Business Intelligence & Analytics Minor

The Business Intelligence and Analytics (BIA) minor is designed to enhance the skill set of both business and arts & sciences majors so that they are fundamentally better equipped to succeed in a data-intensive world. Organizations typically gather information in order to assess their operating environment to conduct marketing research or customer relationship management, and to perform competitor analysis. Organizations accumulate business intelligence in order to gain sustainable competitive advantage and regard such intelligence as a valuable core competence

The area of Business Intelligence and Analytics is critical to helping students understand data. You'll learn to use the information to guide organizations in making strategic business decisions. Advances in technology have helped organizations collect a vast amount of data ranging from customer preferences to trends in sales. 

The Department of Decision and System Sciences is dedicated to equipping students with the relevant skills to succeed in a technology-driven, data-intensive world.   The BIA Programs focus on technology-related activities that:

  • enhance technology use,
  • data transformation, and
  • analytics-based decision making.

Graduates go on to work in any discipline where strong technology, analytics and business intelligence skills are needed. We strive to create ethical, socially aware, technology-savvy leaders and problem solvers who contribute to a wide array of professions and professional environments. We provide industry-focused programs that prepare students to transform data into actionable knowledge to drive decision-making. Students are discerning in their use of information and are critical thinkers and effective communicators of meaningful analysis.

Outcome 1: Students will be able to prepare data of any size for data mining analytics.

Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate the use of data mining models that can identify hidden patterns and rules.

Outcome 3: Students will be able to identify and minimize biases in data collection, and correctly interpret BI&A results.

Outcome 4: Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively in composing and delivering oral presentations to the target audience. 

Outcome 5: Students will be able to weigh the ethics and the impact on society when confronted with a business decision making situation.

Required Courses
DSS 210Business Statistics3
DSS 220Business Analytics3
DSS 315BIA Concepts & Practices3
DSS 330Database Management3
DSS 420Introduction to Data Mining3
Select one of the following:3
Open Source Program Lang
Insurance Data & Analytics
Data Wrangling & Visualization
Data Wrangling: Ethics Int.
Analytics Cup
Six Sigma Apps & Foundations
Statistical Programming Lang
Advanced Business Analytics
Machine Learning for Bus I
Machine Learning for Bus II
Supply Chain Analytics
DSS Special Topics I
DSS Special Topics II
Total Hours18