
Economics, at its core, is the relationship between unlimited needs and limited resources. It helps us understand trade-offs, big and small. In its introductory courses, the Department of Economics gives students an appreciation of the way economists view the world and some acquaintance with the economist’s techniques for analyzing problems. It strives to produce professionals who will be informed and valuable participants in public and private decision-making.

With two degree options, the BA in Economics and the BS in Quantitative Economics, the Department endeavors to offer a sufficient range of upper division courses so that students with a variety of intellectual and after-graduation career plans might be able to select a set of courses that matches individual interests and provides an appropriate preparation for individual careers. Economics advisors will help students select the best degree option and assortment of courses for those seeking careers in the private sector, or with non-profit organizations, international organizations, or government agencies, and for those going on to graduate school or law school.

All faculty members in Saint Joseph's University's economics department have published in prestigious economic journals and previously held positions as consultants and economists with high-level corporations and government entities.

Department of Economics Faculty & Staff

Undergraduate Majors

Undergraduate Minor