Cancer Biology (CBI)

CBI 815 Cancer Biology (3 credits)

This course is focused on the basic pathways and mechanisms of cancer development and progression as well as currentapproaches for the identification of therapies for the treatment of cancer.

CBI 880 Molecular Screening (2 credits)

with The goal of this course is to provide hands-on planning, conceptualization, and assay development of a molecular screening strategy relevant to cancer biology and cancer therapeutics. The wet lab component of the course is designed to leverage the existing collaboration between Wistar centered on the Molecular Screening Facility at The Wistar Institute.

CBI 890 Journal Club (2 credits)

The journal club will be offered each fall and spring semester. Journal club will be taken for zero credits each semester; journal club will receive two credits in the student's final semester.

CBI 899 Doctoral Research (1-9 credits)

Students must complete a minimum of at least 20 credits of CBI 899 - Doctoral Research. While the stated minimum for research is 20 credits, at least two additional years of research after completion of coursework is expected of the students. Students propose, develop, and perform an independent research project under the guidance of a faculty advisor and Advisory Committee.