Biology Minor

The minor in Biology curriculum begins with a core of three courses that presents the fundamentals of the life sciences, both in concept and methodology. After completing the core, students take three upper division courses with at least one course from two of the three major areas of biology (Groups A, B, and C). This distribution strategy insures that all students have broad exposure to an extensive range of topics including cell and molecular biology, microbiology, genetics, plant biology, evolution, physiology, ecology, environmental biology, and animal behavior. 

* Not all Learning Goals and Outcomes may be met by the minor since students have a choice of their upper-level courses. 

Goal 1: Students will gain a fundamental understanding of cell structure and function, the organization of biological systems, and the evolution of biological diversity.

Outcome 1.1: Students will understand basic mechanisms of evolutionary change and the diversity of life.

Outcome 1.2: Students will understand basic concepts of molecular, classical, and population genetics, and basic biochemical processes in living organisms.

Outcome 1.3: Students will understand basic concepts of how organisms interact with their abiotic and biotic environment.

Goal 2:  Students will develop basic skills in experimental design and the presentation of scientific information.

Outcome 2.1: Students will gain basic skills in data reduction, analysis, presentation, and the operation of basic laboratory equipment.

Outcome 2.2: Students will be able to develop cogent written and oral presentations of scientific content.

Required Courses:
BIO 102
Bio II: Genetics
and Bio II: Genetics Lab (second semester, freshman year)
or BIO 151L Phage Lab
BIO 201
Bio III: Organismic Biology
and Bio III: Organismic Biol Lab (first semester, sophomore year)
CHM 120
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Lab I
CHM 125
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Lab II
Take at least two courses from two different groups (A - C) below: 18
Group A: Cell Structure and Function
Advanced Cell Biology
Molecular Genetics
Molecular&Cellular Biophysics
Neurological Disorders
Group B: Systemic Organization
Plant Physiological Ecology
Systemic Physiology
Bacterial Pathogenesis
Group C: Evolution and Diversity of Life
Aquatic Biology
Animal Behavior
Comparative Anatomy
Invertebrate Zoology
Applied&Environ Microbio
Fermentation Science
Environmental Science
At least 3 additional credits of upper-level Biology courses. These credits can be from any of the courses in group A - C above, as well as in groups D and E, below. Independent Research (BIO 493 or 494) or an internship in biology (BIO 492) can also fulfill this requirement. 3
Group D courses 2
Basic Concepts & Proc MLS
Anat&Physiol for Al Hlth II
Clinical Microbiology
Group E courses: Non-lab courses
Introduction to Neuroscience
Plant Diversity and Morphology
Comparative Animal Physiology
Plant Therapeutics
Developmental Genetics
Biochemistry 3
Biology of Aging
Emrg Bio Threat & Glbl Sustain
Total Hours27

BIO 101BIO 102BIO 201 and CHM 120CHM 125 are prerequisite for all 300 and 400 level BIO courses.


One semester of BIO 493 or BIO 494 (Independent Research) and/or BIO 492 (Biology Internship) may count as one Group D biology elective.  


CHM 215/CHM 215L is a prerequisite or co-requisite for BIO 404