Physics Major

Goal 1: The student will have a deep conceptual and working understanding of the laws of physical phenomena and pursue a mastery of the foundations of Physics.

Outcome 1.1: Students will be able to interpret and analyze a variety of physical phenomena by applying a fundamental and working knowledge of Newtonian Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, Quantum Mechanics, and Statistical Thermodynamics.

Outcome 1.2: The students will be able to solve problems in Newtonian Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics

Goal 2: The student will  be able to analyze phenomena quantitatively, be able to build scientific models, and use the scientific method to test those models theoretically and experimentally.

Outcome 2: Students will be able to develop models of physical phenomena by applying experimental, computational, theoretical, and critical reasoning skills.

Goal 3: Student will be able to conduct scientific research in physics and understand the central themes of physical thought as they apply to other areas of natural and applied sciences, technology, and engineering.

Outcome 3: Students will be able to describe, explain, and/or perform and present research activities by applying what they have learned in interdisciplinary activities and education, to various areas of sciences, technology and engineering.

The traditional undergraduate programs includes a minimum of 120 credits distributed across three components: A General Education component divided into Signature Courses, Variable Courses, and an Integrative Learning requirement; a Major and Divisional component; and Free Electives. In addition to course requirements as specified in each area, students must complete one certified course in each of the following overlay areas1:

  1. Diversity, Globalization or Non-western Area Studies,
  2. Ethics Intensive
  3. Writing Intensive, and
  4. Diversity

Overlay requirements are part of the 120 credit requirements

General Education Signature Courses

See this page about Signature courses

General Education Variable Courses

See this page about Variable courses. Six to Nine courses

MAT 161Calculus I4
Natural Science
PHY 105
University Physics I
and University Physics Lab I

General Education Overlays

See this page about Overlays.

General Education Integrative Learning Component

See this page about Integrative Learning Component. Three courses:

MAT 213Calculus III4
CHM 120
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Lab I
CHM 125
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Lab II

Major Requirements

MAT 162Calculus II4
MAT 226Introduction to Linear Algebra3
MAT 238Differential Equations3
MAT 311Numerical Analysis3
PHY 106
University Physics II
and University Physics Lab II
PHY 213
Physics III
and Intro. Physics III Laboratory
PHY 251Modern Physics I3
PHY 301Classical Mechanics3
PHY 307Electricity and Magnetism3
PHY 308Waves and Optics3
PHY 311Experimental Methods of Phy I3
PHY 312Experimental Methods in Phy II3
PHY 321Quantum Mechanics I3
PHY 409Statistical Mechanics3
Two PHY 3-credit electives, which must be at the 300- level or higher6
Total Hours51

Students are also required to enroll in PHY 390 Physics Seminar each semester.

Free Electives

Six courses.

Advisory Track in Materials Science

A student may elect to pursue a course of study if interested  in the area of  materials science and nanotechnology. These courses will prepare the student for either entry into various areas of the electronics and nanotechnology industries or for entry into a variety of  graduate programs in  physics and  materials science engineering.

Select two of the following courses for Physics Electives:6
PHY 480Intro to Materials Sci & Eng3
PHY 440Introduction to Nanoscience3
PHY 370Special Topics in Physics3
PHY 405Solid State Physics3

Advisory Track in Astrophysics

A student may elect to pursue a course of study if interested  in the area of astrophysics and cosmology. These courses will prepare the student for either be employed  into various areas of the astrophysics and fields related to it  and/or for entry into graduate programs in astrophysics, cosmology and gravitational waves.

Select the two following courses for Physics Electives:
PHY 463Physics of Stars & Black Holes (Select three of the following)3
PHY 465Introduction to Cosmology3
Students can also select the following course as free elective
PHY 435General Relativity3

Advisory Track in Engineering Physics

A student may elect to pursue this  course of study if there is interest  to pursue a carrier in science and technology, to enter in graduate school in engineering, to find  engineering employment  in the private and public sector.

Select two of the following courses for Physics Electives:
PHY 405Solid State Physics3
PHY 370Special Topics in Physics3
PHY 413Materials of Electronics3
PHY 421Physics of Fluids3
PHY 440Introduction to Nanoscience3
PHY 480Intro to Materials Sci & Eng3
PHY 415Computational Physics3
PHY 423Biomechanics4
PHY 407Soft Condensed Matter Physics3

Advisory Track in Biophysics

A student may elect to pursue a course of study if there is an interest to pursue a carrier in science and bio-technology, to enter in graduate school in Biophysics or Biomedical Engineering, to find  employment in in the private and public sector. This track is very interdisciplinary and gives students strong preparation in the three natural sciences. Biophysics is a growing  and important  field to be in. For this track the the requirement of Numerical Analysis (MAT311) is waived.

Select the two following courses for Physics Electives:
PHY 419Biophysics3
CHM 341Molecular Structure Biochemist3
For this track it is advised to take these courses as free electives
CHM 210Organic Chemistry I3
CHM 210LOrganic Chemistry Lab I1
CHM 215Organic Chemistry II3
CHM 215LOrganic Chemistry Lab II1
BIO 101Bio I: Cells4
BIO 101LBio I: Cells Lab0

Advisory Track in Medical Physics

A student may elect to pursue a course of study leading there is interest  to pursue a medical physics career . This track will prepare students to pursue a Masters or a PhD in Medical Physics in other Universities.

Select two of the following courses for Physics Electives:
PHY 419Biophysics3
PHY 412Medical Instrument & Imaging3
For this track it is advised to take the following courses as free electives
PHY 408Advanced Electromagnetism3
PHY 257Math Methods in Physics3

Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental Advisory Track

Physics majors may elect an advisory course sequence designed to meet medical /dental school admission requirements. For this track the requirements of Quantum Mechanics (PHY 321) and Numerical Analysis (MAT 311) are waived.

Select two of the following courses for Physics Electives:
CHM 341Molecular Structure Biochemist3
PHY 419Biophysics3
For this track it is advised to take these courses as free electives
CHM 210Organic Chemistry I3
CHM 215Organic Chemistry II3
CHM 215LOrganic Chemistry Lab II1
CHM 210LOrganic Chemistry Lab I1
BIO 101Bio I: Cells4
BIO 101LBio I: Cells Lab0
BIO 102Bio II: Genetics4
BIO 102LBio II: Genetics Lab0
BIO 201Bio III: Organismic Biology4
BIO 201LBio III: Organismic Biol Lab0

Advisory Track in Computational Physics and Engineering

This  advisory course sequence is designed to prepare the student for an entry level position or graduate work in Computer Science and Engineering  and to seek employment in the area of science and technology, computational science and engineering. For this advisory track in the General Education Integrative Learning Component (ILC) CHM 120/120L and CHM 125/125L can be replaced by (CSC 133 or CSC 115 or CSC 120) and CSC 357.

Select the following two courses for Physics Electives:
PHY 257Math Methods in Physics3
PHY 415Computational Physics3
For this track it is advised to take two of these courses as free electives*
CSC 202Computer Architecture3
CSC 351Database Management Systems3
CSC 362Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 490Internship3
MAT 313Mathematical Optimization3
MAT 316Operations Research3
Other Physics electives can be taken with the permission of the Physics Department's Chair

Pennsylvania’s Secondary preparation program guidelines require a Professional Core of courses, early and varied field experiences , and student teaching. In addition to the subject-specific content requirements for secondary programs that are met by the student’s major, candidates for the 7-12 teaching certificate in Pennsylvania must complete a prescribed sequence of coursework which includes the specific requirements for Accommodations and Adaptations for Diverse Learners in Inclusive Settings and Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners under §49.13(4)(i)). 

For the Physics and Secondary Education double major the required courses of Introduction to MAT 226 Linear Algebra, MAT 311 Numerical Methods, PHY 409 Statistical Mechanics and PHY 321 Quantum Mechanics are waived (students could choose to take PHY 409, PHY 321 as Physics electives).

The traditional undergraduate programs includes a minimum of 120 credits distributed across three components: A General Education component divided into Signature Courses, Variable Courses, and an Integrative Learning requirement; a Major and Divisional component; and Free Electives. In addition to course requirements as specified in each area, students must complete one certified course in each of the following overlay areas1:

  1. Diversity, Globalization or Non-western Area Studies,
  2. Ethics Intensive
  3. Writing Intensive, and
  4. Diversity

Overlay requirements are part of the 120 credit requirements

General Education Signature Courses

See this page about Signature courses

General Education Variable Courses

See this page about Variable courses. Six to Nine courses

General Education Overlays

See this page about Overlays.

General Education Integrative Learning Component

See this page about Integrative Learning Component. Three courses:

MAT 213Calculus III4
CHM 120
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Lab I
CHM 125
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Lab II
Physics Major Requirements
MAT 162Calculus II4
MAT 238Differential Equations3
PHY 106
University Physics II
and University Physics Lab II
PHY 213
Physics III
and Intro. Physics III Laboratory
PHY 251Modern Physics I3
PHY 301Classical Mechanics3
PHY 307Electricity and Magnetism3
PHY 308Waves and Optics3
PHY 311Experimental Methods of Phy I3
PHY 312Experimental Methods in Phy II3
Three 300/400 Level Physics Electives9
Education Major Requirements
EDU 150Schools in Society w/ Field 13
EDU 157Adolescent Development w/Field (may fulfill the GEP Social Science requirement) 13
EDU 230Eval: Secondary Grades 7-123
SPE 205Inclusive Classrooms w/ Field3
EDU 246Language and Culture w/ Field (ELL)3
EDU 247Literacy in Cont Areas w/Field3
SPE 160Intro to Special Edu w/Field 13
EDU 418Instr Techniq Science w/Field 13
EDU 491Secondary Student Teaching12
Total Hours78

You must register for EDU 999 for field experience when registering for any Education or Special Education course that has 'w/ field' in the course title.

Note: Students may or may not be able to complete the requirements for certification within the normal eight semesters. This will be largely controlled by the number of GEP variable core courses the student has to take, AP credit received and other factors. Given the complexity of the requirements it is essential that students interested in pursuing secondary education certification speak with their academic advisor about this early in their program of study.

Five Year Combined BS in Physics/MS in Education Option

In addition to the Physics Education track which will allow students to complete an undergraduate double major in Physics and Education and earn a secondary-education (7-12) certification in four years, students can choose to pursue a five-year combined BS in Physics/MS in Education which will also lead to a secondary-education (7-12) certification. Students interested in the five-year program should speak to the Chair of the Department of Physics as early in their academic careers as possible.