Medieval and Renaissance Studies Minor

The Medieval and Renaissance Studies program includes courses offered by the departments of History; Art and Art History; Music, Theater and Film; English;  Languages and Linguistics; Philosophy; and Theology and Religious Studies. Courses taken to satisfy requirements of this program may also serve to satisfy GEP or major requirements, including Integrative Learning Courses where appropriate. Participants choose a minimum of six courses from the approved curriculum, with no more than three from any one department. Substitutions may be approved upon request to the director. Students who successfully complete the program requirements earn a Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. For more information, see the program website.


  • Burr (DLL)
  • Grimes (DLL)

Advisory Board

  • Bulthuis (PHL)
  • Close (HIS)
  • Easton (ART/ARH)
  • Krahmer (TRS)
  • Lewin (HIS)
  • J. Powell (ENG)
  • St. Amour (PHL)
Select a minimum of six courses from the following list:
ARH 202Medvl Art Ctcombs to Cthdrals3
ARH 203Renaissance Art & Architecture3
ARH 204Baroque Art and Architecture3
ENG 301Middle English Literature3
ENG 302Renaissance Non-dramatic Lit3
ENG 303Renaissance Drama3
ENG 304Global Shakespeares3
ENG 401Chaucer & the Medieval World3
ENG 402Shakespeare3
ENG 403Shakespeare and Race3
ENG 404Eng,Irish,Anglophone Authors3
ENG 405Early Tudor Gender Power & Lit3
FRE 321Love & Desire in Med Fr Lit3
FRE 330Medieval to Early Mod France3
FRE 421Love & Desire Med Fr Lit & Cul3
FRE 422Fr Wom Writ of Mid Ages & Ren3
HIS 317The Rise of the West: 400-10003
HIS 318Italian Renaissance 1100-16003
HIS 319Reform/Rev in Europe 1500-16503
HIS 327Early Modern Europe 1400-18003
HIS 329Crime & Punishment in Europe3
HIS 330Eng: Danes to Tudors, 700-14853
HIS 339The Mongol Empire3
HIS 348Witches in Early Modern Europe3
HON 150Epic Tradition in Literature3
HON 316Tragedy in Lit & Philosophy3
IST 460The Art of Dante's Inferno3
ITA 206The Roman Experience3
ITA 306The Roman Experience3
ITA 315Italy Through Art3
ITA 380Ita Journeys from Marco Polo3
ITA 425Italian Art and Artists3
ITA 445The Medici Court3
ITA 460Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio3
MTF 157Westrn Music Hist: MidAge-17503
PHL 360Philosophy of God in Aquinas3
PHL 410Medieval Philosophy3
PHL 409Philosophy of St. Augustine3
PHL 412The Philosophy of Aquinas3
REL 241Islam3
REL 335Christian Origins3
REL 343Reason Science&Faith in Islam3
THE 333Knowl & Love of God: Mid Ages3
THE 334Revolt, Reform, Reunion?3
THE 335Gendr & Christian Spirituality3
THE 349Theology of Disability3
THE 350The Beauty of God3
THE 354Beauty&ConsciousnessInTheArts3