Museum Studies Minor

Museums are essential cultural institutions that play an important role in society by preserving and interpreting the past for future generations. Using various means to study, present, and promote their collections, museums educate, entertain, and inspire their audiences. The Museum Studies minor at Saint Joseph’s University is an interdisciplinary program that reflects the wide variety of possible professions in the museum world of today. Students are trained in the history, theory, and ethics of museums. In addition, students can customize their curriculum with electives that take into account their particular interests and career goals, which could include curatorial work, exhibition design, museum education, registration and collections management, marketing and social media, fundraising and development, non-profit management, and digital technology with a variety of applications. Students will also gain hands-on experience with an internship in one of the wide variety museums in the Philadelphia area. They will also be able to take advantage of opportunities at the Frances M. Maguire Art Museum, set within the Barnes Arboretum at Saint Joseph’s University.

Goal 1: Know and demonstrate an understanding of the history and theory of museums of various types, including, but not limited to, art museums, history museums, science museums, and historic houses and monuments.

Goal 2: Know and demonstrate an understanding of the different types of museum work, with a particular emphasis on their own academic interests and career goals, through a careful selection of elective courses.

Goal 3: Know and demonstrate a hands-on understanding on museums through an internship appropriate to their academic interests and career goals.

ARH 210Museum Studies3
Choose one of the following History Courses:3
Race & Ethnicity Greece/Rome
Museums, Monuments, and Media
Choose one of the following:3
Museum Ops, Mgmt & Professions
Museum Internship
Philadelphia Area Internship
Philadelphia-Area Internship
Three additional Courses, depending on student interest, from the list of electives below (students are limited to no more than 2 courses from the same subject code)9
Any Art History (ARH) course a student is eligible to take
Any studio Art (ART) course a student is eligible to take
Chemistry in Daily Life
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry Honors I
General Chemistry II
General Chemistry Honors II
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Visual Design I
Intro to Web Design
Media and Community Engagement
Non-Profit Communications
Web Design for All
Databases for All
Database Management Systems
Economics of Art & Culture
Public Speaking & Presentation
Writing for Organizations
Writing for Public Relations
Writing the Grant Proposal
Any History (HIS) course 300 level or above
The Roman Experience
The Roman Experience
Italy Through Art
Art Fashion: la moda italiana
Italian Art and Artists
Italy Through Art
The Art of Dante's Inferno
Philosophy of Art
Business, Society and Ethics
Psychology and Architecture
Industrial/Organizational Psyc
Art Therapy
Database Management
Essent'ls of Organzational Beh
Essentials of Management
Intro to Project Management
Business Stakeholders & Ethics
Perspectives on Leadership
Intro Human Resource Managemen
Legal Environment of Business
Principles of Marketing
Marketing Research
MKT Communications
Social Media Marketing
Digital Marketing
Public Relations and Publicity
Entertainment Marketing
Event Marketing
Child Development
Cognition & Learning w/ Field
Adolescent Development w/Field
Language and Culture w/ Field
Soc Stud Thru Arts PK4 w/Field
Instr Techniq English w/Field
Instr Techniq Soc St w/Field
Instruct Tech. for Art Edu
Religion & Art in East Asia
Total Hours18