Marketing Major

The marketing major endows students with a solid foundation in the basic principles of marketing which can be applied to various industries, product and service categories, and non-profits.

With courses in consumer behavior and market research, students gain insight into understanding and satisfying customer wants and needs.  Marketing communications courses teach students how to successfully engage the target audience using traditional and digital media. Upper level marketing courses challenge majors to address real-world scenarios.  Along the way, students get ample practice designing actual marketing plans, promotional campaigns and research projects that make them desirable candidates for internships and full-time employment.


Goal 1: Knowledge of Functional Business in Marketing

Outcome 1.1: Students will be able to develop and evaluate marketing plans intended to satisfy the objectives for-profit and not-for profit organizations.  

Goal 2: Communication Skills

Outcome 2.1: Students will demonstrate clear and persuasive written and oral communication skills.

Goal 3: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills 

Outcome 3.1: Students will engage in critical analysis and discussions of real marketing strategies.

Goal 4: Knowledge of the Jesuit tradition of social justice and lifelong learning  

Outcome 4.1: Students will understand the role of Ignatian values in marketing.

The traditional undergraduate programs includes a minimum of 120 credits distributed across three components: A General Education component divided into Signature Courses, Variable Courses, and an Integrative Learning requirement; a Major and Divisional component; and Free Electives. In addition to course requirements as specified in each area, students must complete one certified course in each of the following overlay areas1:

  1. Diversity, Globalization or Non-western Area Studies,
  2. Ethics Intensive
  3. Writing Intensive, and
  4. Diversity

Overlay requirements are part of the 120 credit requirements

General Education Signature Courses

See this page about Signature courses

General Education Variable Courses

See this page about Variable courses. Six to Nine courses

General Education Overlays

See this page about Overlays.

General Education Integrative Learning Component

See this page about Integrative Learning Component. Three courses:

ECN 102Introductory Economics Macro3
Select two additional courses from Economics, Psychology, Sociology or English (Writing Intensive only)6

Business Foundation 

Ten courses, including:

ACC 101Concepts of Financial Acct3
ACC 102Managerial Accounting3
DSS 100Excel Competency1
DSS 200Intro to Information Systems3
DSS 210Business Statistics3
DSS 220Business Analytics3
FIN 200Intro to Finance3
or FIN 225 Fund of Quantitative Finance
MGT 110Essent'ls of Organzational Beh3
or MGT 120 Essentials of Management
MGT 360Legal Environment of Business3
MKT 201Principles of Marketing3
BUS 495Business Strategy 13
or ACC 423 Accounting Control Systems
Total Hours31

Accounting Majors can choose between ACC 423 and BUS BUS 495

Major Requirements:

Required of all Marketing majors to be taken in the following sequence:
MKT 302Consumer & Buyer Behavior3
MKT 202Marketing Research3
MKT 301Integrated Mktg Communications3
MKT 401Marketing Strategy3
Students are strongly advised to take DSS 210 and DSS 220 prior to taking MKT 202.
Select two MKT electives from 300-400 level courses 16
Total Hours18

Specialized Marketing Focus

Students who wish to enhance their Marketing training in a specific area may use their upper-level MKT electives to take additional courses in these disciplines.

Advertising and Promotions Courses
MKT 304Principles of Selling3
MKT 312Selling and Sales Management3
MKT 314Social Media Marketing3
MKT 316Digital Marketing3
MKT 317Fashion Marketing3
MKT 321Advertising3
MKT 324Public Relations and Publicity3
MKT 325Fundamentals of Graphic Design3
MKT 327Global Mkt Communications3
MKT 490Internship in Marketing I3
Entertainment Marketing Courses
MKT 308Marketing Analytics3
MKT 341Music Marketing3
MKT 342Music and Entertainment Law3
MKT 343Entertainment Marketing3
MKT 344Business of Recorded Music3
MKT 350Event Marketing3
Sports Marketing Courses
MKT 351Business of Sports3
MKT 352Sports Law3
MKT 353Sports Marketing3
MKT 355Sports, Selling, & Sales3
MKT 363Sports Analytics3
MKT 365eSports3
MKT 370Spec Topics:Sports Marketing3
MKT 497Sports Marketing Internship3

It is strongly suggested that one of these courses is MKT 490.

Free Electives

Six courses