Biochemistry Minor

Goal 1: Students will develop an understanding of the theoretical methods and models that biochemists use to understand the properties and behavior of matter.

Objective 1.1: Students will gain an understanding of the key concepts fundamental to biochemistry, including, structure, metabolism, and nucleic acid chemistry.

Objective 1.2:  Students will predict the behavior of a new substance based on the known behavior of related compounds.

Objective 1.3: Students will apply appropriate theoretical models to explain experimental observations.

Objective 1.4: Students will assess experimental data critically.

Goal 2: Students will gain authentic hands-on experience with the experimental methods used by chemists.

Objective 2.1: Students will use contemporary computer software to study problems in chemistry and present results properly and accurately using figures, graphs, and tables.

Objective 2.2: Students will store, handle, and use chemicals safely and responsibly.

Objective 2.3: Students will assess experimental data critically.

Objective 2.4: Students will apply appropriate theoretical models to explain experimental observations.

Objective 2.5: Students will use accepted laboratory record-keeping methods to record their experimental data.

CHM 120
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Lab I
CHM 125
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Lab II
CHM 210
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Lab I
CHM 215
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry Lab II
CHM 341Molecular Structure Biochemist3
CHM 342Nucleic Acid Biochemistry3
or CHM 343 Intermediary Metabolic Biochem
CHM 444LBiochemistry Laboratory I1
CHM 445LBiochemistry Laboratory II1
Total Hours24