Theology Major

The Theology and Religious Studies Department offers two majors which are distinguished by virtue of both their primary content and their methodological approach. Students may choose one of these majors in conjunction with their other studies, or they may double major within the department and get a degree in both Theology and in Religious Studies.

Theology majors will focus primarily on Christianity. Theology, which literally means the "study of God," was described by Anselm of Canterbury as "faith seeking understanding." It entails methodical study of the faith traditions of a believing community. Christian Theology employs the methods of its sub-fields (e.g., systematic and historical theology, ethics, biblical studies) to explore the bible, Jesus Christ, the church, tradition history, doctrinal development, liturgy, personal and communal morality, and relations with other religions. It is not catechesis, which transmits knowledge about a religion to a believer without critically analyzing the tradition’s beliefs. Theology requires a process of grappling with and critically examining particular expressions of faith in order to articulate them in contemporary contexts. In other words, theology seeks to address the "fears, hopes, griefs, and anxieties" (Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes, no. 1) of church and world in the present moment. As a discipline, theology converses with the academy, the church, and society. The theology faculty and their students at Saint Joseph’s University aim to assist each of these communities in appreciating the meaning and implications of the tenets and practices of Roman Catholic and other Christian traditions, as well as those of other religions.

If you are more interested in focusing your studies on religious traditions other than Christianity, please take a look at the Religious Studies major.

Goal 1: Students will study at least two religious traditions beyond an introductory level, including their histories, beliefs, practices and contemporary expressions.

Outcome 1: Students will be able to identify, define, and/or explain the content, core concepts, and theories that serve as the foundation for select religious traditions.

Goal 2: Students will study the implications of religious belief for moral decision making and ethical action in the world.

Outcome 2: Students will be able to articulate the foundations, historical development, and ethical ramifications of the basic content of the Catholic faith using sources and methods appropriate to the discipline of Theology.

Goal 3: Students will utilize methods of research and argumentations within the multidisciplinary context of the academic study of theology and religion.

Outcome 3: Students will be able to utilize methods of research and argumentation within the multidisciplinary context of the academic study of theology and religion.

The traditional undergraduate programs includes a minimum of 120 credits distributed across three components: A General Education component divided into Signature Courses, Variable Courses, and an Integrative Learning requirement; a Major and Divisional component; and Free Electives. In addition to course requirements as specified in each area, students must complete one certified course in each of the following overlay areas1:

  1. Diversity, Globalization or Non-western Area Studies,
  2. Ethics Intensive
  3. Writing Intensive, and
  4. Diversity

Overlay requirements are part of the 120 credit requirements

General Education Signature Courses

See this page about Signature courses

General Education Variable Courses

See this page about Variable courses. Six to Nine courses

General Education Overlays

See this page about Overlays.

Eight Variable Core courses, three integrative learning courses and three overlay requirements. These latter may or may not require students to take an additional course.

General Education Integrative Learning Component

See this page about Integrative Learning Component. Three courses:

Any three complementary courses in the College of Arts and Sciences in departments other than Theology and Religious Studies. Students have considerable flexibility in choosing these courses. Students must choose three courses from the following categories, with no more than 2 from any single category:

  1. Any additional approved Faith and Reason course.
  2. Any approved Diversity, Globalization, or Area Studies course.
  3. Any approved Ethics Intensive course.
  4. Any approved Faith-Justice course.
  5. Any related Historical course.
  6. Any related Social Science course.
  7. Any related Humanities course.

Courses used to satisfy the Integrated Learning Requirement may not fulfill a GEP Common Core or Variable Core Requirement. 

GEP Non-Native Language

No foreign language unique to the department is required. But it is recommended that students consult with their advisors to fulfill the GEP non-native language requirement with a language relevant to their religious or theological interest.

Major Requirements

Ten courses distributed as described below. At least eight must be at the 200-level or above. GEP courses will be used to partially satisfy the major concentration.

No one course may be counted more than once for the various requirements of the major. However, some courses might be eligible for more than one category. In those cases, students can choose which category the course would be applied to, in consultation with one’s advisor or the department chair. Students should consult with their advisors or the department chair to determine the best distribution of courses relative to their own interests and needs, both in their major and Integrated Learning Courses.

  1. THE 154 Faith, Justice and the Catholic Tradition (GEP Signature Core course)

  2. Bible, any one THE or REL course

  3. History of Christianity or Systematic Theology, any one THE course

  4. Theological Ethics, any one THE course

  5. Theology Electives: any two additional THE courses

  6. Non-Christian Religions: two courses (including Variable Core GEP Religious Difference Course). The two courses in this area must not cover the same religious tradition.

  7. Variable  Elective: Any one course in THE or REL at the 200 level or above.

  8. Methodology Course:REL 395 Approaches to the Study of Religion or REL 495/THE 495 Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion

  9. Graduating seniors must demonstrate that they have completed at least one significant research paper in theology or religious studies. This can be done in various ways, such as part of a standard course, an independent study, or an Honors thesis. Students should consult with their advisors to determine the route that would best fit with their course plans and interests. 

Free Electives

Any 11-14 courses, depending upon how many overlays are taken as part of the courses for the major.