Sports Marketing Minor

The Sports Marketing minor is directed at students who have an interest in pursuing employment in the sports industry.

Requirements for Haub School of Business Majors

Marketing majors who wish to complete the Sports Marketing minor cannot use Sports Marketing courses as their two upper-level Marketing electives.  You must choose Marketing electives outside of MKT 351, MKT 352, MKT 353  and MKT 355.

MKT 202Marketing Research3
MKT 351Business of Sports3
MKT 352Sports Law3
MKT 353Sports Marketing3
MKT 355Sports, Selling, & Sales3
Select (1) Sports Marketing Elective: Students are strongly recommended to take an internship course (MKT 490 or MKT 497).3
Students are also advised to take DSS 210 and DSS 220 prior to taking MKT 202.
Total Hours18

Requirements for College of Arts & Sciences Majors

MKT 201Principles of Marketing3
MKT 202Marketing Research3
MKT 351Business of Sports3
MKT 352Sports Law3
MKT 353Sports Marketing3
MKT 355Sports, Selling, & Sales3
Total Hours18