Classics (CLA)

CLA 206 Sports and Spectacles in Clas (3 credits)

The course draws on historical sources and material culture to investigate the genesis, evolution, and social importance of athletics (track and field events, combat sports, and equestrian competitions) and public spectacles (gladiatorial combats, chariot races, and reenactments of battles) in ancient Greece and Rome, respectively. Topics explored include: the history of the ancient Olympics and other Crown Games; the importance of religion, socio-economic status, and gender in ancient sports; the relation between politics and spectacles in ancient Rome; the ethical protocols of Greek athletics; and the role of ancient sports in the history of the modern Olympic Games.

Prerequisites: PHL 154

Attributes: Ethics Intensive, GEP Art/Literature, Undergraduate

CLA 493 Ind. Research in Classics (3 credits)

The student will study a Greek or Latin author whose works are not treated in the usual sequence of courses. Or the student may undertake a research project in the Classical field that is acceptable to the Department.

Attributes: Ancient Studies Course, Undergraduate

CLA 494 Ind. Research in Classics (3 credits)

The student will study a Greek or Latin author whose works are not treated in the usual sequence of courses. Or the student may undertake a research project in the Classical field that is acceptable to the Department.

Attributes: Ancient Studies Course, Undergraduate