International Relations Major

International Relations is a degree program that offers the student a truly cross-disciplinary course of study. The major concentration emphasizes modern history, economics, and political science. The IR faculty encourages its majors to enhance the cross-disciplinary nature of their studies by completing a minor concentration in modern language, economics, history, political science, business, or one of the interdisciplinary and area studies programs that the University offers (Asian Studies, Latin American Studies, Gender Studies, American Studies); by studying abroad; and/or by participating in the Washington and Philadelphia Internship Programs.

Students majoring in International Relations acquire valuable skills in communication and analysis, independent judgment, appreciation of different societies and cultures, and knowledge of world affairs and trends, all of which are critical in the increasingly global environment of today and tomorrow.

International Relations is a major rooted in the Jesuit tradition of liberal arts, especially suited to those whose orientation may be toward graduate or legal studies, government service, international business, communications, and education.

Goal 1: Key Concepts/Theories: Students will understand core concepts and/or theories in the discipline.

Outcome 1: Students will identify, define, and/or explain the content, core concepts, and theories in the discipline.

Goal 2: Write/Argue: Students will develop arguments based on theory and/or evidence..

Outcome 2: Students will articulate verbally and/or in writing an argument which defines, explains, and/or analyzes the content, process, and/or outcomes relevant to the

Goal 3: Analyze: Students will evaluate arguments using theoretical principles or empirical evidence

Outcome 3: Students will apply a variety of tools, methods, or perspectives to critically analyze and/or evaluate issues relevant to the discipline.

Goal 4: World outside the classroom: Students will participate in experiential learning related to the discipline.

Outcome 4: Students will demonstrate career preparation through experiential learning opportunities that are closely related to international relations or a related field through the development of interpersonal, analytical, and/or problem-solving skills.

The traditional undergraduate programs includes a minimum of 120 credits distributed across three components: A General Education component divided into Signature Courses, Variable Courses, and an Integrative Learning requirement; a Major and Divisional component; and Free Electives. In addition to course requirements as specified in each area, students must complete one certified course in each of the following overlay areas1:

  1. Diversity, Globalization or Non-western Area Studies,
  2. Ethics Intensive
  3. Writing Intensive, and
  4. Diversity

Overlay requirements are part of the 120 credit requirements

General Education Signature Courses

See this page about Signature courses

General Education Variable Courses

See this page about Variable courses. Six to Nine courses

Social/Behavioral Sciences
ECN 102Introductory Economics Macro3

General Education Overlays

See this page about Overlays.

General Education Integrative Learning Component

See this page about Integrative Learning Component. Three courses:

International Relations majors must take three classes to satisfy the Integrated Learning Component of the GEP that stem from three groups or "types" of course, and students must take one class within each group. Students may petition the IR Program Director for approval to take two courses within one category, and a third course within another category. The three groups are:

  1. Social Justice
  2. Foreign Languages and Literature (Modern and Classical Languages)
  3. Global Literacy

The Social Justice category includes:

Any class designated as Faith-Justice or additional GEP Overlay “Diversity” (beyond the GEP DGNW requirement). Students may petition the IR committee for non-Faith-Justice courses to count toward this requirement.

The Foreign Languages and Literature category includes:

All classes in Modern and Classical Languages numbered 202 or higher. Must be in addition to the courses used to fulfill the GEP Non-Native Language Requirement.  Or, study of a different (new) language beyond the GEP Non-Native Language Requirement may count towards this requirement.  See the IR Director for more information.

The Global Literacy category includes:

Global Literacy is broadly defined as a course that would enhance students’ ability to analyze pressing issues and phenomena in the contemporary global world. Students may petition the IR committee for non-Global Literacy courses to count toward this requirement. Courses include:

Major Requirements

Foundational Courses (3 Courses):
ECN 101Introductory Economics Micro3
POL 113Intro to Comparative Politics3
POL 115Intro to Global Politics3
Professional Development Requirement
POL 190Strategies for Success 51
POL 290Career Prep Seminar 41
Core Course (1 course):3
Capstone Course from: POL 403, POL 404, or POL 409. 1
IR majors who double-major in POL must complete a second Senior Capstone Course to fulfill the POL major requirements. In addition, Capstone Courses do not count towards the Upper Division Course requirements for either major.
Experiential Learning (1 course):3
POL Internship Course (POL 411, POL 412, POL 413, POL 414, POL 490, POL 491 or HIS 491)
OR any Service Learning course (with SLR attribute).
OR completion of three Minternship courses (1 credit each) POL 390, POL 391, or POL 392
Upper Division Courses (9 courses): 2, 327
Majors will select a total of 9 courses from the list of approved IR courses (see below). In completing this requirement, students must take (1) at least one upper division IR course in Economics, (2) at least two upper division IR courses in History, and (3) at least two upper division IR courses in Political Science. Course descriptions can be found in the relative Departmental listings of the catalog.
International Trade
International Macroeconomics
Economic Development
Environmental Economics
Asian Economies
Women & Econ Dev in South Asia
Chinese Economics
Latin American Economies
Historical Intro to Latin Am
Latin American-U.S. Migration
Historical Intro to Asian Civs
History of Modern Africa
Latin America and the U.S.
History of Modern Mexico
Social Protest in Latin Am His
War & Peace in Imperial Russia
Russia & USSR, 1881-1991
Stalinism in the USSR
African Ethnicities
Exchng & Conq in Mod E. Asia
Gndr, Ideolgy & Rev in E. Asia
Modern China
Japan Since 1600
Modern South Asia
History of Islam in Asia
Contemporary China
India & Pak: Colony to Nation
Reform and Reaction in the US
US in the World since WWI
Philadelphia Area Internship (depending on specific internship)
Political Science
Politics, Ideology, & Film
Latin American Politics
Asian Democ at the Crossroads
Understanding Putin's Russia
The EU and European Politics
Contemp Cuban Pol & Society
Asian Dictators
Political Geography
Haunted by the Past
Global Political Economy
Superpower ColdWar Foreign Pol
American Foreign Policy
IR of East Asia: War and Peace
Ethics inInternational Affairs
Sex & Power around the World
Washington Internship I
Washington Internship II
International Internship I
International Internship II
Global Smarts Internship
Philadelphia-Area Internship
Total Hours44

The Department strongly recommends that all students take the appropriate introductory and upper division courses prior to enrolling in a Capstone.


IR majors who double-major in POL may not count more than 3 Upper Division courses towards either degree requirement.


IR majors may only count 2 study abroad courses towards their degree requirements.


P/NP requirement for all classes 2024 and beyond


P/NP requirement for all classes 2026 and beyond.


The Washington Internship is described under Special Programs and allows students to work in Washington for a whole semester and earn course credits (POL 411/POL 412 Washington Internship). The Global Smarts Internship is described under the Political Science Program (as POL 490). The Philadelphia-Area Internship Program is described under the Political Science Program (as POL 491) and History Program (as HIS 491). IR students can take both HIS 491 and POL 491. However, only one of the two courses will be counted towards the IR course requirements.

University Honors Requirements

To receive University Honors credit, an Honors Program student who is a International Relations major must have a 3.5 GPA; complete the Honors curriculum of 8 specified courses; and must undertake two consecutive semesters of research/study in the form of a senior thesis with a faculty mentor, OR engage in honors-level work in two IR courses/capstone during their senior year. These two courses may be counted toward the student's total upper division IR courses/capstone, and one semester of the thesis can replace the Capstone Course requirement. Specific requirements for the Honors thesis may be found under the Honors Program.  

Plan of Study Grid
POL 115 Intro to Global Politics 3
HIS 154 Forging the Modern World 3
ENG 101 Craft of Language 3
Non-Native Language I 3
First-Year Seminar 3
POL 190 Strategies for Success 1
INT 151 Inequality in American Society 1
POL 113 Intro to Comparative Politics 3
PHL 154 Moral Foundations 3
ENG 102 Texts & Contexts 3
Non-Native Language II 3
Math Beauty 3
IR Upper Division Course 1 3
IR Upper Division Course 3
THE 154 Catholic Theological Tradition 3
ECN 101 Introductory Economics Micro 3
Free Elective 3
POL 290 Career Prep Seminar 1
IR Upper Division Course 3
Integrative Learning Course 3
Philosophical Anthropology 3
ECN 102 Introductory Economics Macro 3
Free Elective 3
IR Upper Division Course 3
Experiential Learning Course 3
Integrative Learning Course 3
Religious Difference 3
Natural Science 1 (if lab, only 1 required) 3
IR Upper Division Course 3
IR Upper Division Course 3
Integrative Learning Course 3
Faith and Reason 3
Free Elective 3
IR Upper Division Course 3
POL 403
Capstone: Nations&Nationalism (IR Senior Capstone ) 2
or Capstone:Transforming Conflict
or Capstone: Global Migration
Natural Science 2 (if non-lab) or Free Elective 3
Free Elective 6
IR Upper Division Course 3
IR Upper Division Course 3
Fine Arts/Lit 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Total Hours123

Nine Upper Division IR electives - must complete courses in each of the constituent departments: minimum 1 course in Economics, 2 courses in Political Science, and 2 courses in History.

Below are following notes/restrictions for this requirement:

  • For classes of 2023 and beyond, IR majors may only count 2 study abroad courses towards their major requirements.
  • IR majors who double-major in POL may not count more than 3 Upper Division POL courses towards either degree requirement.

International Relations Capstone Course (40X level course) (certified Writing Intensive).

  • IR majors who double-major in Political Science must complete a second Senior Capstone Course to fulfill the Political Science major requirements. 
  • The Capstone Courses do not count towards the Upper Division Course requirements for either major.