Linguistics Minor

As an increasingly interdisciplinary field, Linguistics is closely related to many other academic fields including Autism Studies, Classical and Modern Languages, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Education, English, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and TESOL.  Students of Linguistics often pursue careers as clinical psychologists, educators, information technology specialists, lawyers, linguists, marketing and advertising consultants, social workers, speech pathologists, speech therapists, teachers, translators and interpreters. For that reason, several courses in other SJU programs count toward a minor in Linguistics while fulfilling requirements in their respective programs.

Students who are interested in English language teaching may also want to consider adding a second minor in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). For more information, visit the TESOL website at

Goal 1: Students will know what the field of linguistics is and understand how language works.

Outcome 1: Identify the main areas of linguistic analysis and analyze relevant examples.

Goal 2: Students will connect linguistic topics to real life.

Outcome 2:  Explain linguistic topics in oral presentations.

Goal 3: Students will understand language differences that exist among speakers of the same and different languages.

Outcome 3: Analyze particular aspects of linguistic beauty and creativity.

Goal 4: Students will understand beliefs about language that exist among speakers of the same or different languages.

Outcome 4: Analyze their own language beliefs as well as those of others.

A student may minor in Linguistics by taking six courses:

LIN 101Language and Communication3
Select five (5) additional preapproved courses15
Total Hours18

Those approved include all courses taught in Linguistics (LIN) and some courses in English, French, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, and Spanish. Contact the Linguistics Program Director, Dr. Jennifer Ewald for more information and visit the Linguistics Program website at