Data Science Minor

The Data Science Minor provides students with the skills and theory necessary to analyze and derive insights from large data sets.  The curriculum includes techniques from statistics, mathematics and computer science. It encompasses academic topics including descriptive and inferential statistics, machine learning, cluster analysis, data mining, and data visualization.

Goal 1: Students will learn basic statistical and computing skills and be prepared to enter the data science profession.

Outcome 1.1:  Students will be able to perform standard data science tasks such as data wrangling, data visualization, statistical modeling, and the application of machine learning models.

Outcome 1.2:  Students will be able to write computer programs to solve a problem or perform a task needed for data science.

Outcome 1.3:  Students will be able to communicate, orally and in writing, the results of technical data analysis to both specialists and non-specialists.

Six courses are required:
Three Core Courses:
CSC 115Intro to Computer Science3
or CSC 133 Python Programming for All
DSC 223Intro Math of Data Science3
DSC 325Essentials of Data Science3
or CSC 346 Introduction to Data Science
Three Elective Courses (select from the list below; at least one must be a DSC, CSC or MAT course):9
Data Science for Sports
Advanced Data Science
Advanced Data Science
Regression and Time Series
Machine Learning/Data Science
Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Optimization
Operations Research
Mathematical Statistics
Design of Experiments
Convex Analysis & Optimization
Applied Statistical Methods
and Bioinformatics Lab
Artificial Intellig for All
Artificial Intelligence
Databases for All
Database Management Systems
Generative AI
Computer Vision
Image Data Science
Advanced Machine Learning
Internet Application Develpmnt
Big Data and Web Intlgce
Artificial Intelligence
Economic Forecasting
Research Methods
Data Wrangling & Visualization
Data Wrangling: Ethics Int.
Introduction to Data Mining
Advanced Business Analytics
Statistical Programming Lang
Machine Learning for Bus I
Machine Learning for Bus II
Special Topics
Intro. to Network Science
Any internship course (in any department) that is pre-approved as having sufficient data science content.
Total Hours18