing lessons and units, provides a common organizing framework that fosters good teaching. For part of the course, students study within their own discipline, interacting with texts that discuss curriculum frameworks, the planning of lessons and units, pedagogical content knowledge, and assessment. Ten models of teaching that are applicable to all disciplines are explored in detail. As students develop units of study, they gain practice in using these models and the Backward Design method.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 627 Theory & Pr Sec Mat/Sc w/Field (3 credits)

This course studies the content and methods for teaching the PA certification disciplines: Mathematics, Science, Bio, Chem and Physics. National, state, and local standards are examined, which students consider in relation to curriculum design and pedagogy. Backward Design, a method for developing lessons and units, provides a common organizing framework that fosters good teaching. For part of the course, students study within their own discipline, interacting with texts that discuss curriculum frameworks, the planning of lessons and units, pedagogical content knowledge, and assessment. Ten models of teaching that are applicable to all disciplines are explored in detail. As students develop units of study, they gain practice in using these models and the Backward Design method.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 631 Assessment & Evaluation 7-12 (3 credits)

This course is designed so teacher candidates understand and use multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher's and learner's decision making (from INTASC). Teacher candidates will learn basic assessment and evaluation concepts; examine instruments that reflect constructs of interest (cognitive, affective, and behavioral objectives); develop skill in aligning assessment and instruction to state standards; construct various types of assessments; and analyze and refine teacher-made instruments. Teacher candidates will also learn how to interpret test results and how to communicate and use them in educational decision-making. Throughout the course, they will learn the importance of critical issues in the field, assessment as an ethical practice, historical and theoretical perspectives on assessment issues; differentiation issues in assessment; and will be able to analyze and reflect upon the ethical implications of assessment practices and policies.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 632 Literacy/Literature I w/ Field (3 credits)

This course provides students with the opportunity to investigate the various theoretical models of the reading process. Students investigate the various factors which impact upon successful reading performance. Students begin to investigate the use of literature, specifically fiction, nonfiction, poetry, picture books, and fantasy selections in the development of instructional practices in the primary grades. Included in this course is an investigation of the use of Basals as literature. In addition, students study the use of reading strategies to be used for teaching reading in the content areas.

Prerequisites: EDU 4035 Placement Score with a score of 1 or EDU 551

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 640 Literacy/Literature II w/Field (3 credits)

The course provides students with the opportunity to continue their investigation of the use of literature as central to the development of successful reading. Students are involved in extensive analysis of a wide range of literature for young people. Students continue to investigate the use of instructional reading models to critique strategies related to the use fiction, nonfiction, poetry, picture books, and fantasy selections. Included in this course is an investigation of Multicultural Literature and the Writing Process.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 642 Per in Dev & Child Ed w/Field (3 credits)

This course is designed as an introduction to developmental perspectives in early childhood education (ECE). Topics to be covered include: recognizing the unique roles of early care and education providers; understanding cognitive, social-emotional, adaptive and motor development in childhood; assessing and planning using developmentally appropriate and standards-based curricula; understanding instructional design, student motivation, and classroom management; providing inclusive learning environments; and communicating effectively with families and caregivers. Special attention will be given to contemporary models of ECE in school and other early childhood settings, including constructivist models, as well as the unique needs of early learners, including English Language Learners and students with special needs.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 644 Socio-Emotion & Motor Develop (3 credits)

This course focuses on the domain of social and emotional development in early childhood, and it explores the complex ways in which this domain of development changes over time from birth to allow the growing child to react and interact with others around them. An interactional model will serve as the primary theoretical framework that underlies all discussions and assignments in order to allow students to understand the concept that each major area of development in early childhood are interdependent on one another and directly contribute to the adaptability and resilience of the whole child. Students will become familiar with current theories on how the young child develops socially and emotionally from birth and how mastery of development in these areas provides lays the foundation for cognitive, linguistic, and motoric growth in the early years. Special topics include early childhood mental health, parent-child attachment, floor time and early exploration (play), family systems dynamics, resiliency, adversity/risk, policy reform, and promotion/prevention/intervention.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 645 Trauma:Infancy & Early Child (3 credits)

The following course provides students with an in-depth study of trauma in infancy and early childhood, including analyses of historical origins, theoretical perspectives, influences on development and learning, and impacts on establishing sustained relationships throughout the lifespan. Throughout course readings and assignments, students will analyze specific levels and intensities of traumatic events and identify how these relate to the continuum of effects that early (chronic) trauma has on young children's internal working models of self-esteem, self-worth, self-competence, and overall self-identity. Various models of intervention and therapeutic approaches will be explored to provide students with pathways to: support children's development and learning, integrate educational and emotional wellness strategies to strengthen resilience, and help children cope with their exposure to trauma. The following course is especially appropriate for pre-professional students in the fields of educator preparation, child studies, psychology, or sociology.

EDU 646 Language and Culture w/ Field (3 credits)

This course introduces candidates to key theories, issues, and research-based practices related to serving culturally and linguistically diverse students (Pre-K-12), with a special focus on students who are commonly referred to as English language learners (ELLs). Candidates will explore the many dimensions of culture and language. They will also learn how to align the PA Language Proficiency Standards with the PA academic standards to plan instruction in a culturally and linguistically diverse setting. Assigned readings, class discussions, video recordings, library and online research, and a field experience in a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom will engage candidates in the course topics.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 647 Literacy & Lrn Acr Cur w/Field (3 credits)

The focus of this course is the teaching of content area reading and literacy across the curriculum for secondary schools. Topics to be examined include: theory, policy, practice and research in reading in the content area, reading across content areas, disciplinary reading, levels of reading and comprehension, place of reading in school programs, selecting diverse and appropriate curricular materials for enhancing reading that is culturally and linguistically responsive, differentiated reading instruction for diverse learners, general and specific strategies and study skills for content area reading comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and spelling, critical reading of texts including critical media literacy, adjustment of reading instruction to meet individual learning levels and styles in inclusive classrooms, diagnostic, screening, formative, summative and benchmark reading assessment, and interventions for improving reading comprehension in the content areas for challenged and culturally and linguistically diverse readers. This course includes field experience in 7-12 classrooms.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 650 Curriculum Development & Pract (3 credits)

This course is designed to assist educators in developing rigorous curriculum and instruction that is inclusive of diverse learners. Students will examine current trends in curriculum and practice across educational settings. Students will gain knowledge of various curricula models and instructional strategies, explore culturally relevant pedagogy, and evaluate curricula designs and models used in various educational contexts. Students will also develop a curricular framework and design curriculum for K12 and college settings.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 657 Clin App of Trauma in Infancy (3 credits)

The following course provides students with an applied course, which focuses on specific trauma cases in infancy and early childhood. This course is designed as the capstone course for those students who have successfully completed two prior related courses (i.e., EDU 241/644 & EDU 345/651). A roundtable format will be the primary format for all lectures, discussions, and assignments. Students will investigate specific trauma cases, and they will use prior knowledge and current empirical/best practice evidence to analyze and pose appropriate educational/interventional suggestions. This course is appropriate for students majoring in the following programs such as early care and educator preparation, Childhood Studies, Child Life, and other related allied health professions.

Prerequisites: EDU 641 and EDU 645

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 660 Integrated STEM Education (3 credits)

This course focuses on teaching and learning in STEM education from a historical, social, and cognitive. Students will examine the theories that are foundational to STEM education, seminal literature from STEM fields, and best practices in STEM teaching and learning in PK12 settings. The course examines current theories and principles in how to teach STEM concepts, and how to integrate instructional strategies across the curriculum to promote student learning in STEM areas.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 663 Science Methods PK-4 w/ Field (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to investigate the philosophy, curriculum planning and organization, skill development, content knowledge, and instructional approaches relevant to teaching elementary school science.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 665 Interd Teach Mat w/ Field (3 credits)

Ultimately, the goal of this course is to prepare teachers or teaching candidates who have the knowledge, skills, and orientation to help young children develop their mathematical foundation. The concept of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Mathematics provides the theoretical framework for the course structure and orientation. This means that students who successfully complete the course will have a thorough knowledge of the mathematics central to pre-K - 4; an understanding of how children at these stages learn mathematics; and the ability to coordinate content and "best" practices for mathematics instruction, including the integration of technology. As a course in elementary level math teaching methods, it is designed to engage candidates in thinking beyond the facts and tools of mathematics to the level of understanding ideas and concepts. Thinking conceptually about mathematics means thinking in terms of mathematical constructs that have the potential to produce understanding. In addition, the course will address the role that technology tools are playing in children's mathematics education. The specific mathematical content and instruction practices reflect the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the PA Department of Education standards, and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M). Throughout the course, candidates will plan, implement, and reflect on lessons; use standards and assessments (formative and summative) in evaluating student progress and teacher effectiveness; apply standards based assessment data to selection of appropriate instructional materials, technology, and/or recommendation for intervention; and apply standards based, data-driven, decision making procedures to lesson planning or re-teaching.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 667 Soc St Thru Arts Pk4 w/Field (3 credits)

EDU 667 Teach Soc Stud Thru Arts PK-4 (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to connect theory and practice in the teaching of elementary school social studies. Strategies for planning, implementing, and evaluating social studies instruction are designed with a focus on preparing children to be critical thinkers and young citizens in a global, technological and culturally diverse world.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 670 Special Topics in Education (1-3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 671 Writing in the Curriculum (3 credits)

This course introduces theories and practices of writing instruction, with a specific emphasis on writing process pedagogy. Candidates will experiment with writing across genres, and will learn how to use mentor texts, develop mini-lessons, create workshop classrooms, and develop assessment tools. Candidates will be able to concentrate on specific student populations based on their certification.

EDU 674 Socio-Emotion Develop (3 credits)

This course focuses on the domain of social and emotional development in early childhood, and it explores the complex ways in which this domain of development changes over time from birth to allow the growing child to react and interact with others around them. An interactional model will serve as the primary theoretical framework that underlies all discussions and assignments in order to allow students to understand the concept that each major area of development in early childhood are interdependent on one another and directly contribute to the adaptability and resilience of the whole child. Students will become familiar with current theories on how the young child develops socially and emotionally from birth and how mastery of development in these areas provides lays the foundation for cognitive, linguistic, and motoric growth in the early years. Special topics include early childhood mental health, parent-child attachment, floor time and early exploration (play), family systems dynamics, resiliency, adversity/risk, policy reform, and promotion/prevention/intervention.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 690 Curriculum & Instruction Sem. (3 credits)

In this course, students will be introduced to research in curriculum and instruction, methods used to conduct research, and will conduct research in their area of interest toward promoting social justice in curriculum and instruction. Emphasis will be placed on using research skills and knowledge to identify a gap in curriculum and instruction, conduct research, and make recommendations on how to make curriculum inclusive.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 691 Secondary Student Teaching (6 credits)

Student teaching is a full-semester, full-time, full-day, 14-week student teaching experience of the teacher preparation program for SJU students seeking initial teacher certification. The Pennsylvania Department of Education ( defines student teaching as a set of organized and carefully planned classroom teaching experiences required of all candidates in a preparation program. Student teachers are assigned to one or more classrooms, closely supervised and apprenticed by a certified teacher who serves as the cooperating teacher, and provides regular feedback to the student on his or her classroom teaching performance. Student teachers are also assigned a university mentor who observes student teachers in their field placement and provides feedback on the six domains of student teacher competencies as outlined by PDE. In conjunction with student teaching placement in the school, all student teachers are required to attend a weekly seminar in student teaching conducted by a university professor. All student teachers are required to abide by PDE Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators. A maximum of one additional course may be taken during the student teaching semester. Students should complete the "Application for Student Teaching" ( at least one semester in advance of student teaching.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 695 PK-4 Student Teaching (6 credits)

This experience is designed as the capstone professional course for the PK-4 education program; it is to be the final course taken. The student teaching experience approximates a full-time teaching experience for the semester (14 weeks). In addition, the teacher candidate attends a seminar once each week in which issues related to student teaching are studied. This field-based seminar is designed to provide teacher candidates with an understanding of the diverse needs of their students and their learning environments in early childhood education (as defined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education) for grades pre-k - 4th. At the conclusion of the student teaching experience, the candidate shall have demonstrated proficiencies in instructional management; student motivation; curriculum planning; learning theory, problem solving in the educational setting; the use of technology; use of appropriate pedagogies across content areas, including reading, language, and literacy skills in all classrooms; the identification of appropriate instructional resources; and the assessment of student achievement. Throughout student teaching and the student teaching seminar, candidates will be expected to apply the knowledge, skills, and competencies developed through the Saint Joseph's University Teacher Preparation Program as aligned with the program's mission to "to cultivate knowledgeable, caring, reflective, and socially conscientious educators who can think critically, inspire a passion for learning, communicate effectively, and advocate intentionally for all PK-12 candidates, including those from culturally nondominant communities and those who have distinct learning needs." A maximum of one additional course may be taken during the student teaching semester. Students should complete the "Application for Student Teaching" ( at least one semester in advance of student teaching.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 696 Student Teaching 4-8 (6 credits)

Student teaching is a full-semester, full-time, full-day, 14-week student teaching experience of the teacher preparation program for SJU students seeking initial teacher certification. The Pennsylvania Department of Education ( defines student teaching as a set of organized and carefully planned classroom teaching experiences required of all candidates in a preparation program. Student teachers are assigned to one or more classrooms, closely supervised and apprenticed by a certified teacher who serves as the cooperating teacher, and provides regular feedback to the student on his or her classroom teaching performance. Student teachers are also assigned a university mentor who observes student teachers in their field placement and provides feedback on the six domains of student teacher competencies as outlined by PDE. In conjunction with student teaching placement in the school, all student teachers are required to attend a weekly seminar in student teaching conducted by a university professor. All student teachers are required to abide by PDE Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators. A maximum of one additional course may be taken during the student teaching semester. Students should complete the "Application for Student Teaching" ( at least one semester in advance of student teaching.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 700 Psychology of Literacy (3 credits)

Designed to provide educators with an understanding of the psychological basis of literacy acquisition and development. Emphasis will be placed upon interactive models of the reading process and their implications for classroom instruction. The role of language, cognition, information processing, affective factors and measurement in reading will be examined in detail.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 701 Assess & Instr in Liter K-3 (3 credits)

This course provides in-depth study of students' literacy development in grades K-3. A range of formal and informal assessments will be used to examine children's early language and literacy development, including phonemic awareness, concepts of print, word recognition strategies, and comprehension abilities. This information will be used to make informed decisions about literacy instruction.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 702 Assess & Instr in Liter 4-12 (3 credits)

This course provides in-depth study of student's literacy development in grades 4-12. A range of formal and informal assessments will be used to examine children's literacy abilities; a focus of the course is understanding and enhancing growth in areas of selecting and applying comprehension strategies and reading texts critically. Assessments will be used to make informed decisions about literacy instruction.

Prerequisites: EDU 701

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 703 Crit Exp of Literacy Research (3 credits)

Students will critically read and interpret current research across a range topics, including orthographic and phonological development, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students will be asked to evaluate research representing a range of methodological approaches to these topics, including empirical, mixed-method, ethnographic, and case study designs. Emphasis will include an examination of the nature of educational research and the use and misuse of statistical analyses and interpretations of data. Students will complete a modified literature review of a specific topic to inform classroom practice and teacher research.

Prerequisites: EDU 701

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 704 Plng & Org a Literacy Program (3 credits)

The study of the reading program (K-12) is central to this course which utilizes the concept of communication as a unifying theme. Aspects of the planning and organizing of the literacy curriculum are examined. Emphasis is placed on the role of the reading specialist in developing, coordinating, and administering a literacy program. Students will assess the strengths and needs of a school's literacy program and make recommendations for improvement. Prerequisites: three reading specialist courses.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 705 Literacy Practicum (6 credits)

During this practical experience, students work intensively with pupils who have reading difficulties in their school setting. Under the guidance of a supervisor, graduate students will conduct assessments and draw from these data to inform their instruction. Each student will be expected to develop a case study on at least one student during the practicum experience.

Prerequisites: EDU 700 and EDU 701 and EDU 702

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 706 Socio Cult Aspects of Literacy (3 credits)

This course is based on theoretical frameworks relating literacy learning to the various contexts which lead learners to socially and culturally different ways of making sense and being in the world. It examines multiple views of language, literacy, and literacy development. Students explore the factors that impact literacy learning across different cultural communities. They also explore issues of race, class, and culture on language and literacy acquisition and development.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 710 English Linguistics (3 credits)

This course aims to meet part of the requirement for PDE's ESL Program Specialist certification and the course is an introduction to the study of language and principles of linguistics. The objective of this course is to explore the basic components of language mostly from an ESL teacher's perspective and gain a better understanding of the challenges and strengths ESL students have in learning English as a new language. In particular, students will develop knowledge about the language sound system (phonetics and phonology), the form of words (morphology), sentence structure (syntax), word and sentence meaning (semantics) as well as pragmatics (contextual use of language). Students will also explore other topics and issues related to linguistics, such as how language is applied in social situations in different cultures (Sociolinguistics), how languages change over time (historical linguistics), and how languages are learned (language acquisition) and taught (pedagogy and applied linguistics).

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 712 Topics in Language Acquisition (3 credits)

The course examines the processes of second language acquisition (SLA) and the various factors that influence language learning and teaching from different perspectives. Topics to be explored include age and acquisition, human learning, individual differences, affective factors, learners' cultural backgrounds, as well as social interactions and learning contexts that facilitate second language acquisition. Additionally, the course will also explore language transfer, interlanguage, and translanguaging. The course requires 15 hours of field to meet PDE's field requirement.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 713 Method Teach English Sec Lang (3 credits)

This course examines various approaches, methods, and techniques for teaching and assessing English Language Learners in bilingual and ESL classrooms, as well as for assisting ELL students' learning in regular classrooms. This course is also suitable for those interested in teaching in an EFL environment (abroad). Candidates will develop a culturally responsive curriculum and design a variety of research-supported instructional activities to meet the needs of the culturally and linguistically diverse learners. The course requires students to fulfill a 30-hour field requirement for completing course assignments.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 714 ESL/Bilin Inst Prac w/Field (4 credits)

This course introduces students to the roles and responsibilities of the ESL/Bilingual teacher through a school-based experience. Students spend 30 hours in the company of expert ESL/Bilingual educators in school settings. Students will gain expertise in working with groups of students, interfacing with teachers and caregivers, and examining programs that serve emergent bilingual students in grades PK-12. Emphasis will be on program design and implementation guided by the English language development standards (ELDS), including assessing students' language capacities, designing programs to fit a variety of language needs, working with teachers and other school professionals to serve emergent bilinguals, and organizing programs to enhance caregiver collaboration. The course has a 30 hour field experience.

Prerequisites: EDU 712 and EDU 713 and EDU 646

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 716 Cultural DiversityinClassrooms (3 credits)

This course is designed to promote the exploration of issues of cultural diversity in American Education in preparation for the changing needs of society. Specific emphasis will be placed upon the role of literature as a springboard for discussion an integration of diversity issues into the curriculum. Students will also investigate current research investigating diversity in schools.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

EDU 769 Advanced Fieldwork in Literacy (6 credits)

This course is the literacy practicum for students who are working toward Level 1 certification. During this practical experience, students work intensively with pupils who have reading difficulties in their school setting. Under the guidance of a supervisor, graduate students will conduct assessments and draw from these data to inform their instruction. Each student will be expected to develop a case study on at least one student during the practicum experience. The course includes teaching observations by a supervisor.

Prerequisites: EDU 700 and EDU 701 and EDU 702

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.