Advertising And Promotions Minor

The Advertising and Promotions minor is directed at College of Arts and Sciences students who have an interest in pursuing employment in the advertising industry. Haub School of Business students are eligible for this program with some limitations. This minor is NOT available to Marketing majors or Communications Studies minors. Double minors or exceptions to this policy require the approval of the Marketing Department Chair.  

Courses for Haub School of Business Students

Courses for HSB Students
MKT 301Integrated Mktg Communications3
or PMK 351 Pharm Promotions Management
or FMK 303 Food Marketing Communication
MKT 321Advertising3
MKT 324Public Relations and Publicity3
Select two of the following:6
Principles of Selling
Marketing Analytics
Selling and Sales Management
Social Media Marketing
Digital Marketing
Fashion Marketing
Fundamentals of Graphic Design
Global Mkt Communications
Event Marketing
Internship in Marketing I
Sports Marketing Internship
Total Hours15

Courses for College of Arts & Science Students

MKT 201Principles of Marketing3
MKT 303MKT Communications3
or MKT 301 Integrated Mktg Communications
MKT 321Advertising3
MKT 324Public Relations and Publicity3
Select two of the following:6
Principles of Selling
Marketing Analytics
Selling and Sales Management
Social Media Marketing
Digital Marketing
Fashion Marketing
Fundamentals of Graphic Design
Global Mkt Communications
Event Marketing
Total Hours18