Risk Management & Insurance Minor

The objective of the Risk Management & Insurance minor is to introduce students to significant aspects of both corporate risk management and the insurance industry.

Five (5) required courses:
ACC 101Concepts of Financial Acct3
FIN 200Intro to Finance3
RMI 200Introduction to Insurance3
RMI 300Property and Casualty3
RMI 301Corporate Risk Management3
One (1) RMI elective:3
This elective must be a 300- or 400-level RMI course. FIN or REF courses cannot be used to satisfy the requirements of the RMI minor unless approved by the Finance Department Chair.
Total Hours18

The first two courses in the Risk Management & Insurance minor are in the Business core: Concepts of Financial Accounting (ACC 101) and Introduction to Finance (FIN 200). These two courses can be double-counted toward a Business student’s major, and do not have to be replaced with additional courses for the minor. Students are responsible for completing all prerequisites to the courses required for the minor.

The RMI minor requires students to complete four courses in Risk Management & Insurance. These courses cannot be double counted in the student’s major. The one exception to this is for students majoring in Actuarial Science.