Economics Minor
Goal 1: Students will understand how all issues in economics involve making choices in the context of scarcity.
Outcome 1.1: Students will be able to explain key concepts related to tradeoffs including opportunity cost and/or marginal decision-making of consumers and/or firms.
Goal 2: Students will understand how economic agents interact.
Outcome 2.1: Students will be able to explain the supply and/or demand model and/or how it is applied to input and/or output markets.
Goal 3: Students will understand important economic variables, how they are measured, and their relevance.
Outcome 3.1: Students will be able to define and explain key macroeconomic variables and/or how they affect the economy.
Goal 4: Students will understand how public policy impacts the economy.
Outcome 4.1: Students will be able to explain how policy affects the economy from micro and/or macroeconomic perspectives.