Health Administration MHA

The Masters in Health Administration program at Saint Joseph’s University prepares future healthcare administrators to envision and lead positive change, locally, nationally and internationally. Through a set of core competencies acquired through active-learning, experiential and interpersonal learning opportunities, the program provides the skills and knowledge to optimally prepare our students to be successful health managers, with a lifelong commitment to learning, respect for diversity, ethical decision-making, and social justice.


Using appropriate technology, students will communicate effectively through written and oral modes of expression across academic, professional, and social contexts. They will also be able to demonstrate the ability to lead in team situations by motivating, inspiring, and directing others to achieve goals.

Critical Thinking and Inquiry 

Students will think critically and construct reasoned arguments to support their positions using skills appropriate to the context, such as deductive reasoning, scientific inquiry, quantitative reasoning, aesthetic judgment, or critical examination of form, style, content, and meaning. 

Ethics, Social Justice, and Ignatian Values 

Students will assess and respond to ethical and social justice issues informed by Ignatian values and be able to generate scholarship that embodies free, open inquiry, provokes imaginative thinking and a commitment to lifelong learning, along with insistence upon ethical decision-making and care and concern for others. 


Students will respectfully engage with diverse human beliefs, abilities, experiences, identities, or cultures locally and globally.

Discipline or Program-Specific Competencies 

Students will acquire the essential knowledge and skills to succeed and make well-reasoned judgments personally, professionally, and in their chosen area(s) of study. 


Students will demonstrate the ability to lead in team situations. They will motivate, inspire, challenge, encourage, and direct a team to achieve its goals.  Students will also become role models for their peer groups.

Core Courses
HAD 552Health Administration3
HAD 553Health Care Organization3
HAD 554Health Care Law3
HAD 555Acc for Health Care Organiztns3
or ACC 550 Creat & Meas Shareholder Value
HAD 556Fin Manag of Health Care Org.3
or FIN 550 Shareholder Value Management
HAD 557Health Care Strat Plan & Mktg3
HAD 558Mgt of Healthcare Org3
HAD 600Ethics of Health Care3
HAD 700Health Administration Capstone3
MHI 550Research Methods3
or HSV 550 Health Services Research
MHI 560Health Informatics3
Electives (select one)3
Health Policy
Fieldwork in Health Admin
Digital and Connected Health
Database for Health Care
Data Analysis for Health Care
Privacy&Security: Health Care
Health Data Standards
Supply Chain Mgt in Healthcare
Coding Coverage Reimbursement
Data Visual & Perf Analyt
Total Hours36