International Business Minor

Required Courses
MGT 110Essent'ls of Organzational Beh3
or MGT 120 Essentials of Management
IBU 210Intro International Business3
IBU 310Essentials of Global Business (junior status)3
IBU 495Global Strategic Planning (senior status)3
One International Foundation Course3
Advanced non-native language 2
Intro to Comparative Politics
Intro to Global Politics
International Trade
International Business elective
One International Business Elective3
Fin Acc Info Sys III
International Accounting
Found of Supply Chain Mgmt
Supply Chain Analytics
International Finance
Overview of the Globl Food Ind
International Food Marketing
Intern'l Topics & Study Tour
Organizational Sustainability
International Talent Mgt
International Business Law
International Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Pharm Channels & Pricing
International Bus Internship
Total Hours18

Note: In no case may an ILC course be double counted towards completing other requirements of the International Business minor.


Only a maximum of two may double-count towards other requirements such as primary major or other minors


The advanced level starts with course 202 for Western Languages (FRE, GRM, ITA and SPA) and with course 201 for CHN or JPN. This course may be taken as part of the GEP non-native language requirement