Criminal Justice Minor
Goal 1: Criminal justice minors will gain foundational knowledge of the core concepts and theoretical perspectives that define the causes of and responses to crime.
Outcome 1: Students will be able to define, classify, and compare the core concepts and theoretical perspectives that explain individual behaviors and criminal justice systems.
Goal 2: Criminal justice minors will analyze social problems with appropriate social scientific research methods.
Outcome 2: Students will be able to design a research study and apply appropriate designs and analyyic methods to answer research questions.
Goal 3: Criminal justice minors will effectively communicate about their discipline.
Outcome 3: Students will be able to interpret and explain course content and empirical findings in oral and written communications.
Goal 4: Criminal justice minors will examine the impacts of culture and social structure on the criminal justice system.
Outcome 4: Students will be able to explain and critically assess the significance of race, class, gender identity, sexual identity, and age in the social construction of crime and justice.