Classical Studies Minor


The Classical Studies Program aims to be a model for visionary, interdisciplinary thinking, offering courses that serve the needs of multiple academic departments as well as the new General Education Program. The mission of the Classical Studies Program is to offer courses in ancient languages including Greek, Latin and Hebrew, biblical texts, and ancient history. We offer a major in Classical Studies in two concentrations. The Classical Languages and Literatures concentration will combine courses in intermediate/upper level Latin and Greek language and literature, Classical literature in translation, Hebrew language, Bible and religious studies, ancient history of the Mediterranean and Near East, and ancient material culture. As such, it will prepare students for secondary school teaching in Latin but it will also better prepare students for graduate study in Classical Studies and Classical Archaeology.  A second concentration in Ancient Cultures is interdisciplinary and flexible to allow specialization in a variety of areas that complement existing programs (e.g., Classical Studies, Ancient Near East, Bible, Ancient History, Archaeology). We also offer minors in Classical Studies and Ancient Cultures. Our courses in ancient language, literature, and civilization complement courses in other disciplines so that students may combine their Classical Studies major with a second major in English, fine and performing arts, history, languages, psychology, theology, philosophy, and elementary education.

The Classical Studies Program  offers courses from the elementary to advanced levels of Latin and Greek language and literature. The program serves its majors and minors by offering a full range of advanced level Latin and Greek courses covering the works of major Latin and Greek authors and literary genres. These courses feature comprehensive exploration of Greek and Latin language and of classical society and culture and are designed to prepare majors and minors for graduate study in Classics. Our elementary and intermediate level Latin and Greek courses may be taken as prerequisite courses for advanced work in the languages, and they may also be taken to fulfill the non-native language general education program requirement. All Latin and Greek courses enable students to explore a wide variety of supplementary materials that focus upon mythology, religion, literacy and education, and political and social history.

We also offer a wide range of courses in ancient culture and civilization that focus on the literature, history, and material culture of the ancient world. We offer two Honors courses that focus on Greece and Rome: Sexuality and Gender in the Ancient World and the team-taught Society, Democracy, Republic. Knowledge of Greek and Latin are not required for any of these civilization courses, which may be taken to fulfill requirements for the major or minor, to fulfill the Art/Literature, Diversity, Writing Intensive, and Ethics Intensive areas of the GEP, or as free electives. These courses are interdisciplinary and stress connections with other disciplines such as history, literature, philosophy, theology, gender studies, and the social and natural sciences.

Requirements for Departmental Honors

To receive College Honors credit, students undertake two consecutive semesters of course-based research and study that culminates in a senior thesis. For students in the University Honors program, these two courses may be counted toward the eight course Honors requirement. To be eligible for College Honors, a student must have a 3.5 GPA. If you are interested in completing the College Honors project during your senior year, please be in touch with the department chair early in the spring semester of your junior year. Specific requirements for the College Honors thesis may be found under Honors Program.

With the approval of the Director of the Classical Studies Program, students may elect a minor in Classical Studies by taking a minimum of 2 LAT courses at any level, 2 CLA courses at any level, and 2 additional ancient studies courses (CLA, LAT, GRK, HIS, HON, PHL, REL, or THE) at any level.