Computer Science MS


Babak Forouraghi, PhD

Goal 1: Graduates succeed as practicing computer scientists.

Outcome 1.1:  Solve problems and implement their solutions in an appropriate computational environment.

Outcome 1.2:  Apply their knowledge of computer science, mathematics, and science to solve technical problems.

Outcome 1.3:  Design systems, components, or processes to meet specified requirements.

Outcome 1.4:  Work in teams to create various software systems, both large and small.

Outcome 1.5:  Communicate effectively, orally and in written form, individually and/or in teams.

Goal 2:  Graduates adapt and evolve in complex technological environments such as those found in the workplace.

Outcome 2.1:  Solve problems and implement their solutions in an appropriate computational environment.

Outcome 2.2:  Apply their knowledge of computer science, mathematics, and science to solve technical problems.

Outcome 2.3:  Design systems, components, or processes to meet specified requirements.

Outcome 2.4:  Work in teams to create various software systems, both large and small.

Outcome 2.5:  Analyze contemporary issues related to the evolving discipline of computer science.

Outcome 2.6:  Communicate effectively, orally and in written form, individually and/or in teams.

Goal 3:  Graduates are careful, precise, mature thinkers, and take with them the intellectual preparation they need to apply what they have learned, communicate it to others, and continue their education for the rest of their lives.

Outcome 3.1:  Enter and successfully complete Ph.D. programs in computing.

Outcome 3.2:  Solve problems and implement their solutions in an appropriate computational environment.

Outcome 3.3:  Apply their knowledge of computer science, mathematics, and science to solve technical problems.

Outcome 3.4:  Design systems, components, or processes to meet specified requirements.

Outcome 3.5:  Articulate the social, professional, ethical and legal aspects of a computing environment.

Outcome 3.6:  Analyze contemporary issues related to the evolving discipline of computer science.

Outcome 3.7:  Communicate effectively, orally and in written form, individually and/or in teams.

A student who receives a grade lower than a B in a core course must retake the course.

MS in Computer Science: General Option

A total of ten (six core and four elective) courses is the minimum required for the MS in Computer Science with General Option. Of these, a maximum of two courses may be for an approved research project.

Core Courses
Select six of the following:18
Objct Orint Dsgn & Data Struct
Design and Analysis
Computer Architecture
Computer Systems
Software Engineering
Database Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Internet App. Development
Elective Courses
Select any four CSC courses numbered 600 and more12

MS in Computer Science: Concentration Option

A total of ten (four core and six elective) courses is the minimum for obtaining an MS degree in Computer Science in one of the following concentrations:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Web and Database Technologies

Students who do not need prerequisite courses take the following two required core courses during their first and second semesters, respectively.

Core Courses
CSC 550Objct Orint Dsgn & Data Struct3
CSC 551Design and Analysis3
Elective Courses
Select two of the following:6
Computer Architecture
Computer Systems
Software Engineering
Database Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Intro to Cloud Computing
Internet App. Development

Artificial Intelligence Concentration

Select four of the following plus any two CSC courses numbered 600 and above:
Artificial Intelligence
Generative AI
Big Data and Web Intelligence
Introduction to Data Science
Advanced Data Science
Machine Learning
Advanced Machine Learning

Cybersecurity Concentration

Select four of the following plus any two CSC courses numbered 600 and above:
Intro to Cybercrime
Cybersecurity Core Domains
Intro to Ethical Hacking
Network Forensics
Info Security Mgmt Systems
Info Govern, Risk & Compliance

Web and Database Technologies Concentration

Select four of the following plus any two CSC courses numbered 600 and above:
Internet App. Development
Database Systems
Advanced Database Concepts
Data Comm and Networking
Big Data and Web Intelligence
Internet of Things
Intro to Cloud Computing