Business (BUS)

BUS 160 Power of Sport for Socl Chang (3 credits)

This course will introduce students to the historical and contemporary use of sport as a vehicle for social change and development. Students will examine the myriad ways in which sport produces social change, both within sport itself and through sport (using sport as a platform to effect social change in the larger society). Students will critically assess the use of sports globally to explore topics such as, race, gender, LGBTQIA, politics, and the relationship between protest and national attachment. This course has a weekly service learning component. Each student will engage with the Anderson Monarchs, a Philadelphia sports based, youth development non-profit, which provides athletic, academic, leadership, and character building opportunities to thousands of under served youth.

Attributes: Service Learning Course, Undergraduate

BUS 170 Special Topics in Business (3 credits)

Advanced study on a topic or problem to be arranged with any of the Departmental faculty members.

Attributes: Undergraduate

BUS 270 Special Topics in Business (3 credits)

Advanced study on a topic or problem to be arranged with any of the Departmental faculty members.

Attributes: Undergraduate

BUS 370 Special Topics (3 credits)

Topics will vary according to the semester in which the class is offered.

Prerequisites: ENG 101

Attributes: Undergraduate, Writing Intensive Course- GEP

BUS 470 Special Topics in Business (3 credits)

Advanced study on a topic or problem to be arranged with any of the Departmental faculty members.

Attributes: Undergraduate

BUS 495 Business Strategy (3 credits)

This is a senior-level business capstone course for the undergraduate core curriculum in the Haub School focusing on enterprise-level strategy. The course introduces the most important concepts and frameworks of strategy and helps you develop critical thinking skills for formulating and implementing strategy. We will focus on the perspectives and skills required to identify and diagnose critical strategic issues affecting firm performance, and examine how firms can gain and sustain competitive advantage in the face of uncertainty and competition. To be successful, a firm’s strategy must permeate all departments and functional areas. As such, we integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained from your prior studies (e.g., accounting, economics, finance, data analytics, management, marketing) to teach you to be a better—meaning a more systematic, logical, complete, critical—thinker about strategy. In doing so, we apply a comprehensive and integrated business perspective.

Prerequisites: ACC 101 and ACC 102 and (MGT 110 or MGT 120) and MKT 201 and DSS 100 and DSS 200 and DSS 210 and DSS 220 and (FIN 200 or FIN 225)

Attributes: Undergraduate

BUS 570 Strategic Management & Mktg (2 credits)

Introductory survey course on strategic marketing and management. This course focuses on the creation, implementation and management of strategy from a corporate management perspective and from the perspective of a marketing manager. A variety of teaching techniques will be used to cover the material, including discussion of assigned readings, analyses of business situations, “mini cases,” and written assignments and oral presentations.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Executive MBA Program (1-year) or Executive MBA Program.

BUS 571 Global Business (3 credits)

This course focuses on understanding the opportunities and challenges facing multinational corporations as they compete in the global economy. The course follows an interdisciplinary approach examining how the institutional environment of a host country may influence the strategic options available and how MNCs manage the risks associated with exchange rates, currency restrictions, and tax regulations. Students work on a team associated with the expansion by an MNC in the region to be visited during the EMBA Global Residency.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Executive MBA Program (1-year) or Executive MBA Program. Enrollment limited to students in the MBAEX program. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

BUS 572 Global Residency (2 credits)

This course expands upon BUS 571 Global Business utilizing live case studies of multinational companies (MNC's). Under the guidance of EMBA faculty members, students may visit businesses in a variety of industries, speak with executives, and attend lectures during a multi-day study tour. This experience provides first-hand exposure to the impact of culture, competition and market forces on international commerce. Required travel destinations and project assignments for this course are given by EMBA faculty.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Executive MBA Program (1-year) or Executive MBA Program.

BUS 582 Business Ethics (2 credits)

One of the most distinctive features of Saint Joseph's Executive Master's in Food Marketing Program is its emphasis on business ethics. This course will explore the general background of moral theory followed by discussion of business ethics in specific situations. Decision scenarios, both written and video, as well as cases, will be evaluated. In addition, students will have the opportunity to discuss the ethical dilemmas which confront food marketers.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

BUS 800 Introduction to Research (3 credits)

This seminar will prepare students to design and conduct scholarly research. The focus is on the practical application of research theory to issues that are relevant in today’s global business environment. Topics covered include: basic principles of research design, an introduction to various types of research methodologies, formulation of a research topic, completion of the literature review and the development of a plan for collecting data. This seminar serves as the foundation for the more in-depth quantitative and qualitative research courses in the program.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 801 Quantitative Res. Methods I (3 credits)

This course will teach students how to collect, analyze and interpret data using various descriptive and inferential statistical techniques such as sampling, Central Limit Theorem, Random Variables, Covariance, and hypothesis testing (mean, variance and correlation). Methods for determining the reliability and validity of research designs will also be explored.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 802 Quantitative Res. Methods II (3 credits)

This course builds on students’ knowledge of quantitative methods by introducing advanced statistical techniques such as Multivariate Regression with Indicator Variables, Stepwise Regression, and Logistic Regressions with Odds Ratios. Students will have the opportunity to design, implement and assess quantitative research by completing a project that is foundational to their dissertation.  

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 803 Qualitative Res. Methods I (3 credits)

Explores the history of research, basic principles, types of research, and qualitative methods to assist professionals in applied business settings. Various instruments (surveys and tests) used to conduct applied research will also be discussed. Students will learn how to assess qualitative research reports and will explore several techniques to gather information, including interviews, case studies and observation.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 804 Qualitative Res. Methods II (3 credits)

This course builds on the concepts and methods from Qualitative Research Methods I. It will introduce mixed-methods and quasi-experimental design, cost benefit analysis, industry benchmarking, and appropriate analytical methods (Analytical Methods: t tests, Chi Square, Contingency tables, ANOVA, correlation). The key aspect of this course is on designing, implementing and assessing a broader qualitative research agenda.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 805 Financial Markets and Policies (3 credits)

This course helps students develop a foundation in basic free market concepts essential to understanding business, public policy and consumer decision making. Areas of study include market forces of supply and demand, competition, business organization, consumer behavior, strength of economies, international trade and government interactions.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 806 Seminar: Innovative Pedagogy (2 credits)

In this seminar, students will examine techniques for creating an innovative business pedagogy. Topics in business pedagogy will include: methods to encourage reflection on learning, alternatives to traditional course structure, leveraging technology and social media, course design, course delivery, and developing a relevant curriculum. topics within Ignatian pedagogy will include the introduction of various theories and frameworks to investigate a broad range of ethical issues encountered in organizations.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 807 Business Projects Practicum (3 credits)

Students will work with a mentor to design and conduct a practicum project that focuses on specific business problems. The practicum proposal must be completed in collaboration with the mentor. At the end of the project, the student will submit evidence of completion including self-reflection and assessment.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 808 Applied Accounting Research (3 credits)

Students will explore current issues related to managerial and financial accounting. The focus of the course is the use of applied research methods to develop a solution that addresses a practical accounting issue.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 809 Applied Data Analytic Research (3 credits)

Business intelligence and analytics are more important than ever in the changing competitive landscape. Students will use applied research methods to investigate practical business intelligence issues and prepare a research paper that provides empirical evidence supporting conclusions. Students will learn topics such as wrangling and cleaning data, data visualization, decision trees, clustering, and factor analysis/principal components analysis. 

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 810 Applied Finance Research (3 credits)

This course provides an opportunity for students to identify an open question in the literature related to a topic in economics or financial management and prepare a research paper that presents a solution using empirical evidence.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 811 Applied Marketing Research (3 credits)

The focus of this course is on marketing strategy and the application of research techniques. Students will review the existing literature and generate a research question that has practical application in business. Students will be expected to gather, analyze and assess data and formulate a research report.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 812 Applied Strategy Research (3 credits)

In this course, students will investigate relevant strategic issues facing organizations. Representative topics include: corporate governance, economic trends, cultural diversity, competing in a global market and change management. Students will be expected to apply research theory to assess empirical evidence on a topic and re-frame it in a new or extended way that enhances the understanding of the issue.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 813 Organizational Behavior Res. (3 credits)

This course discusses several theoretical frameworks to assess the behavior of individuals and groups in domestic and global organizations. The focus will be on practical application of the theories and will cover topics such as perception, decision making, and motivation. Students will use research techniques to explore emerging issues affecting today’s complex organizations and produce a report of the findings.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 814 Research Writing (1 credit)

This course discusses aspects of research writing including the dissertation journey, style in writing, components of an academic thesis (introduction, literature review, methodology, application of methodology), making time to write, writer's block and preparing for publication.

Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the BUDBA program.

Attributes: Doctoral

BUS 896 Dissertation Development I (3 credits)

This seminar provides doctoral candidates with the knowledge and skills to design, conduct and report the findings of research studies. The expected outcome is a dissertation proposal.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 897 Dissertation Development II (3 credits)

This seminar provides doctoral candidates with the knowledge and skills to design, conduct and report the findings of research studies. The expected outcome is a dissertation proposal defense.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.

BUS 898 Dissertation Development III (3 credits)

This seminar provides doctoral candidates with the knowledge and skills to design, conduct and report the findings of research studies. The expected outcome is dissertation progress - nearing completion.

BUS 899 Dissertation Development IV (3 credits)

This seminar provides doctoral candidates with the knowledge and skills to design, conduct and report the findings of research studies. The expected outcome is a final dissertation defense.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Doctoral level students.